Shopping complex "Tricky Market" in Omsk: address, mode of operation, reviews

In every city there are places without visiting which it is impossible to feel the true spirit of the locals, to join the original traditions of this area. This is not about those attractions that are included in the official tourist guides, but rather about the modest, unremarkable at first glance places that reveal in all their color only with a closer look.

Tricky Market

In Omsk, one of such attractions is the market, located near the stop "Liza Chaykina Street".

tricky market in Omsk

Indigenous Omsk residents have long perceived this outlet not just as a market, but as part of the history of the city, which must be treated with care and love. It is no accident that the old-timers always talk about the "Tricky Market" in Omsk, telling many interesting stories about what wonderful things can be bought from old-timers, who gather in huge quantities here on weekends. This place is one of those where you can get anything you want, from a used bike to antiques that have real antique value.

Everyday life

According to local residents, the appearance of the "Tricky Market" in Omsk changes dramatically with the onset of the weekend. On weekdays, you can also find a lot of interesting products here, but these days there isn’t that colorful crowd and the variety of goods that the local flea market boasts at the end of the week. And most importantly, on weekdays, “Tricky Market” in Omsk does not collect as many pet traders as it does on weekends.

tricky market omsk working hours

In the middle of the week, you can safely walk around the crowded rows of sellers of various household utensils and goods for summer cottages, as well as select the necessary spare parts for the car.

In the pavilion of the shopping complex "Tricky Market", you can visit a pet store, a special clothing store, as well as several antique shops, the shelves of which are full of many interesting things any day. And if a person is tired of the monotony of modern home interiors and he wants to enliven the atmosphere of his apartment by introducing some warm, cozy accessory into it, for example, in the form of an old table lamp with a green ceiling, then perhaps he will find what he needs here. The pavilion also houses a vintage audio and record store.

Formal attire

And on weekends, "Tricky Market" in Omsk literally comes to life. Trading rows go far beyond its official borders.

tricky market omsk animals

Sometimes it’s even impossible to understand exactly where the territory of this trading establishment begins and where it ends. On weekends and holidays, the most suitable place for those who want to have a pet in Omsk is Tricky Market. Sometimes money is not even required for this purpose, since many people come here who are ready to give kittens or puppies “in good hands” absolutely free of charge. The fauna of this place affects many species: from rats and hamsters to large breed dogs and well-fed muskrats.

And, of course, on the red days of the calendar, the ranks of junk collectors and collectors-traders antique coins, badges, stamps and other items of collectible value flourish.

Sanitary day

Come on, hurry up ...

According to the reviews of local patrons, sellers of the "Tricky Market" in Omsk are divided into three categories:

  • Those who sell for profit. They can immediately be distinguished by loud calls to buy their goods.
  • Collectors. That is, those who come here on a weekend to show their comrades new exhibits of their personal collection of coins or badges. They usually keep modestly, not defiantly. Sometimes when asked about the cost of a product, for example, an icon, people start to dissuade a person from buying this particular thing.
  • Pet sellers at the Tricky Market in Omsk.

This is a brief classification of local sellers.

shopping complex tricky market

A Brief History of the "Tricky Market" in Omsk

Indigenous Omsk people, as a rule, agree that at the moment there is no other similar place in Omsk. This market in its spirit resembles oriental bazaars or Odessa Privoz. Its uniqueness, its unique flavor lies in the fact that on the Omsk "Tricky Market" animals successfully side by side with junk shop and shops where "there is everything."

tricky market address

The history of the market began in the forties of the twentieth century. In that difficult hungry wartime, he served as a kind of exchange point. Here, goods were most often not bought, but exchanged for each other. As a rule, food was changed for dishes, various tools made of iron and vice versa.

The Tricky Market address has since remained the same. The only difference is that then this area, where the defense industry factories evacuated here, was located on the outskirts of the city. Now, when the city was overgrown with new residential neighborhoods around the edges, this place began to be perceived as housing estates in the neighborhood with the center of the metropolis.

About the title

There are several hypotheses as to why the market is called "cunning."

The most unpretentious of them explains this name with the cunning temper of the local sellers.

According to another strong opinion, this market is named after the example of the southern regions of our country, where flea bazaars are called cunning.

Some connoisseurs of Omsk history are of the opinion that the market became “cunning” due to its location. It is located in the middle of a private residential quarter and is not visible from the roadway.

Another hypothesis suggests the use of the word "cunning" in the meaning of "illegal." Indeed, people of the older generation often recall that the “Trick” in the sixties and seventies of the twentieth century actively traded in smuggled goods. Music lovers, for example, came here for records with the latest albums of The Beatles and Led Zeppelin.

One way or another, basically all these people agree that there is no other similar market in Omsk. In the dashing nineties there was the so-called “Toluchka” in the village of Chkalovsky, but there was no pet trade and most of the territory was occupied by Chinese merchants who sold clothes made in their homeland. But this oasis of trade was eliminated over time.

Visitor Information

The mode of operation of the "Tricky Market" in Omsk: it is open daily from nine in the morning until six in the evening. There are no days off in the work of the trading establishment.

A sanitary day is held every first Monday of the month. Therefore, the "Tricky Market" is always ready to receive visitors.

The exception is sanitary days.

The location of the "bird market", that is, the part of the "Tricky Market" where animals and used things are being traded, has now been moved to the other side of Bogdan Khmelnitsky Street and is now located between the Baranov factory and the Omsk College of Music and Education.

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