The head of the penis is the cone-shaped thickening of the penis, which ends with the opening of the urethra. On its ventral surface, a longitudinal fold, called a bridle, is localized. The structure of the male
genital organ can be viewed in the doctorโs office in the photo. The head of the penis is hypersensitive, as it is covered with very delicate skin. It is in this part of the penis that a huge number of nerve endings are located.
The main causes of pain in the head of the penis
The causes of pain in the head of the penis are many. As a rule, the head of the penis hurts with the development of inflammatory processes, thermal, chemical, mechanical damage, circulatory disorders. As a rule, the etiology of such sensations is associated with the first cause.
With balanoposthitis, patients complain of acute pain in the intimate area. Often the
head of the penis is hyperemic and edematous. Sometimes balanoposthitis is accompanied by inflammation of the inguinal lymph nodes. Without timely treatment, the disease becomes granular, which provokes the development of necrotic processes. For treatment, baths are prescribed with the presence of antiseptic drugs such as Furacilin, potassium permanganate, and
chamomile infusion. With proper therapy, pain and inflammation disappear within 5-7 days. In some cases, surgical treatment is indicated.
Infectious diseases that provoke pain in the head of the penis
The most common diseases that are sexually transmitted are chlamydia, urogenital herpes, gonorrhea, ureaplasmosis, trichomoniasis. The above diseases are accompanied by pain, redness, and also itching in the head area. If such symptoms are detected, consult a specialist. To make a diagnosis, a comprehensive laboratory analysis is performed. For treatment, patients are prescribed antibacterial and antiviral therapy.
Noncommunicable diseases causing penis pain
Pain in the head may be associated with inflammation of the urethra. The specified disease is caused by non-specific microorganisms or occurs with sexually transmitted pathologies. In the acute course of pain in the head, they are of an โacuteโ nature, with chronic urethritis they are less pronounced.
Often the etiology of pain in the head of the penis is associated with a violation of blood circulation in this organ. There are a huge number of various diseases (diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis, obliterating endarteritis), in which the blood flow in the capillaries is disturbed. With all these ailments, pathological changes in the vessels develop slowly. Therefore, pain in the head of the penis has a constant aching character.
If we talk about pain in the intimate zone, then we must not forget about the narrowing of the foreskin. With the development of this pathology, a white substance, smegma, which is an excellent nutrient medium for the development of microorganisms, accumulates in the preputial sac . Phimosis, complicated by balanoposthitis, is accompanied by pain, hyperemia and itching of the head of the penis. If the head of the penis does not open, what should I do? Most specialists prefer surgical treatment.