Tea tree oil for acne: methods of application and recommendations

The birthplace of the plant from which tea tree oil is derived is Australia. It is called malaleuka. Belongs to the same family as eucalyptus. Oil got its name due to the fact that Australian Aborigines brewed tree leaves for consumption in the form of a drink. In addition, for Europeans, the resulting broth resembled tea in color.

Over time, scientists learned how to get leaf oil, which had a characteristic aroma. But not only that popularized him.

Reasons for the spread of oil

The study of oil led to the fact that scientists were able to identify very important useful properties that turned out to be perfectly possible, by the way, at a time when antibiotics did not yet exist.

how to use acne tea tree oil

It was determined that the use of oil was very effective for various problems, namely when:

  • burns, itching, redness, swelling and wounds;
  • psoriasis and dandruff;
  • problems with the oral cavity and gums;
  • fungal lesions of the skin and nails;
  • skin problems in the form of acne, acne, ulcers and acne;
  • ARVI, ARI and tonsillitis;
  • women's issues;
  • dislocations and sprains;

However, the effectiveness of the substance has been proven in its use in aroma therapy.

In order to extract oil from the leaves, they are crushed and placed in a container where steam is passed through them under pressure. The longer the process, the better the substance. The final product has a light olive tint or is completely transparent with a characteristic aroma. It should be said that it is poorly soluble in water. But alcohol and other vegetable oils are an excellent basis for the preparation of oil collections or lotions.

When should you not use oil?

Despite all the benefits of this oil, like any other remedy, there are contraindications. Do not use if:

  • there is intolerance to the product;
  • the woman is pregnant or breastfeeding.

The tool is also contraindicated in children whose age has not reached 6 years.

Additionally, we say that the product is not recommended for use:

  1. For oral use in pure form. The consequences of such treatment can be quite deplorable. It may be that medical attention is required.
  2. 100% oil for sensitive skin is also not suitable, as it causes redness and other negative effects. With it, it is impossible to handle injuries and lesions of the skin and mucous membranes.
acne tea tree oil

All recommendations suggest that although oil is not a drug, it has its own contraindications, which cannot be ignored.

In order for it to retain its useful properties, it is necessary to properly store it. When buying, preference should be given to bubbles with small volumes of glass with a tight-fitting lid or cork. This will protect the oil from oxidation and spoilage.

Use of funds

This oil was used during the war. It was used as an antiseptic to disinfect wounds. However, with the advent of more effective drugs, the oil was pushed back, but not forgotten. This product continued its life in cosmetology. It is part of many cosmetic and cosmetic products, such as:

  • cream;
  • masks;
  • means for washing;
  • tonics and others.

Oil is used for hair, body and face. This product is especially relevant for skin problems. Tea tree oil for acne is used. Therefore, in many tools it is included as an additional component. Note that tea tree oil helps against acne on the face. It acts as follows:

  • cleans pores by regulating the activity of the sebaceous glands;
  • due to its antiseptic properties, bacteria that cause pus on the surface of the skin are destroyed;
  • thanks to the tonic effect, the general condition of the skin improves, the wounds heal, and swelling from rashes pass faster.
tea tree oil application

Features of the action and use of the tool

How does tea tree oil against acne work? Let's figure it out.

Getting on healthy skin, a bacterium, virus or fungus begins to multiply actively, disrupting the normal activity of the sebaceous glands. In the future, this causes clogging of the pores and the formation of a focus of inflammation. Such foci can develop to extensive rashes, blackheads and even cysts. Getting oil on the skin, it begins to actively counteract the harmful effects of various pathogens.

It can be argued that the use of antibiotics is no less effective. But, alas, it has been observed that viruses and bacteria become resistant to them over time. Unlike antibiotics, oil is the most effective remedy.

Does tea tree oil help with acne? Of course. Many girls write about the effectiveness of the method in various forums. They say that this particular remedy helped get rid of skin problems.

