The modern teaching staff is a union of talented and vibrant teachers. Representations of him as a subject of self-development and management have developed thanks to the ideas of K. D. Ushinsky, L. N. Tolstoy, N. I. Pirogov.
Theoretical base
The integration of educational and educational activities of teachers became the most important task of the school at the beginning of the last century. Among those who claimed that the teaching staff is a team of like-minded people with common goals and work plans were: S. T. Shatsky, N. K. Krupskaya, A. S. Makarenko.
The reflection of the idea of ββrallying and developing teachers was considered in the writings of V. A. Sukhomlinsky. The work of the teaching staff of the school was considered by him on the example of Pavlysh secondary school. Sukhomlinsky was able to confirm the realism of the principles of organization of the work of teachers formulated by him.
He was convinced that the activities of the teaching staff for each educational institution had certain differences. Exchange of experience should lead to the development, improvement of the educational and educational process.
Distinctive features
First of all, it is necessary to note the specifics of the activity. The teaching staff is a union of like-minded people that allows educating the younger generation. To determine the effectiveness of the professional activities of school teachers, the following qualities are required:
- high professional culture ;
- awareness of responsibility;
- friendly interpersonal relationships;
- cooperation;
- organization.
It is teachers who give their pupils an initial idea of ββthe system of relationships, the features of joint activities. That is why it is important that the formation of the pedagogical collective proceeds in close connection with the collective of schoolchildren. The success of solving educational and educational problems depends on the involvement of students in the management of the educational organization. For this very reason, Soviets have been created in many Russian schools, whose members are not only parents and teachers, but also high school students.
The essence of the teaching staff
Considering this issue, we note that the teaching staff is a team of teachers who must solve specific goals and objectives.
A modern teacher must also be a subject teacher, a class teacher, a public figure, and the head of a creative studio or circle.
In solving the tasks, the development of the teaching staff, it goes beyond the school.
The pedagogization of the surrounding society is the process of forming the pedagogical culture of society and parents. Currently, it has become an obligatory function of the teaching staff. Many Russian teachers use in their work design and research activities, which have become an indispensable element of activity after the introduction of the new generation of GEF.
Portrait of a modern teacher
Today, a teacher-researcher is a person who is able to go beyond the framework of normative activity. He owns the intricacies of all pedagogical innovations, is able to master them independently, as well as create the conditions for attracting his students to such activities.
The characteristics of the teaching staff involves an assessment of the level of self-government.
The main issues related to the functioning of this system are considered at pedagogical councils. Each team member has certain job responsibilities that do not interfere with creative and effective work.
Among the features of the functioning of the teaching team, one can note the collective nature of labor, the general responsibility for the results obtained.
The individual efforts of one teacher at the middle and senior levels of education will not give the desired result if there is no coordination in actions between all members of the pedagogical community.
Only if there is a system for assessing the quality of knowledge of students, when organizing the regime of the day, you can count on fulfilling the order of society - the formation of an active civic position in the younger generation.
The unity of teachers can be manifested in views on education, in value orientations, in the selection of innovative educational methods.
Basic pedagogical values: the desire to teach a child, love for children, respect for the individual, optimism, professional culture, allow us to create the basis on which the unity of actions of teachers is formed.
Features of the teaching staff
For the most part, women work in Russian schools, which affects relationships. Representatives of the fair sex are characterized by emotionality, change of mood, increased conflict.
But there are certain advantages in the fact that it is women who work as teachers in secondary schools, colleges, lyceums, and gymnasiums. Due to their physiological characteristics, they intuitively select the necessary pedagogical methods and working methods, which allows you to get the maximum result.
The problem of feminization of teaching staff is not new. It has been especially acute in recent years, when teachers leave schools, men who are dissatisfied with low wages.
Organizational structure
Studies by psychologists such as A. I. Dontsov, A. V. Petrovsky, A. N. Lutoshkin, offer a reasonable version of the structure of the teaching staff. They distinguish in it the official (formal) and unofficial (informal) parts. By the structure itself is meant the establishment of stable relations between individual members of the team.
The formal part is due to the official division of duties, rights between members. Within its framework, each teacher has job responsibilities that he performs together with colleagues. This function is based on job descriptions used in each educational institution.
Teachers who work on the same classroom team use the same educational standards, programs, timetable for lesson and extracurricular activities, and the rules of professional etiquette.
Each teacher is in business relations with colleagues, the leadership of an educational institution. These relationships are governed by orders and special instructions. In case of violation of the established rules and norms of teachers brought to disciplinary action.
There are a number of conditions that affect the normal functioning of the teaching staff, its organizational structure. The results of interactions between students and their mentors are determined not only by the quality of acquired knowledge and skills, but also by those activities organized in the school with the involvement of children and their parents. In addition to the formal structure, each pedagogical collective has an informal part.
It appears on the basis of real functions that are performed by professional associations of people. It is based on relationships that appear on the basis of antipathy and sympathy, love, respect, desire or unwillingness to cooperate to achieve a joint result.