Passport stolen - what to do, where to go? Sample Police Theft

If a person’s passport is stolen, then this will give him a lot of trouble and inconvenience. Naturally, to get rid of them as soon as possible, you need to go to the police and write a statement. The procedure should not be postponed. Otherwise, problems may arise. So, it is worth talking about how to write a statement correctly, and what needs to be done in order to avoid elementary errors.

passport stolen

First steps

Passport stolen - what to do? First, you need to respond quickly to what has happened. You need to go to the nearest police station. There you will need to talk about your problem, after - get the application form and describe everything in it as detailed as possible. When the loss was noticed, what was stolen apart from the document, where it could have happened, at what time, etc. The more detailed the incident will be described, the better. When the application is accepted and registered, the victim will be given a coupon notifying of the registration of the incident.

A statement is needed. Like a ticket. Since it is his person who will provide to the FMS for registration of a new identity card. The ticket is proof that the old passport was stolen. And on it, a person can track his statement and find out about the results of the investigation. The sooner the application is submitted, the better. After all, if the passport is used by scammers, then the person will have direct evidence that he has nothing to do with it, because this document was stolen.

What then?

Once the application is written, you must go to the FMS. You need to grab some documents with you. The first is a free passport theft statement . The second is the notorious notification coupon received by the police. Third - an application for the issuance of a new identity card in form 1-P. You will also need a receipt for the payment of a state duty of one and a half thousand rubles and two photographs.

This is the main package of documents that needs to be collected if the passport has been stolen and a new one needs to be issued. If you have a military ID, a birth certificate, marriage or divorce - they must also be brought. As soon as the FMS receives the documents, a person will be issued a receipt. She will be his temporary identification card and a certificate that he is waiting for a new one, since his passport was stolen from him.

What to do next? Wait. 10 days if a person is in his region, and about two months if he is in another region or region.

stole a passport what to do


A few words should be said about what to expect a person from whom a passport was stolen. How to restore it is clear, but you still need to know that it can be brought to administrative responsibility. Even despite the fact that the document was stolen, and not lost due to its own negligence.

There is article 19.16 of the Code of Administrative Offenses. It says that everyone is obligated to bear responsibility for the loss or loss of their identity card. A citizen may be issued a warning or a fine. It is usually small - from 100 to 300 rubles. However, the citizen’s guilt in the loss of the document still needs to be proved. So you can appeal the act without much difficulty. Even if the protocol is written out and the administrative case has been opened.

True, there is another article. 19.15 Administrative Code. It says that a person living at the place of registration or stay without a passport must pay a fine. Its size is 2-3 thousand rubles. And if the citizen is a resident of Moscow or St. Petersburg, then the amount will be equal to 3000-5000 p. So if a person’s passport was stolen in a foreign city, you need to go to the police right away. It is possible that trouble will be avoided.

Why do you have to rush?

If your passport is stolen, then you need to act immediately. It can easily be used to open a fraudulent company or to take loans. Many consider this a myth, but in vain. Fraudsters simply paste their photo into the passport (the film on which the first page is covered is not an obstacle for them and their devices) and they act. If a person does not contact the police after the document is lost, then it will be very difficult for him to prove that he is not the culprit of late payments. After that, you still have to return the “clean” credit history.

sample police report

Document on time

So, above it was said about what to do if a passport was stolen. Where to go is also clear. But what about without this ID? Many need a passport all the time.

It's not a problem. When a person submits documents for a new passport, he has the right to ask him to issue a temporary identity card. Its validity period is usually two months. They make it out in just five minutes.

And this document can sometimes help out. Especially if a citizen did not apply to the FMS at the place of residence. In his city, a passport is issued literally in a week, but in other regions it is delayed with this, hiding behind the need to verify the identity of a citizen. To speed up the process, a person can provide his “foreign” or driver’s license.

what to do if you stole a passport abroad

How to act abroad?

The question of what to do if a passport was stolen abroad surely defeated every person who went on a trip or business trip. And really, you have to be prepared for everything.

