What is inclusive? What does an inclusive school or inclusive theater mean?

For a long time in the domestic education system, children were divided into ordinary and with disabilities. Therefore, the second group could not fully integrate into society. Not because the children themselves were not ready for society, on the contrary, it was he who was not prepared for them. Now, when everyone is trying to maximize the inclusion of people with disabilities in society, more and more talk about the new system. This is an inclusive education, which will be discussed in the article.

What does it mean?

Most often, the term so unusual for us is used in pedagogy. Inclusive is an education strategy that includes both children with special needs and ordinary children. This approach allows everyone, regardless of their social status, mental abilities and physical abilities, to learn with everyone. What is meant by inclusion?

Firstly, the introduction of all children into the educational process using a program that is created individually for each child.

Secondly, the creation of conditions for training and the individual needs of the individual.

inclusive it

Preschool Inclusion

A new approach to education begins with its very first stage: kindergarten. In order to ensure equal opportunities for children, the premises and equipment of the preschool institution must meet certain requirements. And do not forget that the teaching staff must have the appropriate qualifications for working with children. The following employees are also required:

  • speech therapist;
  • defectologist;
  • psychologist.
    inclusive kindergarten

Inclusive kindergarten is an opportunity from an early age to educate children in respectful attitude to all their peers, regardless of their capabilities. At this time, the following types of inclusion in preschool education exist:

  • DOE compensating view. He is visited by children with certain forms of dysontogenesis. The training is organized according to their needs.
  • Kindergarten of a combined type, where children with other needs are brought up together with children who do not have restrictions. In such an institution, a subject-developing environment is created that takes into account the individual capabilities of all children.
  • DOW, on the basis of which additional services are created. For example, emergency services or counseling centers.
  • Massive preschool educational institutions having a group of short-term stay “Special child”.

But not only inclusion is introduced in kindergartens, it affects all levels of education.

School inclusion

Now we will focus on secondary education. An inclusive school involves following the same principles as the DOE. This is the creation of suitable conditions and the construction of the learning process taking into account the individual capabilities of the student. It is very important that special students participate in all aspects of school life, as do other students.

Teachers must be competent in inclusive issues, must understand the needs of all children, ensuring the accessibility of the educational process. Other specialists (speech therapist, speech pathologist, psychologist) should be involved in the school process.

Also, the teacher must actively interact with the family of a particular student. One of the primary tasks of a teacher is to instill in the whole class a tolerant attitude towards children, whose capabilities may differ from those generally accepted.

inclusive school

In the theatre

It turns out that the area is inclusive - this is the lot not only of teachers, but also people of other professions. For example, theatrical. This would create an inclusive theater.

It is played not by ordinary actors, but by people with various forms of dysontogenesis (hearing problems, vision, cerebral palsy, etc.). Professional theater teachers work with them. Spectators can watch how actors perform in famous plays, how they try to please them. It is noteworthy that their emotions are distinguished by true sincerity, which is characteristic of children.

The founders of such theaters not only help such people find themselves in society, but also prove that they have great potential. Of course, staging "special" performances is not easy, but the emotions and feelings that all participants in the theatrical performance receive add to their confidence.

inclusive theater

Inclusion problems

Despite the fact that inclusive principles are correct and necessary in modern society, the implementation of such a program is not easy. And there are several reasons for this:

  • unsuitable infrastructure of kindergartens and schools built at a time when this approach was not practiced;
  • children with special needs may be considered uneducable;
  • insufficient qualifications of teaching staff to work with such children;
  • not all parents are ready to introduce a child to ordinary society.

An inclusive approach is an opportunity to create the necessary conditions for all members of society, regardless of their mental and physical characteristics. But in order to fully realize all the possibilities of the innovative approach, it is necessary to create the necessary conditions for its successful implementation. Russia is now only at the beginning of the inclusive path, therefore, it is required to prepare not only the material, but also the educational base for the implementation of this educational process.

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