How to draw orchids on nails: step by step instructions

All women are very careful about their manicure. Professionals using gel, shellac, acrylic paints create real masterpieces on the nails of their customers. Some try to master the art of creating incredible drawings on their nails. At first it seems complicated, in fact, this art can be mastered. To begin with, you can try to draw step by step orchids on the nails. These beautiful and exquisite flowers deserve special attention.

orchids on the nails

Necessary accessories for work

In beauty salons, a manicurist performs high-tech painting, but you can also try to make a drawing with improvised means and inexpensive varnishes. It is worth including inspiration, patience, a love of drawing, and the experiment will certainly be successful. What do you need to draw orchids on the nails? A step-by-step photo for beginners, of course, will come in handy. The following accessories should also be purchased:

  • shellac or simple varnish for the main color (it is better to use lilac, mint, soft pink, blue, lilac shades);
  • varnishes or acrylic paints for drawing the flowers themselves (may need burgundy, hot pink, dark purple, yellow, white, green or black);
  • fixer for nails with a transparent texture;
  • two thin brushes: one is round, the other is flat.

orchids on nails step by step photo

Step-by-step instruction for beginners

After looking at a few photos with a similar design, you can begin to perform this incredible flower. Step-by-step orchids on nails can be created in the following way:

  • To begin with, the nail plates need to be given the desired shape and coated with a base varnish. The possible shades are listed above. It is better to paint the base two times. Perfectly look on such a gentle manicure nude tones of the foundations or translucent.
  • After the base coat has dried, you can begin to complete the drawing. The place for applying the flower can be chosen independently: near the base of the nail, closer to the tip or the entire nail. To begin with, the selected color draws three main petals from the selected center.
  • Then with lighter varnish on top of these bases draw two larger petals. Using white lacquer, draw the subtle contours of each detail.
  • Yellow or golden paint (varnish) to make the core in the form of two points.
  • One of the dark varnishes to apply small tint dots on the petals closer to the center.
  • Green, black or brown varnish (paint) to make thin stems of irregular shape. You can dream up and add small buds.
  • At the end, the painting must be covered with a fixative.

orchids on nails step by step photo for beginners

How to draw some flowers

By a similar scheme, you can draw not one flower, but two or three. Flowers can be made in different sizes: one is bigger, the other is smaller, add buds. It is better to arrange small orchids along the nail plate, you can diagonally. Having drawn the first orchid according to the above scheme, above it you can proceed to the same, but slightly smaller.

With a thin brush, the stem is neatly drawn with green or black paint. It is necessary to pay attention that it is in orchids of a very original form (you can dream up). Those who wish can add leaflets and buds. To make the picture look more expressive, it is advisable to make thin contours with white or black paint (varnish).

orchids on nails step by step

Tempting options with orchids

If you show imagination, then you can create wonderful bouquets of orchids on your nails. The color scheme of orchids and the main coating can be multivariate. It depends on preferences and desires. Special fantasy drawings can be achieved using acrylic paints. They make it possible to mix shades, achieve juiciness or, conversely, tenderness.

So, for example, for evening makeup, drawing on black varnish or burgundy coating is more suitable. The festivity of such a painting can give a little bit of golden stains or dots on a flower. Particularly bright look orchids on white varnish. It is possible to paint the white base of one nail on the ring finger or all, as can be seen in the pictures above. You can diversify such a painting with the help of small straziks. The summer version with orchids is possible on a yellow, mint, purple, blue base coat. Orchids on nails are ideal for a French manicure.

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