Mustachioed women. Why do women have a mustache and how to deal with it?

Every woman’s dream is to be charming and attractive, but not all and not always succeed. Some small flaw can spoil not only the appearance, but also the mood. Mustachioed women can confirm this. They are struggling to get rid of facial hair. And now we will see how they succeed.

mustachioed women

Why they grow

Representatives of the beautiful half of humanity can not understand why this problem makes some suffer, while others do not even know about its existence. Before talking about how to remove hairs over the lip, we will find out why women have a mustache?

By the way, you can rarely see a blonde with a mustache, but brunettes are not rare. And so, about the reasons.

  • Hormonal disruptions. In the body of a woman, male hormones predominate.
  • Severe stress or a sudden change in lifestyle.
  • Health problems. These include: benign formations, disruption of the ovaries and adrenal glands.
  • Side effects of the use of medicines. Such drugs as interferon, anabolics, progestins, androgens can cause problems.
  • Hereditary factor. As already mentioned above, most often mustachioed women are burning brunettes with brown eyes. That is why young girls with an eastern type of appearance often encounter a problem of facial hair.

mustache in women

Ways to get rid of hairs

There are many ways to remove hairs, everyone should choose the right one for themselves. But it is worth remembering that the antennae must not be plucked and shaved. Otherwise, they will begin to grow more intensively. The reason is that when plucking, the skin warms up, sleeping hair follicles wake up and begin to grow in place of the removed ones, and much harder.

It is best to discolor the hairs above the lip using special products. But the best option is to visit a beauty salon.

The real problem is the mustache in women. The reasons for their growth, however, sometimes may not be related to the disease. When the root of their appearance is an ailment, then only getting rid of it, you can begin to fight with excess hair. In this case, help should be provided by a specialist: gynecologist or endocrinologist. In no case should you self-medicate.

We will talk about other methods of getting rid of excess hair in more detail.

why do women have a mustache


Some immediately thought about what it is. And few people realized that it was sugar depilation. In this way, a mustache in women can be removed not only in the salon, but also at home. For these purposes, special sugar paste is used. You can buy it, but you can do it yourself. For those who decide to cook themselves, the advice is to stock up on sugar, lemon juice and water.

Go to the pasta recipe:

  • take ten tablespoons of sugar;
  • add one tablespoon of lemon juice and water;
  • mix all the ingredients in an enameled bowl;
  • put on a slow fire and cook until brown;
  • use the product while it is warm, but not hot.

Now about the procedure itself. With the help of a lotion, get rid of fat on the skin and sprinkle it with talcum powder. After that, apply a thin layer of sugar paste. Cover with a cloth strip. When the fabric is fixed, with a sharp movement along the hair growth, tear it off. In this way, mustache hair removal in women. You can hear different reviews, but they have one thing in common: the effect lasts four weeks and not only long but short hairs are removed.

Cream to help

There is another affordable way to remove hair over the lip. It’s worth talking about. This is the use of depilation cream, the chemical dissolution of hair follicles.

When choosing a product, be sure to look for it for the face. Now about how to use it.

  • The first step you should take is to test for an allergic reaction. Put some on your wrist and wait. If there is no burning sensation, and there is no redness, the cream can be used.
  • Take the lotion and degrease the skin.
  • Using a spatula, apply to areas where hairs are present. Do everything carefully so that the cream does not get on the lips.
  • After a while (it should be indicated in the instructions), remove the cream against the hair growth with the applicator. Wash skin with warm water, but without soap.

During the day, do not apply cosmetics and expose the skin to direct sunlight.

Mustachioed women often use this method at home. They believe that it is not only accessible to everyone, but also effective, as the result lasts about two weeks.

hair removal mustache women reviews

We go to the beauty salon

For those who do not want to solve the problem on their own, specialists will come to the rescue. The methods used in the beauty salon are familiar to many representatives of the fair half of humanity: electrolysis, photo and laser hair removal of mustaches in women. Reviews indicate that these procedures are expensive, but the result is worth it.

Now in more detail about each of them.

  • Electrolysis. A low current discharge is used. It acts on the hair follicles and destroys them. After such a shock, hair growth stops. I want to say right away that the procedure is painful, but very effective.
  • Laser hair removal. The method is expensive, but less painful. The laser beam is directed to the roots of the hairs. They do not grow anymore.
  • Photoepilation. The hair follicles are affected by a stream of light directed from a flash lamp. As a result, the structure of the hairs is destroyed. This method has contraindications. Be sure to consult with a specialist.

mustache in women causes

Folk remedies

We continue the conversation on how to get rid of a growing mustache in women. Do not forget about folk methods.

  • Datura seeds. They are mixed with vodka, insisted for three weeks. The resulting solution lubricates problem areas. Hair falls out and does not grow for a long time. Using this method, remember, Datura is a poisonous plant and should not be abused.
  • Lemon juice. This method is used before going to the beach. The problem area is smeared with juice and after a while the mustache in women burns out and becomes almost invisible.
  • Nettle broth. Fifty grams of nettle is taken. One hundred grams of sunflower oil is added to them. All this is infused in a dark place for two months. After this, the mixture can handle problem areas.
  • Walnut. The shell is crushed. Warm water is added to it. It should be poured until gruel is obtained. The resulting mass must be applied to the skin every day. Soon the hairs will disappear.

All of the above funds will help only if the answer to the question of why women grow a mustache, will sound like this - heredity is to blame.


Each representative of the beautiful half of humanity wants her face to be tender and beautiful. So that it does not show a single acne and red vessel and, of course, excess hair. But, as they say, not always desires coincide with what is. So sometimes mustachioed women are found.

how to get rid of a growing mustache in women

If the problem of excess facial hair exists, the main thing is not to panic. Nowadays, there are many ways to get rid of it. Everyone has the right to choose what is closer to him. But before you begin to get rid, visit a doctor and find out the cause of the appearance of hairs above the upper lip.

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