Legal Impact and Legal Regulation of Public Relations

Legal regulation is the impact on public relations with the help of legal norms in order to streamline and improve them according to the needs of society. If we study legal regulation through the prism of influence, then the second is a larger concept. It consists of various indications and types of impact of law.

regulatory mechanism

Legal impact is a way of influencing the right on public relations, entailing changes of an approving nature.

Legal impact and legal regulation, of course, are very much interconnected. Despite the fact that each has its own character, they differ, although they are closely related.

The relationship of regulation and legal impact

Regulation as an individual influence associated with the emergence of rights and obligations does not form rights in every case. Regulation occurs at the expense of principles through legal relations. In this sense, this is only a single of the existing forms of influence of law on public relations.

Forms of mutual influence

Motivational. Occurs when regulatory material affects the motives of the subjects. There are properties such as legal impulse and restrictions. They consist of informational and psychological features.

Educational. It affects the spiritual world of the subject, helps to form the citizens' idea of ​​the values ​​in their minds and spiritual education.

Social is a combination of signs not only legislative, but also social and moral, having an impact on law. Such factors are combined in a legal environment, which helps to bring norms to society, to direct people's actions in the mainstream of a productive goal. Therefore, all these forms are interconnected. The legal impact and legal regulation of public relations can be analyzed as synonyms in the general sense. All historical stages of development should have areas of legislative regulation.


Legal impact has its own characteristics and features:

- they have both their own interests of society and social;

- the interests of those involved are united in the relationship (but at the same time, the interest of one participant is violated for the sake of the views of another);

- their construction is based on the consent to comply with the rules, which are mandatory. This feature clearly characterizes the concepts of “legal impact” and “legal regulation”.

sources of legal influence


The first group of these relations unites those participants who exchange values ​​and experience. Here, legal influence has a greater need.

The second variety is characterized by the management of society.

Third, the need for legal discipline in order for processes under management to proceed properly. All these relations in the aggregate are the essence of the concepts of legal impact and legal regulation.

Legal Methods

Regulation is carried out through auxiliary methods. For example:

  • Dispositive influence consists in concentrating the goals of the parties to public relations that satisfy only private preferences.
  • Imperative regulation is based on social and social interests, which are priority. In a public sense, the interests of society are reproduced by the state.

The mechanism of legal regulation and the mechanism of legal impact

The mechanism of legal influence consists in actions that can be divided into two types.

1. Lawful behavior. It is characterized by useful and necessary value, and also requires following the law in order to achieve a positive result.

The significance of such behavior is to perform actions that the law allows.

2. Illegal actions are those that the law prohibits.

The mechanism of influence is implemented through regulation. In this case, such a relationship is identified as the ratio of legal regulation and legal impact.

impact elements

The mechanism of legal regulation is the natural influence that exercises the law in a normative way. Therefore, there is such an impact on social relations, which is effective.

Elements of a regulatory mechanism

The regulatory mechanism has several components.

- Lawmaking. This is an appropriate sign of a legal norm with which all elements of law and the interpretation of the law are combined.

- Legal relationship. This is such a mechanism for translating public examples of behavior, which is laid down in the rule of law. In the form of concretized and individual acts of behavior of citizens of society. They are subjects of law. Through them it is realized. This is an important way in order to transfer certain rules that are binding in the acts of public behavior.

- Use of law. This is actually the process itself, allowing entities to shift the rules of the right to behavior.

correlation of concepts

- Application of law. This element is of particular importance in regulation. Because, in one case, it can be called optional, since sometimes it is embedded in the mechanism. But in another case, it denotes prescriptions of a managerial nature that are aimed at regulating relations in society. For example, a court ruling in a case reflects how the law is applied in life situations.

- Legal consciousness. It is contained in each element of the mechanism of influence. With a legal consciousness, legislative norms are created and certain acts of the application of law and executive decisions are made.

- Compliance with the law. This is an element that has in its content not only the presence of the laws themselves, but also the mechanism for their implementation. Because only legislative acts without guarantees of their implementation will not be enough.

- The legal order. The so-called set of social relations in a regulated state.

machinery management

Thus, in one case, the legal impact and legal regulation do not coincide, because they have differences. But in another case, it is unacceptable to consider them separately from each other, since they are interconnected. One cannot exist without the other.

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