It is important to know the name of the movable joint of the bones.

Nature ingeniously thought out the human body, there is nothing superfluous in it, and each part of it fulfills its specific function. One of the components of the human body is the bones. They are located in a strictly defined order and serve as a support for the organs and levers to which the muscles are attached. In order for a person to be able to make all kinds of movements as efficiently as possible, the bones need to connect with each other.

what’s called mobile bone joint

Every schoolchild knows the name of the mobile connection of bones, because it is studied in human biology classes. In total, there are three types of connection of bones - these are mobile, they are called joints, semi-mobile, or half-joints, and the third option is when the bones are connected together motionless. Mobile connection - in the shoulder, elbow, wrist, hip, knee, ankle and finger joints. In order for the joint to function, there is a head and articular cavity that corresponds to it as much as possible. The surface of the bone is covered with cartilage, and there is a special fluid in the joint cavity itself.

Anyone knows what the mobile connection of bones is called, but not everyone knows how the joints function properly. This information can be useful not only for doctors or medical professionals, but also for athletes or just a person who is interested in their health. The ligamentous apparatus is involved in the formation of the joint, and the capsule covering it provides additional protection. The capsule also serves as a source of articular fluid secretion , due to which the cartilage is nourished and glides.

movable joint

Some joints have a small range of motion, and the load on them is much less. The question arises: what is the name of the movable joint of the bones in this case? The answer is simple. Such joints are called semi-mobile, or semi-joints, they are located between the vertebrae and in the pubic symphysis. In the half-joint there is cartilage and a cavity with a small amount of fluid, but the movements in it are minimal, which distinguishes this type of connection from the rest.

In the joints, movement around different axes is possible, and in each of them the number of rotation axes is different. In this regard, the joints are divided into uniaxial, biaxial and triaxial. The latter option is characterized by the ability to perform the most complex movements.

continuous bone joints

The question of the name of the mobile connection of the bones seems to have become clear, but it is worth paying attention to the fact that there are other options by which the bones are connected together. An example of a continuous connection of bones is the skull, the bones of which are fastened together by means of sutures. Nature specifically provided for this type of bone connection to protect important organs, one of which is precisely the brain. Between the bones of the skull there is a very thin layer of connective tissue, which strengthens the continuous connection of the bones of the skull. Another interesting continuous connection is called poking. So in our body teeth are connected to bones: they are as if driven by their roots into the bone tissue of the upper and lower jaw and additionally strengthened by means of ligaments.

The joints have a complex anatomical structure, due to this, a person can move. It is important to remember that it is worth starting the care of the joints from a young age, and then the joy of movement will not be overshadowed by pain and other discomfort.

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