Where to get an x-ray in Moscow: list and addresses of clinics

The role of x-ray studies in the diagnosis of human diseases cannot be overestimated. This diagnostic method is very popular. Each person should undergo fluorography once a year, some people receive a referral from a doctor for examination using an X-ray machine for various reasons. This article will examine the clinics in Moscow, in which everyone can make an X-ray. Some of the facilities described below accept children.

When can you do without x-rays?

in the doctor's office

The main indications for an X-ray examination are as follows:

  • Diseases of the joint and bone system. These include: osteomyelitis and malformations, injuries, tumors, arthritis.
  • Diseases of the lungs, including a suspicion of malignant neoplasms.
  • Pathology of the heart.
  • Disease of the kidneys and urinary tract, as well as the large intestine.

In addition, radiography is used in the treatment of teeth, as well as for examination of the uterus and fallopian tubes.

Where to get an x-ray in Moscow?

Today, almost every medical institution and clinic provide the described service. In Moscow and the Moscow Region alone, there are more than 1000 institutions that can be contacted. The examination can be paid or free. Free x-ray in Moscow is done in medical institutions at the place of registration. For the procedure, it is necessary to provide a compulsory medical insurance policy and passport. A doctor’s referral will also be required. As for the paid examination, it is done in diagnostic centers and various specialized clinics. Such a service is not very expensive and depends on the complexity of the study. The minimum price for x-ray is from 500 rubles.

Medical Center “Orange Clinics”

orange clinics

This is a family medical center. Doctors of various specialties work here, among them 17 candidates of medical sciences and 3 senior researchers. In this institution, you can make x-rays for both adults and children, so if you are looking for a place to take an x-ray in Moscow for a child, then this institution will suit you.

Types of radiography of a medical center

In “Orange Clinics” everyone will be able to undergo the following examination:

  • Fluorography. With its help, tuberculosis and malignant tumors in the lungs are detected.
  • X-ray of the stomach. Using this procedure, a stomach ulcer, tumors, polyps and other diseases are detected.
  • Irrigoscopy. It is necessary for examination of the large intestine.
  • Urography. Such an examination is intended to study the kidneys and urinary tract.
  • Mammography. It is intended for examination of the mammary glands.
  • X-ray of the joints of the spine and bones, including skull bones.
  • X-ray of the nasal sinuses, which allows to identify sinusitis.
  • Panoramic and conventional x-ray of teeth.
  • Other types of examination.

The clinic is equipped with the most modern equipment. All patients are issued an official opinion and pictures. The institution is located at: Novoyasenevsky prospekt building 13, building 2. If you decide to get there by metro, you will need to get off at Yasenevo station.

Clinic on "Strogino"

doctor is nearby

According to the administrator, the x-ray in the clinic is carried out only in branches located near the metro stations “Proletarskaya”, “Yugo-zapadnaya” and “Strogino”. So, the branch on “Strogino” is located at the address: Kulakova street, house 20, building 1L.

The Doctor Near clinic has the most high-precision x-ray equipment. Here you can undergo an examination not only after consulting specialists of this medical center, but also in the direction from other hospitals.

Advantages of the equipment of the Doctor Near clinic:

  • The exposure level is lower by 20 or 30%.
  • The device is guaranteed to produce high quality images.
  • Patients receive images within 3 minutes after the examination.
  • It is very simple to store, process and transfer images taken with this equipment.

X-ray in the Central Design Bureau of the Russian Academy of Sciences

ckb ran

Those who want to undergo an x-ray examination quickly and inexpensively should contact the RAS hospital. Here you will be accepted at a convenient time, without waiting in line and without direction. Clinic specialists work until eight in the evening. After the procedure, the patient is given a conclusion in his hands. The head of the X-ray diagnostic department is the radiologist Anastasia Mikhailovna Filimonova.

The facility is located on Litovsky Boulevard, Building 1A. If you will get there by metro, you need to get off at the Yasenevo station.

Institution Services

Turning to the hospital of the RAS, the patient can sign up for:

  • Contrast radiography, which allows you to get information about the shape and location of a particular organ, its condition and mobility. Radiologist reveals abnormalities and tumor neoplasms. Such a procedure is usually prescribed if other research methods are not very informative.
  • X-ray surgery, with which it is possible to do slightly traumatic operations under the control of an x-ray apparatus.
  • Fluorography. The patient’s chest is examined by radioactive rays, which are transformed and focused on the film during the procedure. The technique uses a photographing element.
  • Computed tomography. Using this technique, it is possible to visualize organs using x-ray radiation. Next, data is processed on a computer. Thanks to tomography, it is possible to examine even those parts of the body that are not amenable to conventional x-ray examination.
  • Irrigography. Such an X-ray examination is very effective and safe. It allows you to identify tumors in the intestines.
  • Ductography. It is a type of mammography. During the examination, a contrast agent is used.

