Anti-aging facial massage: techniques, tips, reviews

With the appearance of wrinkles on the face of a woman, they try to find a magic cream that removes the signs of aging and prolongs youth. However, one should not forget that cosmetics give only a superficial effect. More effective is a rejuvenating facial massage. He is able to tighten not only the skin, but also the muscles.

Implementation Recommendations

According to the reviews of women, a rejuvenating facial massage should be carried out starting from the age of 25 . He needs to be given 5 minutes daily.

An insignificant time devoted to face care will help a woman to relax, relieve stress and forget about the tension and negativity that she undergoes during the day.

Anti-aging facial massage

A mirror will help a woman master the art of massage. With its help, she will be able to control the movement of her hands and compare the execution technique with the existing instruction:

  • During the procedure, the muscles of the face should not be tense, you should think about something pleasant.
  • Some women find it difficult to relax, especially with outsiders. It is best to carry out the massage yourself, before going to bed. It gives an excellent anti-aging effect.
  • The skin should be perfectly clean. Before starting the procedure, you need to remove makeup and wipe your face with tonic.
  • Put your hair in a bun and stab your bangs.
  • To facilitate sliding, fingers should be treated with cosmetic milk or nourishing cream.
  • After the massage, a nourishing mask should be applied to the face. The previous warming action will allow the active components of the product to penetrate deep into the skin, which will increase the effectiveness of the procedure.

Massage should be carried out in courses of 10-15 days. It is recommended to do it 2-3 times a year.

What is massage for?

Anti-aging facial massage is called plastic without a knife. Indeed, as a result of its holding, the skin becomes soft, even and smooth.

What happens to the dermis after the procedure:

  1. Muscle tone increases, which is responsible for the oval and facelift.
  2. Blood circulation of the skin improves, metabolic processes are activated, complexion is leveled. Traces of acne and scarring are reduced.
  3. The skin is cleansed. Its upper layer is exfoliated. Toxins are eliminated.
  4. The outflow of lymph is accelerated, which helps to reduce puffiness, circles under the eyes disappear.

The use of cosmetics during massage improves the condition of the skin, because the nutrients of the cream are absorbed much faster.

Japanese anti-aging facial massage

After conducting a rejuvenating facial massage at home, women feel several years younger. The main thing is that the procedure is carried out regularly and its technique is observed.

Classic anti-aging massage

The following exercises are related to the traditional technique of the procedure:

  • Massage begins with soft strokes of the skin. This contributes to its warming up and facilitates further actions.
  • To relieve tension from the muscles of the face, it is necessary to knead the skin with soft circular movements. The main direction is clockwise.
  • Gently tap on the skin with the fingertips to activate the blood circulation.
  • Next, the skin is carefully plucked. This improves microcirculation and optimizes the epidermis regeneration process.
Anti-aging facial massage at home

Massage begins with a circular motion. Gradually, the fingers move from the corners of the mouth to the corners of the eyes. Then go to the nose, cheekbones and forehead. Each type of movement with a rejuvenating facial massage should be repeated 3-5 times.

It is forbidden to use force during the procedure. The movements should be smooth and gentle.

Oriental techniques

Everyone knows the beauty of oriental women. And the reason for this is considered not only a genetic predisposition, but also the constant comprehensive care of your face. For Japanese women, massage is a necessary procedure. He has his own characteristics.

All exercises of Japanese anti-aging facial massage are qualified as follows:

  1. Lymphatic massage. Improves tissue nutrition, stimulates the removal of excess fluid and toxins.
  2. Rejuvenating facial muscle massage. Favorably affects blood vessels and skin. Helps relax muscles.

Japanese anti-aging facial massage has its own characteristics. The essence of Asahi's technique is to stroke the skin along the location of the lymph nodes, which should be precisely determined. Movements should be soft and gentle, strength can only hurt.

Rejuvenating acupressure facial massage

Before the procedure, the face is cleaned with cosmetic milk. For a successful massage, an oil base is used, which provides quick sliding of the fingers.

The procedure is prohibited for women who have: ENT diseases, inflammatory processes and diseases of the lymphatic system.

As a result of the application, the effect of anti-aging massage for the face is to relax the muscles, improve lymph exchange. Increased blood flow, saturation of the skin with oxygen and nutrients.

Shiatsu - anti-aging acupressure facial massage. When pressed at certain points, a healing internal energy is activated. The impact is carried out not only on the skin, but also on the organs and systems of the body. This is due to the active spots on the face.

