When choosing your future profession, you should not rely on someone else's recommendations and advice, especially since you do not have to obey your parents, who quite often decide without you on their own what to do after 11th grade. You should consider how successful your work at work will be if it is not to your liking. One must become an independent person who is able to choose a place for his training.
Often heard the phrase "how fast time flies." This is actually so. Judge for yourself, because just recently, after completing your homework, you could sit at a computer or go play football with friends in the yard. Thoughts on the topic of "where to go after grade 11" arise far before graduation, but then they are postponed. Often, students delay the adoption of an important decision in their lives, not understanding the seriousness of the issue. “It’s closer to graduation and you will see where you can go after college or school” - a very common thought.
Choice of profession
So, many of today's students do not want to think about the issue of higher education and gaining a profession before graduation. And only when the last bell has already sounded, the question "Where to go after grade 11 (or grade 9)?" becomes the most relevant. Firstly, you must decide for yourself what specialty will accompany you throughout the next life. An extremely unfortunate option is to get a higher education just for a diploma. Employers require a real result from your work, and not just this document, which does not reflect the quality of education received too much. Moreover, the level of your knowledge in practice will not be high if you have studied a subject that is absolutely not short and uninteresting for you. You can succeed only by doing your favorite thing. Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft Corporation and the late Steve Jobs, who founded Apple, could not have achieved such heights if they had not been interested in their ideas and projects.
The most sought-after profession among employers in Jurisprudence is a lawyer, corporate lawyer and legal adviser. Higher education institution, leading according to the preferences of employers - Moscow State Law Academy.
In the field of finance and accounting, the most sought-after specialist is an accountant, the leading university - the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation.
System administrators are most valued in the field of IT and telecommunications. MSTU named after Bauman is the most prestigious in the eyes of employers in this field of activity.
Determine which area of study is closest to you. You have certain interests, hobbies, but you should go deeper. You may be an excellent lawyer and you have always been attracted to the history of the country and law, but you went to the faculty of finance and accounting. Or you could become a good programmer or system administrator, but because of the prestige of the profession of lawyer went to law school.
If it’s hard for you to decide where to go after grade 11, because you cannot determine your own attraction to a particular field of activity, you can pass tests for career guidance, or seek help from psychologists.
It is also very important whether your future profession is in demand among employers. There are many specialties in each field of activity. By analyzing newspapers and websites with vacancies, you can choose the specialty that is most suitable for you. When deciding which school to go to after the 11th grade, you need to come to a harmony (balance) of demand, interest, and salary level.
When choosing where to go after grade 11, you need to consider the quality and complexity of the study, its cost, the geographical location of the selected institution and the attitude of employers towards it.
First, you need to adequately assess your abilities in any direction. If you had problems with geometry when studying at school, then it will be very difficult for you to study at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics. If, of course, you have a desire and desire, you can make up for lost knowledge before entering a university.
The level of quality of education provided by an educational institution is also very important, because you need exactly knowledge, and not just presence in pairs and an absolutely insignificant diploma as a result. You can look at all kinds of educational institutions on the Internet, each educational institution has its own website. In addition, you can learn more about a particular university in groups of social networks.
A significant impact on the choice of a place for higher education will have a place of residence, and capital calculated on tuition fees, and the availability of places from the budget category, however, these factors depend on you to a very small extent.