The cost of radiography services

Those who are going to take an x-ray in Moscow in this institution need to know the cost of services. So, the price of the examination depends on the complexity, equipment used, the area of ​​the examination, the number of projections and other factors. So, radiography of a skull costs 800 or 1100 rubles in one or two projections, respectively. If we are talking about examining the Turkish saddle, then the cost of the procedure will be 800 rubles, and if the radiography of the first and second vertebra of the neck - 1150 rubles. When examining the thoracic spine, you need to pay 1,400 rubles, as well as when examining the lumbar spine (two projections). If an x-ray of the ribs is performed in two projections, as well as the sternum, the patient will be billed for 1000 and 1120 rubles, respectively. Preventive fluorography costs 650 rubles, and diagnostic fluorography costs 800.

patient in an x-ray room

When radiography of the lungs and a comprehensive x-ray examination of the esophagus, the patient will need to pay 1,500 and 1,300 rubles. respectively. But radiography and fluoroscopy of the stomach and duodenum costs a little more, namely 1940 rubles. If you carry out the same procedure with double contrasting, then it will cost you 2080 rubles. To identify diseases of the large intestine, irrigoscopy is used, the cost of which is 2880 rubles, as well as X-ray control of the passage of contrast, its price will be 1940 rubles. When radiography of the pyramid of the temporal bone according to the method of Schuller, Mayer and Stenvers will invoice in 1400 rubles.

In the hospital you can do intravenous urography, an x-ray of the eye socket in two projections, cystography, ureterocystography, kidney tomography in one projection, ascending urethrography, as well as other examinations for 1000-13 000 rubles.

At the request of the patient, the radiologist makes a description and interpretation of the radiographic images. The price of such a service depends on the complexity of the task and the qualifications of the doctor. So, if the description is made by a doctor of medical sciences, then the service will cost more.

Mammography in this institution is carried out in two standard projections, while one or two glands can be examined. The price of the service varies from 2300 to 4200 rubles. If we are talking about mammography with targeted images, then the examination will cost 2000 rubles. Our list does not show all prices for hospital services. One thing is certain: if you decide to have an X-ray in Moscow here, then the examination will cost you much less than in other private institutions.

Best clinic

best clinics

“Best Clinics” at the River Station was opened in 2008. It was the first medical center of the network. The institution has established itself as a reliable professional center that helps to maintain the health of patients.

One of the main advantages of the center is an upscale X-ray department. And all because his cabinets are equipped with the latest technology. In addition, the equipment is completely safe, provides the most accurate data with minimal radiation exposure. Unfortunately, in the "Best Clinics" at the River Station do not do x-rays. Such a service is available only in the branch, which is located near the Profsoyuznaya metro station, at 34 Novocheryomushkinskaya, building 2. The institution is open from Monday to Friday, from 8:00 a.m. to 21:00 p.m., on Saturday from 9:00 a.m. mornings until 21:00 in the evening, and also on Sunday from nine in the morning to eight in the evening.

Clinic Services

Here everyone can make an X-ray in Moscow urgently. Specialists will do:

  • Examination of the abdominal cavity, including for children.
  • Chest x-ray for adults and children.
  • X-ray of cranial bones
  • Examination of the head in a child.
  • X-ray fractures of various bones, including in a child.
  • Examination of the spine, fluorography (children and adults).

Reception is conducted by Vlad Angelika Romanovna, who is the head of the department and a candidate of medical sciences. She specializes in radiology and has been working with patients for 20 years. In addition to the classic X-ray examination, the doctor carries out MRI, CT, tomography of the OGK, fluoroscopy of the stomach, esophagus, as well as the heart, laparoscopy, fluorography.

Angelica Romanovna wrote 25 scientific papers. Some of them are published in Russian medical journals.

Another doctor is Turajyan Levon Vahagnovich. He specializes in radiology. It has been working for more than 5 years. He graduated from the First Sechenov Moscow State Medical University, studied at the faculty of "General Medicine", as well as RMAPO in the direction of "Radiology".

The doctor has experience with different software, which allows him to decrypt and interpret the received data as much as possible. He provides services in orthopantomography, computed tomography and tele-radiography. He has written several scientific articles and regularly participates in various scientific conferences.