Massage is performed at a slow pace. Begin the procedure from the points on the forehead, then move from the eyebrows to the side of the hair. Then the effect continues on the active points of the cheeks and nasal wings, and then to the temples. The ears and chin are the last to be massaged. The impact on each point lasts 7 seconds.

Chinese anti-aging facial massage has a similar shiatsu technique. Rhythmic pressure is applied to acupuncture points with the pads of the middle, thumb and forefinger. Massage is carried out in 2 stages: preparatory and basic.

Initially, the skin is cleaned of the layer of keratinized cells and warmed up. The main step involves direct exposure. Before the procedure, you need to study the location of the active points.

Lymphatic drainage massage

The procedure helps to tighten the skin without plastic surgery. Every woman needs to master this one of the simplest and most effective ways to support the skin.

Rejuvenating lymphatic drainage facial massage - a procedure that promotes the removal of excess fluid and metabolic products from the intercellular space. This restores blood flow, while vasodilation and relaxation occur. All natural processes in the tissue are activated.

All women who use anti-aging facial massage noticed an incredible result after several procedures. Beauticians recommend conducting it once a week.

Lymphatic drainage massage is necessary for women who have the following disadvantages:

  • swelling of the face and second chin;
  • dark circles under the eyes;
  • wrinkles and folds.

All this speaks of stagnation of tissue fluid, and this must be disposed of. Lymphatic drainage prevents such phenomena, it is advised to do the procedure to prevent skin aging.

Massage is carried out in 4 stages:

  • The skin is cleaned and steamed.
  • Apply a massage agent to the face.
  • Massage.
  • Moisturize the skin with a nourishing cream.

How to do anti-aging facial massage? The technique of its implementation is as follows:

  1. Apply massage oil to the face. The procedure begins with light and stroking movements. Then they become more intense. The skin is rubbed, but the effect should not be painful.
  2. Fingers move along massage lines. Thus, lymph flows towards the periphery. The lower eyelids are massaged to the nose, the upper ones to the temples.
  3. Next, carry out the procedure from the middle of the forehead to the temples and vice versa.
  4. Stroke the skin by clicking on it. Movements are carried out vertically from the forehead to the chin. Then you can rub the skin in the same direction.
Lymphatic drainage facial rejuvenating massage

As a result of lymphatic drainage massage, the face receives an excellent anti-aging effect. The skin becomes elastic, swelling decreases, dark circles under the eyes disappear. Additionally:

  • swelling disappears and complexion improves;
  • the elasticity of the skin increases;
  • wrinkles under the eyes are smoothed out;
  • the second chin leaves;
  • smoothing of folds on the neck;
  • the general condition of the body is improving.

In addition to a direct effect on the condition of the skin, lymphatic drainage gives an anti-stress effect.

Other types of massage

There is a technique that can restore facial contours that change due to the weakening of his muscles.

Sculptural is one of the best anti-aging facial massage. It was intended for people who suffered a stroke. Then the technique began to be used in beauty salons in order to rejuvenate the skin.

All layers of the skin and muscles are being worked out. As a result, the second chin is removed, the skin becomes elastic and its color improves. Massage movements should be intense, so after the session there is a slight pain in the muscles.

Sculptural massage should be performed at least 2 times a week. It is done twice a year, and one course is 12 sessions. If desired, you can conduct sessions at home, while learning the basics of anatomy.

Sculptural massage consists of the following steps:

  • During the preparation period they thoroughly cleanse the face. Apply massage cream.
  • Warm up. The skin must be easily touched. With both hands, stroking the face, neck and décolleté. Then intensively knead the neck, pressing on the lymph nodes with the palm of your hand.
  • Next, correct the oval of the face. In a circular motion massage the cheeks. Nip the skin along the contour of the face. All movements are carried out along the massage lines.

At the final stage, light strokes are made with a gradual decrease in pressure force.

The best anti-aging facial massages

A rejuvenating massage for the face includes a tightening. To carry out the procedure yourself, you need to study the location of the massage lines.

Massage includes the following steps:

  1. Remove makeup. A massage cream is applied to the face.
  2. Two fingers are used for the procedure: index and middle. They smooth the skin in the direction from the nose to the temples, then from the eyebrows to the hairline.
  3. 5 fingers hold from the middle of the chin to the ears.
  4. Do massage under the chin.

All movements are repeated 8 times. A massage session is carried out twice or thrice a week.

So that wrinkles do not form on the skin, after applying night cream on it, it is necessary to massage every night. It takes only 5 minutes.

