How to Tighten the Belly

How to tighten a saggy stomach is a sore subject for most young mothers and those women who have rapidly lost a lot of weight. Before you begin active military operations against your own body, you need to thoroughly review your lifestyle. Proper nutrition and regular exercise are the key to a healthy and beautiful body. How to tighten your stomach quickly and effectively - this will be discussed in this article.

How to tighten the skin on the stomach after losing weight

A sharp weight loss is always accompanied by a number of unpleasant consequences. Including - sagging skin in the abdomen. This happens because the skin tissue simply does not have time to regenerate after the rapidly passing weight. So that efforts are not in vain and it was possible to tighten the skin on the stomach after losing weight without unnecessary losses, it is necessary to act comprehensively and sequentially. How to remove a sagging stomach at home? The fight against this defect should begin with the introduction of three unshakable rules in your life:

  • A healthy diet is a strict balance of calories, proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The common belief that the percentage of fat should tend to zero is not entirely true. The fat content (mainly vegetable) in the daily diet should be at least 30 grams.
  • Sports exercises can be any. Even primitive walking will give an effective result, but under one condition. Physical activity should be regular. To quickly achieve the result, it is recommended to alternate strength and cardio workouts in one session.
  • Beauty treatment. Its main goal is to create a flow of blood to the skin cells, stimulating their renewal and recovery. The simplest procedures that give an excellent result are a contrast shower, rubbing, scrubs, body wraps and self-massage.

Compliance with the water regime is also necessary so that the skin cells are filled with moisture. The recommended daily volume of water is on average 1.5 - 2 liters. Only clean water should be considered. Other drinks are not included in this number. It is recommended to exclude coffee, sweet tea and other harmful products altogether, since they help to eliminate fluid from the body.

How to tighten your stomach after childbirth

During pregnancy, a number of global changes occur in a woman’s body, including hormonal changes. As a result, an impressive fat layer accumulates on the stomach, the purpose of which is to protect the future baby from external influences. In the postpartum period, the abdominal muscles recover quickly, but the fat does not go anywhere. The abdomen from such changes does not look very attractive. How to tighten a sagging belly? An integrated approach can help in this case.

Tummy Tuck Exercises

Active physical activity for women who have given birth is allowed no earlier than 1.5 to 2 months after delivery. The rest of the exercises are fundamentally no different from the standard complex for weight loss. Since tightening the abdominal muscles is a process that requires time and patience, it is necessary to start classes gradually, gradually increasing the load. Before each workout, a light warm-up is needed to warm up the muscles and avoid injury.

During training, the abdomen should be pulled in and constantly kept in tension. It is important to monitor breathing, it should be even and measured, inhalation is always done through the nose, exhale through the mouth. The right exercise technique is the key to success. Exercises for tightening the abdomen are best done in smaller quantities, but better. The most effective way to burn fat is to do cardio workouts and super press sets. Superset is a continuous complex of influence on all departments of the abdominal press, the interval between sets cannot be longer than one minute.

Cream for tightening the skin of the abdomen

The main function of creams is auxiliary. Cream for tightening the skin of the abdomen will not be able to become an independent tool in the fight against saggy skin. Properly selected cream promotes skin elasticity, which prevents sagging and stretch marks. The most favorable time for using the cream is after training and the complex of bath procedures that follow it. Apply it with light rubbing movements until completely absorbed.

Masks for elasticity of the skin of the abdomen

During weight loss, the skin of the abdomen needs intensive hydration no less than other parts of the body. Masks for elasticity of the abdomen are able to provide the necessary nutrition, hydration, and provide a lifting effect. It is recommended to apply the mask after a warm bath or shower, then provide a greenhouse effect with cling film and a warm blanket or towel. The most popular masks are those that include red pepper, mustard and honey.

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