If such a nuisance has occurred, then we must go to the police. And there you will have to ask for a certificate stating that the person does not have a passport. The main difficulty arises precisely at this stage. We must try to explain to law enforcement officials exactly what this certificate looks like and why it is needed. Not every state can understand such a request. But Russian law requires it. And still have to write a statement. That is the law. Fortunately, a sample application to the police will be provided there.

Obtaining a certificate of return

At the embassy, ​​where you need to go after the police, you will need to prove your identity. A passport will do. In general, it is desirable to have a copy of the usual civilian with you. Now many are downloading the scan to their phone or tablet. It is worth considering this - it will be useful in the future.

And then, at the embassy, ​​the citizen will be given the so-called certificate of return. On it, a person will be able to go back to Russia. True, a certificate will have to be paid. Consular fees can range from 20 to 100 US dollars. It all depends on the state in which the person lost his passport.

stolen and then returned the passport

How to return to your homeland

That is not all there is to know about the actions to be taken if the passport has been stolen abroad. So, the embassy will need to present the notorious protocol (certificate) taken by the police, a statement, two photographs and another identification card. It seems to be not so complicated. Yes, but this is only if the person is not far from the embassy. But when he, for example, rests in an island resort, the procedure becomes much more complicated. Since they will not be put on a plane or train without a passport. Have to get a ferry, bus or taxi. And this is a considerable waste.

It also happens that the embassy requires confirmation of the citizen’s words by witnesses. These should be two Russian people who can confirm that he really lives in Russia. And they should not let slip that they are familiar with him just a couple of days after an accidental meeting in a local tavern.

The big problem is if neither witnesses can be found, nor documents are accepted at the embassy. In this case, there is only one way out - to call relatives and ask them to send the papers that they may require at the consulate. And yet, it will be necessary to hurry after receiving the cherished certificate of return at the embassy. Since it lasts only 15 days.

What else is worth knowing

It happens that the identity card was first stolen, and then the passport was returned. What to do in such a situation? Well, in any case, it will be invalid. After all, a man after the police goes to the FMS, where he is given a new document. There are several scenarios. The first - a citizen goes to the police, tells the situation and indicates the data that he returned the document to him. Most often, for reasons that he could take a loan on a stolen passport. The second option is to simply go to the FMS and hand over the find. Since the passport will still be considered invalid, and you should not keep it with you. If it is discovered, they may be attracted for using a fake document.

stole a passport in a foreign city

How to file a police statement?

This is a separate topic. There are many examples, because often a person is lost - what kind of sample of a statement to the police does he need? Above is a photo of the most suitable.

In general, there is no need to worry about this, as the police give out a form. Usually the text begins with the phrase: “I ask you to prosecute an unidentified person ...”. If a person with 100% certainty can confirm who stole his passport, then the name of the culprit is allowed. But it’s better not to do this, because more often than not the suspect turns out to be a thief.

The statement should describe everything in the maximum detail. Starting with the cover of the document, ending with the place of theft. This often helps the investigation.

At the top, where usually a person fills in information about himself (as an applicant), he often needs to indicate his passport details. If a citizen remembers them - well. No? It's okay, because the content of the statement will cancel all questions about this.

stolen passport loan

How to confirm your identity without a passport?

Fortunately, many documents can be used for this in Russia. And the 118th paragraph of the Rules confirms this. If, for example, the FMS requires that you prove your identity, a person has the right to present a foreign passport, home book, birth certificate, as well as marriage or divorce. Military, hunting, trade union ticket can also be used for this. Even a work book and a certificate of release from prison are allowed to be presented. In general, any document will do. The bigger, the better. Perhaps the FMS employee, having seen a stack of documents proposed for familiarization, will not even consider them. And the passport will make the citizen faster.

In general, if the passport is stolen, then you do not need to worry too much. The main thing is to react immediately. Search all around to ascertain your suspicions of theft, and contact the police. The sooner this is done, the better. After all, it is possible that the passport was stolen by fraudsters to commit atrocities.

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