The main movements include pinching. The procedure includes the following steps:

  • First, the massage is carried out in the area above the eyebrows in the direction of the temples.
  • Then, the skin on the bridge of the nose flexes.
  • To get rid of longitudinal wrinkles, smooth the forehead from one temple to another.
  • Then get rid of the "crow's feet".
  • Intensively pinch the skin on the cheekbones.
  • Next, the area of ​​the nasolabial folds is subjected to massage.
  • With fingers collected in a fist, stroke the skin of the lower contour of the face.

The benefits and harms of massage

Cosmetic procedure brings a positive effect. Anti-aging facial massage:

  1. Eliminates dead skin cells.
  2. Removes toxins, relieves the effects of puffiness.
  3. Improves the contour of the face and makes them clear.
  4. Accelerates the synthesis of elastin and collagen.
  5. Stimulates blood circulation.
  6. Smoothes wrinkles.
  7. Enhances the effect of cosmetics.
  8. It relaxes and relieves accumulated fatigue during the day.

Sometimes when working as an unprofessional massage therapist, the following negative consequences may occur:

  • There is a stretching and sagging of the skin.
  • Addiction to anti-aging treatments.
  • Damage to the skin.
  • Fatty oils applied to the face can lead to increased acne.
  • In patients with a thin face, bruises sometimes occur on the skin.

As a result of the massage, the woman’s skin is rejuvenated and looks attractive.

Contraindications and Precautions

Even considering the fact that massage is considered a natural cosmetic procedure, you need to understand that it can not always be performed. This applies to cases when there are warts on the face or any neoplasms. In such a situation, it is best not to massage the face or give up exposure to these areas.

Massage is contraindicated in:

  • herpes;
  • acute inflammatory processes;
  • high or low blood pressure;
  • high body temperature;
  • fungal skin diseases;
  • ulcers;
  • large warts and moles.

The procedure should not be carried out with severe stress and mental disorders. Massage is not done to women during pregnancy and lactation.

It is not recommended to carry out the procedure for the elderly.

Before massage, it is important to wash your hands thoroughly. This is necessary so that inflammation does not occur on the face.

For the procedure, special means should be used that reduce friction. It can be gels, oils or creams.

The procedure is carried out only on massage lines. It is necessary to perform those movements that are advised by a specialist. Incorrect massage can lead to a significant deterioration in the condition of the skin.

The procedure, taking into account all its features, has no contraindications. The result can be seen within a few weeks.

It is important that the massage is carried out regularly, because thanks to this, preservation of the youthfulness of the skin is possible.

Procedure result

To maintain aging skin in perfect condition, the right approach is needed. Indeed, with age, many metabolic processes in the cells of the epidermis slow down, which leads to negative changes in the tissues.

Massage enhances lymph flow, so that cells are saturated with oxygen and nutrients. At the same time, they get rid of excess fluid and decay products.

As a result of the procedure, the appearance of the skin improves:

  1. The amount of produced collagen, which is a kind of building material for various types of dermis, is increasing. It becomes more firm and elastic. This is confirmed by many women who have passed even 1 course of massage.
  2. Due to improved blood circulation, complexion changes. The pallor of the skin and the dark circles around the eyes completely disappear.
  3. The deep action of the facial muscles evens out the oval and makes it clear.

The main secret of anti-aging massage is the study of all facial tissues. This applies to the epidermis, dermis, muscle tissue. Only in this way, women can rejuvenate their skin and turn back the clock.

Homemade facial massage anti-aging

Massage is a complicated procedure, it is better to carry it out in beauty salons. After all, real professionals can save a woman from signs of aging without harming the skin.

You can also have a massage at home. You should first familiarize yourself with its subtleties and the location of the massage lines.

Opinions of women

According to reviews, anti-aging facial massage improves the condition of the skin after a few sessions. To consolidate the result, it is recommended to carry out the procedure regularly.

After the massage, women noticed that the skin became toned and beautiful. Flabby areas disappeared and the oval of the face improved.

One group of women is pleased with the result of the rejuvenating massage they did in the beauty salon. After the procedure, the skin began to look young and toned.

The second group of women performed the massage on their own, having previously studied all the features of the procedure. After several sessions, women noticed positive changes in the skin.

Homemade anti-aging facial massage is a procedure that slows down the aging process of the skin, relieves tension and improves mood. Indeed, many biological points are located on the face. The impact on them has a positive effect on the state of health and general well-being. To get a positive result, you must completely complete the entire course.

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