Polyvinyl chloride - what is it? Polyvinyl chloride production technology and applications

If you decide to use polyvinyl chloride in construction or repair, what is it important to know before starting work. This material refers to synthetic thermoplastic textures.

PVC specifications

polyvinyl chloride what is it

In the conditions of the plant, two types of PVC are made, the first of which is plasticized, while the second is unplasticized. In the latter case, the plasticizer is not used. Externally, PVC has the appearance of a white powder, which does not have an odor. It has high strength properties and dielectric properties. If you decide to purchase polyvinyl chloride, what is it, you need to find out. It is resistant to alkalis, mineral oils, acids, and also does not dissolve in water. Ketones, esters, as well as aromatic and chlorinated hydrocarbons contribute to the dissolution and swelling. The material is resistant to oxidation and almost does not burn. Polyvinyl chloride has not very impressive heat-resistant characteristics, when exposed to a temperature of 100 degrees, it begins to decompose. In order to achieve heat resistance and improve the quality of solubility, PVC is exposed to chlorination.

Area of โ€‹โ€‹use

pvc material

Today, polyvinyl chloride is quite widespread. What is this should know every home foreman and specialist in the field of construction. This material is used in medicine, replacing glass and rubber. Thus, it was possible to obtain disposable items. Due to chemical stability and inertness, PVC has gained high popularity in the mentioned area. Products from it are diverse and easy to produce, and are much cheaper than previously used materials.

PVC is also used in the transport industry. It is used in the manufacture of door panels, armrests, as well as in the creation of cable insulation. It is thanks to this that the car began to have a longer lifespan, which increased by six years compared to previous indicators. This approach increased the safety of transport, since with the help of PVC it โ€‹โ€‹was possible to create airbags, as well as protective panels that can protect passengers from injuries in accidents.

Repair and construction

polyvinyl chloride pipe

Considering polyvinyl chloride, what is it can be found in this article. This material is used today for design purposes. This opportunity appeared due to the fact that modern technology allows you to create PVC products of any shape. Thus, it was possible to create interior elements. Most often, this polymer can be found in construction. It produces wear-resistant, tough, lightweight products that perfectly cope with corrosion and chemical attack. Such high popularity in the construction industry is also due to fire safety, the material is difficult to ignite, and when the temperature source is removed, it stops burning and smoldering. That is why such products can be used at facilities that have requirements for increased fire safety. PVC material is durable, more than 75 percent of the pipes that are made from it, demonstrate vital activity for more than 40 years.

Production technology

production of polyvinyl chloride

The production of polyvinyl chloride is carried out by the method of radical polymerization of raw materials, which is vinyl chloride. The suspension method is most widely used in industry, this is due to the fact that it provides high productivity. Such polymerization is carried out on a periodic system. Vinyl chloride, which is contained in an amount of 0.02 - 0.05 percent in the aquatic environment, is used as the main component. The prepared raw material is heated to 65 degrees, and then subjected to a similar effect to obtain a homogeneous product. Polymerization occurs in drops of vinyl chloride. In the end, it is possible to obtain porous microspheres. Production is fully automated, while polymerization is carried out in reactors whose volume exceeds 200 cubic meters. After completion of the polymerization, the degree of vinyl chloride, which by this time reacted, reaches 90 percent. Elements that are not involved are removed, while the PVC itself is sieved and dried under the influence of hot air. Then comes the packaging. Polyvinyl chloride, the properties of which were described above, at the last stage is converted into vinyl plastic or plastic compound.

PVC end products

polyvinyl chloride properties

PVC material can be converted to vinyl plastic. It is a tough product. It is characterized by high mechanical strength, resistant to chemical influences and waterproof. Among the disadvantages are low impact strength, poor frost resistance and low operating threshold. As for plasticizers, these are soft products that have significant elasticity. They are also characterized by water resistance and oil resistance. They perfectly undergo the influence of various organic solvents.


Polyvinyl chloride, the pipes of which are made today, acts as one of the common materials among plastics. World production accounts for approximately 17 percent of total plastics production, and ranks third among polymers. Products made of PVC have found their practical application in many sectors of the economy, industry, heavy engineering, medicine and agriculture. Today, plastic windows are installed in almost every house, and products based on the described material are also used. It is widespread that indicates excellent quality characteristics of the above material, which has high strength, resistance to external damage and influences of a different nature.

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