Clinic x-ray equipment

Where to get a lung x-ray in Moscow? If you contact the described medical center, then the examination will be carried out on an x-ray machine Axiomi Luminos DRF LUM. This is a digital equipment controlled remotely. A feature of the device is that it is equipped with a very powerful Fluorospot Contrast system. Thanks to this, it was possible to provide a safe technology for conducting surveys in real time. The received data is archived on a hard disk or a regular disk. On this equipment, even bedridden patients can be examined, and with its help it will be possible to do digital fluoroscopy, tomography and radiography.

Also, digital tomography, peripheral angiography can be done on this unit. The device has a program to reduce the exposure load. On this device, you will not only take an x-ray of the joint in Moscow, but you can also examine the entire body.

A radiovisograph is another device the clinic has. It is used in dentistry, with it you can make an x-ray of teeth in Moscow. The model is an electronic x-ray machine, with its help it is possible to quickly obtain a contrast image of the teeth and display it on a computer monitor. Thanks to this study, it is possible to diagnose various dental diseases at the earliest stages. Moreover, even if the symptoms of the disease are not observed. The main advantages of the device are as follows:

  • The radiation load here is 10 times less than in a conventional X-ray machine.
  • With the help of such an examination, you can see the entire dentition at once.
  • The result is displayed on the screen, a picture is taken in just 0.1 seconds, and this confirms the safety of the unit.
  • The output is very high-quality images, with excellent detail.

Due to the fact that the device is connected to a computer, a specialist can optimize image quality. As for the picture, then with the help of such an apparatus modeling, reconstruction and creation of three-dimensional visualization is available. Images are archived, so the doctor creates a database on the computer, making a history for each patient. This will allow, if necessary, to quickly find the survey data that were made earlier.

Next, we will talk about how much the x-ray in Moscow made in this clinic costs, and about the benefits.

Radiography advantages and prices

Among the advantages of the radiology department of the described medical center are the following:

  • High information content of each picture.
  • Low dose. The apparatus, which is used in the clinic for examination, makes the radiation dose very small, which can not be said about the old counterparts.
  • A complex approach. In addition to X-ray examination, computed tomography is performed in the department. Results are written to disk. After the examination, the doctor answers all questions of the patient.
  • Comfort. The staff of the medical center is very attentive and does everything possible to make patients feel at home. Free parking is located near the clinic, and patients are treated with free tea, coffee and cookies. The clinic has wi-fi. Reception is without queues, and if the patient has to wait a bit, he can sit on a soft sofa.
  • Service speed. The procedure takes no more than 10 minutes. And all because the clinic has developed its own application for recording for examination, which excludes the presence of queues.
  • The latest standards. Specialists of the medical center ensure that the services provided are safe. They work only with the best European methods and control the patient's response to each of the procedures.

Now you know where to get an x-ray in Moscow using high-quality equipment. The cost of the service will be:

  • 1790 rubles for examination of the femur, lower leg, x-ray of the hand and clavicle, radiography of the phalanges of the fingers.
  • 1990 rubles with x-rays of the first vertebra of the cervical spine and atlanto-axial joint. Also, for the same cost, the doctor examines the ankle joint in two projections and takes a picture of the sternum.
  • 1990 rubles for examination of the knee joint in two projections, an x-ray of the bones of the face and nose, as well as an x-ray of the forearm, elbow and wrist joint. The same is the chest x-ray in Moscow, and more precisely, the organs located inside.
  • 2390 rubles is an x-ray of the organs of the thoracic spine (two projections), radiography of the sacrum, tailbone and coccygeal-iliac joints.

Also, the doctor will make a description of the picture obtained in another health care facility, it costs 1200 rubles. A chest x-ray in two projections, as well as a chest x-ray in Moscow in three projections for diagnosing scoliosis, will cost 2890 rubles. The same cost is an x-ray of the lower jaw with a covered mouth. X-ray examination of the kidneys and lower jaw (two projections) cost 2190 rubles, but an x-ray of the spine, during which all departments are examined, - 4390 rubles.

24 hour operation


Where to get x-ray in Moscow around the clock? An X-ray can be taken at the Central Clinical Hospital of the Russian Academy of Sciences 24 hours a day, the specialists of this institution hospitalize patients 24/7, and therefore they will take a picture for those who need in-patient treatment even at night. The remaining clinics described in our article do not work around the clock, but the schedule is very convenient for patients. After all, you can get an appointment even in the late evening and on a day off; some institutions work until nine in the evening.


In Moscow, there are many clinics and medical centers where you can get x-rays for a fee. The cost of the service depends on the number of projections and other nuances. It is also quite possible to undergo a free examination at polyclinics at the place of registration, presenting a compulsory medical insurance policy and passport.However, such institutions cannot boast of having the most modern equipment, which means that the radiation dose will be greater. In addition, the patient may be tired of waiting in line.

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