Composition-reasoning "What does family mean to me?"

A person cannot be happy and completely fulfilled, living alone. He can achieve a high career position, earn money or become famous. However, nothing can replace what only close people can give.

what family means to me

What does family mean in life? The importance of having loved ones

So that students can understand how important it is to have their own “unit of society”, the essay “What does family mean to me?” Is given in schools. When a person understands how important it is, it becomes for him the most reliable refuge in the whole world. When you have to face problems or failures, and it seems that the whole world has rebelled against it, only close people can come to the rescue.

Moreover, one can often hear the following truth: love for the motherland originates in the family. Close people form the cell of society, without which it cannot exist. The family is important both for society as a whole and for a single person. The role of the family in the social development of an individual cannot be overestimated - after all, it is at home that a person first comes into contact with the culture in which he was born, learns to communicate with people, learn the rules and norms of behavior.

A family? Or a job?

"What does family mean to me?" - this essay should make every student think on such a difficult topic. Close people are very important for each other, however, the family sphere remains one of the most problematic. Indeed, often relatives move away from each other for various reasons. For example, scientific and technological progress freed a person from the need to work physically, but he also took from him the most precious thing - time and the opportunity to be with his family longer. Parents often do not see their children because of constant employment. As a result, children are brought up "on the street" or by those people who have already fulfilled their parental function in their youth - grandparents.

what does composition mean for me

Each issue can be resolved.

At the same time, an adult cannot just abandon his career - because in this way he can leave children or elderly parents without a piece of bread. It turns out a dilemma: on one side of the scales is a successful career, and, consequently, the well-being of the family. And on the other - relationships with relatives. In this case, each person should be able to answer the question "What does family mean to me?" If the issue of earnings is paramount, you should discuss the problem with other members - you can always find a compromise.

For example, you can explain to your child that for about three months, until the family settles its debts, dad will be very busy. And then everyone can go on vacation. In the event that the issue of raising money for family support is not a priority and career is paramount, an adult must set his own priorities. If professional self-development is more important to him, he should convey this to other family members as correctly as possible. If relatives and friends are more important to him, you can look for another job or type of employment.

what does family mean for a person

How to get a good grade

Students who have received such an essay as homework have every chance of getting a good grade in the Russian language. After all, all that is required for this is to decide on one’s own point of view on the topic of composition and to properly arrange the work. "What does family mean to me?" - children and parents, grandparents, brothers and sisters often ask themselves. For someone, relationships with family and friends are so important that a person cannot live his life if there is any conflict in the house.

For some, family is not a priority. Most often, these are also those people for whom a job or career is more important. In his discourse, “What does family mean to me?” the student is not required to adhere to the generally accepted point of view. In the work, he must describe his own opinion, as well as choose the right argument for it. Also, the essay must be written correctly. Before you pass it to the teacher for verification, you need to check it for grammatical, punctuation and stylistic errors.

what does family mean in life

The most important characteristic

The question "What does family mean in life?" is not only philosophical. Often, it helps to determine what a person is - this is important in jurisprudence, forensics, psychology, pedagogy and many other areas. Marital status is one of the most important characteristics of a person. In addition to who the person is by profession, where he lives, what is his financial situation , what kind of family he has is also important.

Does the person live with his parents, or is he married? whether he has children and how much - all this is very important information about the person. Those who seek to depreciate the family as such forget: it is the most important prerequisite for personal development, because it is here that people face quite complex tasks that cannot be learned to solve under other conditions. Of course, you can live life alone - but will it be just as bright and full? The question of what family means to a person is far from idle. Studies show that the largest number of suicides occur among single people. Married and married, on the contrary, suffer from depression and somatic diseases much less often.

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