The use of tea tree oil for acne in concentrated form is limited to its spot application. That is, a cotton swab is used for this. It is also recommended to use tea tree oil for acne, thus: pour into distilled or purified water into a container with a spray and add a few drops of the substance there. Such a tool can be applied to the face during the day. This gives the effect of lifting and normalizing metabolic processes in the skin.

tea tree oil for acne on the face

Home cosmetology and tea tree oil.

As a home use, tea tree oil for acne can be a component for self-preparation of skin care products. To do this, proceed as follows:

  1. Before applying the cream for daily care, you can add one drop of the product to it.
  2. As a body skin care, oil can be added to the bath or shower gel.
  3. To prepare body cream or massage products, you can add oil to the base.
  4. As a face mask, you can use aloe vera gel and this natural remedy.

Security measures when using the product

How to use acne tea tree oil so that its use does not bring negative consequences? It is necessary to consider safety measures:

  1. It is very important to prevent contact with eyes.
  2. It is not recommended to use oil on the burn sites.
  3. It must be remembered that the best time to use this tool is evening.
  4. With sensitive skin, it is necessary to conduct a tolerance test in a small area.
tea tree oil for acne during pregnancy

Face mask recipes to help get rid of skin problems

Knowing all the precautions, you can try to cook masks with tea tree oil for acne. To do this, you can use one of the many options for their preparation:

  1. Mask with cream. To make such a tool is quite simple. You need to mix a tablespoon of cream, three drops of tea tree oil and 1 drop of lavender oil. Mix the mixture until smooth. After that, it should be applied to clean, dry skin and leave it on for 20 minutes. After this time, wash your face with warm water. Then apply a nourishing cream.
  2. An egg white mask. For the procedure, you can use beaten egg white, with the addition of a complex of oils: tea tree, chamomile and lavender. The mask is kept on the face for at least 30 minutes, after which you need to wash in turn with warm and cold water.
  3. Clay mask. Such cosmetic procedures are very effective. For this, different grades of clay are used (volume ½ teaspoon). A small amount of milk or cream is added to the mixture (until gruel is formed). In the resulting mass add 3 drops of oil. The mask is kept on the face for up to 15 minutes. After this, you need to wash your face, and then apply the cream.
tea tree oil for acne

Lotion and ice. How to prepare such a tool?

Oil is actively used for the preparation of lotions and ice, for the face. The recipe for the simplest option is discussed below. In 100 ml of boiled and cooled water, 1 tablespoon of alcohol and 8 drops of oil are added. The tool can wipe the face in the morning and evening.

To make ice, take ½ cup boiling water. Eight drops of oil are added to it. After the composition has cooled, it is poured into ice molds.

Product Efficiency

Unfortunately, tea tree oil for acne will be completely useless. And if the problem is already running so, then you will have to resort to more radical measures. As for the use of tea tree oil from acne during pregnancy, it is permissible only if the remedy does not provoke an allergy. Then you can safely use it for application as described above.

The effectiveness of this oil in the fight against various skin problems has been proven for a long time. It can be used not only in diluted form, but also in concentrated form, subject to all precautions.

application of acne tea tree oil

How to choose a good tool? Tips

The most unpleasant problem that young girls often face is acne and acne. To combat them, this tool can be a real salvation, especially since, unlike many tools, it is very affordable. True, and you need to buy it so as not to be mistaken.

In order to choose high quality oil, you need to pay attention:

  1. On the color of the container in which the oil is contained. It should be dark in color. Even better if the product is sold in an additional protective box.
  2. Natural esters do not leave greasy stains on paper. That is, you can conduct an experiment at home.
  3. Quality oil always has a dispenser.
  4. You can pre-determine the price of oil in different places. And give preference to what is in the middle range.

Little conclusion

Given that the tree from which the oil is obtained grows in Australia, it is reasonable to assume that the highest quality will be produced there. It is the naturalness and quality of the selected product that will provide the expected result from the application. Again, we note that the manufacturer applies the complete product information to the packaging. If this rule is not observed, then it is better to refuse the purchase. After all, a poor-quality product can not only not help in solving the problem, but, on the contrary, exacerbate it.

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