How to solve Japanese crosswords? Instruction manual

Crosswords are intellectual games. Engaged in solving a crossword puzzle, you can not only pass the time, but also train your memory, force yourself to reflect, learn something new for yourself.

Crossword Puzzles

Crosswords are very different: digital, letter, black and white or multi-colored. Whatever they are, they are built on the same principle - they all represent a logical grid.

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Japanese scanwords and their feature

So, Japanese differs from the ordinary letter crossword in that it has an image in it, and you can solve it with the help of numbers. Next, a whole tutorial will be given on how to solve Japanese crosswords.

They are divided into black and white and multi-colored. This means that the black and white scanword uses one color for painting, and all other empty cells remain unchanged. In a color crossword puzzle, the author encrypted a color image on an untouched white background of empty cells. The most popular publication for many years now is Mole. Publishers did not stop there and released a computer program so that they could solve the Japanese Mole crossword for free.

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Checkered picture

The Japanese crossword puzzle area looks like a field with lines drawn perpendicularly. Around the field is drawn a frame with wider lines, followed by figures. In the central part there is a field for the image. The image area looks like a field in a cell, each of which is also divided into cells even smaller. Thus, it turns out that in one group there are five cells horizontally and vertically. Thanks to the group application of cells, it is more convenient to count, because the images are very large.

How to solve a Japanese puzzle

Everything is clear with the description of the crossword, the question remains: how to solve Japanese crosswords? The picture in the Japanese crossword puzzle is performed by painting the cells in the central area of ​​the field with the corresponding color. Cells that remain unpainted create a backdrop and are considered white.

It is usually customary to indicate the numbers on the left side of the crossword puzzle and on top. They determine the number of cells that should be painted over in a row, and there should not be gaps between them. So, on the left side, the written numbers indicate how many filled cells should be horizontal, and on top - their number vertically.

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When guessing, not only numbers, but also the order in which they are located. This means that, as indicated, in the same order, and you need to determine the position of the groups. However, it is not known where the beginning and end of these groups is - this is the essence of the puzzle to find their exact location.

Each number corresponds to the number of filled cells. So, for example, the number "6" means that a group of six cells is painted over in a row, and the number "2" - two cells and so on.

Online games are built in the same way, that is, Japanese black and white crosswords to solve for free on the World Wide Web need exactly the same principle.

Color Crosswords

If you solve a black and white crossword, then you need to choose one color that will be used to paint over the picture, and in color you need to exactly match the numbers indicated by color. So, for example, the numbers are placed behind the field: β€œ2” is yellow, β€œ6” is blue and β€œ3” is red. So, it is necessary to paint over in the same order the groups of the same number of cells of the corresponding colors.

It is accepted that between groups of the same color of cells that are painted in a black and white crossword puzzle, in any case, at least one cell should remain empty. But this rule is suitable only for one-color scanword, it does not apply to color Japanese crosswords. So, in multi-colored puzzles between groups of filled cells, there may not be empty ones.

how to solve Japanese crosswords for beginners

So we have analyzed the main features of how to solve Japanese crosswords color and black and white. The main thing, solving the puzzle, you need to remember and understand that the shaded groups and empty cells must correspond to numbers and gaps both horizontally and vertically at the same time. This is the only way to accurately solve the encrypted image, it is impossible to solve the crossword at random.

Print media

Crosswords are not excluded on sale, in which there are several solutions at once or with an impossible solution to the puzzle by a simple analytical method. It is worth paying attention to the proven for many years edition of the Japanese Krot crossword puzzles, which any beginner can solve and get only pleasure from this process. And also come across crosswords with a typo. Because of this error, they cannot be resolved. For this reason, beginners do not need to buy Japanese crosswords at a low price. And do not waste time solving in newspapers that do not specialize in Japanese crosswords. There may be errors in them.

And there are also many smartphone apps that let you solve Japanese crosswords for free.

Instructions for solving Japanese crosswords

As mentioned above, in black and white crosswords for solving only one color is used, which greatly simplifies the task. Therefore, it’s better to start learning with simpler puzzles, so this is about this kind of crossword puzzles. Solving the Japanese crossword, you need to consider each row and column in turn. Do this very carefully. Here are the basic rules on how to solve Japanese crosswords. For beginners and experienced, they are the same.

Japanese mole crossword puzzle

You need to find out by looking at the horizontal and vertical columns:

  • Calculate those cells that need to be painted over accurately, considering all possible options for the location of cell groups.
  • To calculate those cells that cannot be painted under any conditions, usually to indicate empty cells put either a dot or a cross.
  • For the convenience of the solution, you can cross out those numbers whose position has already been determined.

If solved by this method, then the filled cells and marked empty cells will appear more and more on the field. You need to continue this way until there is not a single free cell left, which means the crossword puzzle will be solved. It is very important to avoid erroneous marks, otherwise even one incorrectly set point or filled cell can lead to an incorrect decision. If at the very beginning the error can still be corrected, then without noticing it, then solving the crossword puzzle it will be very difficult to find and fix it. In order to learn how to solve well and quickly, you need to exercise more often, then each time it will be faster to paint more and more new pictures. Otherwise, it will not be possible to figure out how to solve Japanese crosswords.


You need to start solving any Japanese crossword puzzle carefully and do not rush to sketch cells without making sure of the correct actions. At the very beginning, it is necessary to note the largest figures both horizontally and vertically. It is possible that there are already rows or columns that are precisely painted over completely. For example, the magnitude of the field is 28 cells, and there is such a figure in the left or top. Then you need to go to the numbers lower in descending order. If the number is slightly smaller than the crossword field, then it is worth counting the group of cells in one and the other direction. That part, which in any case enters the cells when counting, must be painted over. When groups of cells are defined, empty cells must be marked between them.

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So, if one line of sketched cells is defined in a row and there is a dot, then you can go further and in the same way count from the remaining empty cells those that will be filled.

Pay attention more often and double-check yourself from top to bottom and horizontally.

It is better for beginners to start learning how to solve with a simple pencil, so that in case of an error they can be fixed.

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