Maria Kostikova: biography, work in the theater and cinema, the personal life of the actress

Kostikova Maria - Russian theater and film actress. “Floor”, “My Mom’s Choice”, “Kremlin Cadets” and “Ordered to Marry” are the most popular paintings with her participation. For ten years, the actress plays in the theater. E. Vakhtangova ("Queen of Spades", "Shore of Women", "Anna Karenina", "Demons" and "Ali Baba and 40 Thieves"). In addition, Kostikova leads a vlog about female beauty, which is called Masha from Russia.


Maria Kostikova in the play "Anna Karenina"

Maria was born on October 29, 1984. As a child, participated in the performances of the Studio Theater "Mel". The actress is a graduate of the Shchukin Institute (workshop of M. Semakov). From time to time he plays in productions of the Kvadrat Theater (Katerina in The Storm and Nina Zarechnaya in The Seagull), whose student she was in her youth. In the performance-performance of Etush Vladimir, “Okayemova days”, the actress received the role of the granddaughter of Okayemov Peter.

Movie career

Maria Kostikova made her debut with episodic characters in the comedies of 2005: "Lyuba, children and the factory" and "Commercial break." In the series “Medical Secret”, the actress played the daily allowance nurse Tatyana Litvinova. In 2007, she appeared in the family comedy "Daddy's Daughters" (role - client of a marriage agency) and the drama "School No. 1" (Victoria). In the humorous melodrama "My Mom's Choice" Kostikova played the key character Nina. In parallel, she starred in the adventure comedy “Kings of the Game” (role - Angela Masha) and the detective “Crime will be solved” (Maslenkina Galina). The 2008 Mustang tape, in which the girl participated, unfortunately, remained incomplete.

Maria Kostikova in the movie "Ordered to Marry"

In 2009, Kostikova Maria played Olga Yuratova in the sixth season of the crime drama Lawyer, Eli's friend in the melodrama Unfinished Lesson, Marina in episode 269 of the series Sled and Polina in the sitcom Univer. Her next heroines were Sofia Arkhipova in the "Sleeping Area" and nurse practitioner Natalia in the "Kremlin cadets." In 2010, the actress starred in the family film "Yard" (role - Margarita) and in the second season of the drama "General Therapy" (injured stewardess). Then she played Lara in the full-length comedy “Ordered to Marry” and Alice in the series “Krovinushka”.

The next film with Maria Kostikova in the title role was the comedy "Floor". At the same time, the actress starred in the sequel "Ordered to Give Birth", but the picture has not been released to this day. In 2014, she played Julia Zvyagintsev in the episode "Maternal Instinct" of the series "Private Detective Tatyana Ivanova."

Also, Maria Kostikova several times took part in the filming of theater performances ("Marina", "Queen of Spades" and "Beach of Women"). In 2015, the girl appeared in an episodic role in the dramatic comedy "Cheating" and in the sitcom "Kitchen". To date, the last picture with the participation of Maria remains the melodrama "Doctor Anna", in which she portrayed Svetka. Information about new projects of the artist has not yet been received.

in the play "Evening of the Fools"

Personal life

Kostikova Maria is the wife of actor Anton Rival. The girl is 7 years older than her husband, but this does not interfere with their happy marriage. The couple has a son Stepan. The family always spends vacation on joint trips. In her free time, Maria devotes to recording her positive, completely devoid of pathos blog Masha from Russia, which consists of makeup-teaching videos, as well as her transformation into various characters and other everyday videos.

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