Since ancient times, the scorpion is one of the most popular symbols applied to the body in the form of a tattoo. The image of a scorpion is considered traditional in the cultures of some African tribes, as well as among the peoples of Southeast Asia and the Middle East. Currently, many are acquiring body art, because it is fashionable. However, few people think about the meaning of this or that image, but this is very important. This article will talk about the significance of a scorpion tattoo.
Basically, a scorpion tattoo is considered a powerful
amulet and a talisman designed to protect its wearer, because everyone is afraid of this small, but very dangerous and formidable creature, since it is the owner of a deadly weapon located at the end of the tail.
A meeting with a scorpion is fraught with mortal danger, because it is a lone predator, hunter and killer, therefore, the scorpion tattoo symbolizes the danger posed by this deadly insect. For example, in Ancient Egypt, his image was a symbol of death, and in Europe - a sign of revenge.
But, for example, in Japan, the scorpion tattoo has a completely different meaning - the Japanese consider this creature to be the personification of wisdom, and the
African people - a symbol of healing.
Now a tattoo with a picture of a scorpion can be found quite often. Its owners are people of various views, professions and social strata. This sign is quite popular in the artistic environment, and in the army, and in the criminal. Many people born under the scorpion sign also adorn their body with this symbol. In this regard, the meaning of a scorpion tattoo can be interpreted in completely different ways.
Among the military, the image of a scorpion indicates belonging to the ground forces. An insect with open claws indicates participation in hostilities, and the scorpion claws combined indicate that the person served in a hot spot. By the way, each soldier can have a meaning of a scorpion tattoo . Quite often, a target or a blood group is depicted paired with a scorpion.
In the criminal world, scorpion tattoos are treated quite ambiguously. For example, if a scorpion is pinned up on its arm with claws, it means that the tattoo carrier uses drugs, and if the claws look down, this person was a drug addict in the past. Sometimes, the image of a scorpion is applied as evidence that a person had to sit in a solitary confinement. And some so reflect their danger to society.
If this symbol is applied by people born under the sign of Scorpio, then on what part of the body it will be depicted and in what position, does not play a role. From an esoteric point of view, the meaning of a scorpion tattoo is interpreted as protection in the form of an amulet or talisman from evil spirits, as well as a sign of the strength of a person and fidelity to the word.
If a scorpion is depicted with a lotus flower, this will symbolize marital fidelity and love. And sometimes the scorpion tattoo serves as a reminder of some life drama, for example, unhappy love, betrayal of friends or retribution for something.