The content of the film "Double Life": a brief description of all series

The general content of the film "Double Life" is divided into several periods in which the plot changes and important events for the characters occur. This series in realistic colors tells about the life of a simple, happy family, where at one moment everything collapsed due to a disaster.

The beginning of the story

In the center of the plot at the beginning of the picture is the Ershov family. Associated with them is the content of the movie "Double Life" at the time of tie. All seventeen years, Katya and Mark found a common language and lived happily in a comfortable house, although officially they were not married. Suddenly, a man has a disaster at work. Mark dies, and Katya is left alone in the apartment. After death, the police ascertains the circumstances of the fact that he was painted with another woman named Nina. She, in turn, also did not know about the existence of Katya, because Mark married her exactly a year ago and all this time did not tell her anything. The main character reveals a difficult truth to children and tries to maintain contact with Nina. Together they are trying to find out the reason for such an act of Mark, but against this background they often have conflicts. Even about the funeral of her ex-husband, women cannot come to an agreement.

double life movie content

Plot development

Against the backdrop of the conflict with Nina, Katya begins to suspect that Mark left her without money. Since this woman was the official wife of a man, the court could recognize her heir. Fortunately, Mark left a testament in case of unforeseen death. The content of the film "Double Life" at this stage of the plot shows that luck accompanies Catherine. It was her children who illegitimate husband left all the property. Having learned about this, Nina decides to pursue her own career and arranging her life. Not quite honest methods a woman manages to take the post, which previously worked as a colleague. It would seem that everything is getting better with the heroines, but then the son of Katy Kirill begins to constantly call Nina from the phone of her late husband. In the end, he enters the apartment and leaves an indecent letter on the wall. The girl is in a panic and blames Katya for this act, who knows nothing. A new conflict is unfolding between them.

movie double life summary

Privacy issues

We continue to disclose the content of the film "Double Life". Further, family problems and love upsets come to the fore. Cyril continues to commit unimaginable acts at school. Teachers recommend that the mother sign him up for classes with a psychotherapist in order to help cope with the trauma of losing his father. At this time, Cyril's teacher Andrei realizes that he is in love with Katya, and tells Roman about this. A friend also has problems with Nina, because she does not want to connect life with a new person. She wants a child, and if Roman agrees to become a father, then they will begin to build a relationship. The content of the series of the film โ€œDouble Lifeโ€ shows how the relations of two couples unfold. Andrei wants closeness, but Katya is not going to rush, because for her, children come first. Roman more and more interested in Nina, they begin to meet, and Katya learns about it.

double life movie series content

Final episodes

Catherine gets a job as a nurse and wants to restore her nurse diploma in order to work further in this direction. At this time, Nina leaves Roman, and she is going to have a child from a donor. In her new work, Catherine meets Ilya, and warm relations immediately arise between them. Against this background, she realizes that she does not like Andrei and must admit this to him. This fact becomes known in the finale. The film "Double Life", a brief summary of which is presented in the article, is eventful. Roman is trying to return Ninaโ€™s disposition to her, and Katya quits her job. Now she wants to go abroad to her sister in order to start a new life there.

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