Why is thrush dangerous?

A huge part of the world's population is carriers of candidiasis, without even knowing about it. A significant number of women have been “fighting” thrush almost the entire life, since the disease takes on a chronic character. Is candidiasis dangerous to health in general, and what will happen if thrush is not treated?

It is believed that thrush itself is a more unpleasant than dangerous phenomenon. But this does not mean that it is not necessary to take therapeutic measures against him. Why?

Firstly, because a rare woman does not feel discomfort from the manifestations of thrush - itching in the genital area, profuse cheesy inflammation and pain during physical proximity, as well as while visiting the toilet room.

Secondly, there is a chance of re-infection: you have undergone a set of therapeutic measures, but your sexual partner is not; during subsequent sexual intercourse, you can catch the thrush again, and so on ad infinitum.

Thirdly, the presence of thrush can be a concomitant of other inflammatory processes, which can be more dangerous.

Fourth, if thrush is not treated, it can take a chronic form.

That's why not treating thrush is bad.

The presence of thrush is especially undesirable during pregnancy, since at this time the organs and systems of the future organism are laid. The consequences of thrush for a child can be very deplorable. According to statistics, in 70% of cases, candidiasis is transmitted from a pregnant mother to a child. And this means that pregnancy and thrush should not be combined! That is why gynecologists around the world do not get tired of repeating that pregnancy should be planned, and before conception, mom and dad should be cured of various diseases.

Why is thrush dangerous for a baby?

As a rule, infection occurs at the time of birth, when the baby moves through the birth canal. The infection usually affects the umbilical cord, mucous membrane of the mouth and respiratory tract, or the skin. This manifests itself in the form of white plaque, redness and swelling of the mucous membrane.

In rare cases, the internal organs of the fetus, for example, the brain, are affected. If the whole body of the fetus is affected, which, fortunately, is extremely rare, then the pregnancy ends in a miscarriage.

Why is thrush dangerous for a woman?

There are three forms of the course of thrush: carriage, acute and chronic. In the first period (carriage), a woman may not even suspect a problem. What is the danger of thrush in this period? Transmission of infection to a partner, the development of an acute form of the course of the disease.

During an exacerbation of thrush (acute form), symptoms of the disease (intolerable itching, cheesy discharge , etc.) are manifested. The danger lies in ignoring the treatment and, as a consequence, the transition of the disease into a chronic form.

The chronic form of thrush makes itself felt at least 4 times a year, and during a period of calm a woman may be disturbed by itching and discharge of varying intensity. What is the danger of thrush during this period? Its symptoms can be confused with sexually transmitted diseases, and the danger is that, ignoring the treatment of the disease that you take for candidiasis, you can cause a lot of harm to the body.

In addition, thrush is a favorable factor for inflammatory diseases in the bladder and urethra. However, candidiasis can provoke a pathology of the cervix, which in some cases is fraught with the development of an oncological tumor.

The appearance of thrush is associated with a decline in the immune system, and since there are no protective forces in the body, it means that it is an easy prey for various infections and diseases. Therefore, talking about the harmlessness of the thrush does not make sense. Yes, and you can hardly call the "harmless" manifestations of candidiasis so harmless.

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