Basophils are lowered: causes, rules for blood sampling, decoding of the analysis results, possible consequences and consultation of doctors

A low level of basophils in the blood can be the result of pathological processes in the human body. But in some cases not related to disease, a decrease in basophilic granulocytes is considered normal. You need to know the reasons why their level is declining, and be able to decipher the results of the analysis.


This is a type of blood cell that belongs to a number of granulocytic leukocytes. Formed in bone marrow. After discharge into the bloodstream, they circulate there for several hours and then are distributed throughout the body tissues. There, their vital activity lasts for 8-10 days.

Basophilic granulocyte

The composition of basophilic granules includes histamine and heparin. The first affects smooth muscle contraction. Thanks to it, the permeability of the walls of the vessels increases, which leads to the formation of edema and a decrease in blood pressure. Heparin is involved in the regulation of the blood coagulation system. Immunoglobulin E is located on the surface of basophils. When interacting with an allergen, it forms a bond with it. After this, the cell of the basophilic granulocyte is destroyed and all its internal contents are released into the blood. At the same time, symptoms of inflammatory and allergic reactions begin to appear in the body. This serves as a signal for other blood cells that can cope with the pathogen and cleanse the body of the remnants of biologically active substances.

The functions of basophilic granulocytes

  • They support the blood supply to small blood vessels, due to which tissue cells are saturated with oxygen.
  • Participate in the formation of new capillaries.
  • They transmit a signal to other leukocytes for their further movement to places of localization of pathogenic agents
  • Prevent the development of parasitic infections.
  • They prevent the spread of poison throughout the body (for example, with a snakebite).
  • Protect the skin and mucous membranes from the penetration of parasites.
  • Form the body's response to an allergen. This is considered the main function of basophils.
  • Take part in the cleansing of tissues from biologically active agents.

Blood Basophil Analysis

As a rule, the content of basophils in the blood is determined during a general blood test. For this, the patient most often takes blood from a finger. Biological fluid from a vein is also suitable for such an analysis. The essence of the method is to count all leukocyte units under a microscope. It is called a leukocyte formula.

Basophil blood test

When conducting this analysis, the amount of not only basophilic granulocytes, but also other leukocytes, is determined. The result is most often given as a percentage of the leukocyte cell elements to each other.

Normal basophilic granulocyte count

Since basophils are part of the leukocyte formula, they can be expressed as a percentage of the rest of the white blood cells. Also, the result can be issued in absolute quantity (the number of basophilic granulocytes × 10 9 g / l). Normally, the absolute number of basophilic granulocytes is 0.01-0.065 × 10 9 g / l and does not depend on gender and age. In a percentage ratio, there is a dependence on the patient's age:

  • For newborns, the normal rate does not exceed 0.5-0.75%.
  • In children up to a year - 0.6%.
  • The norm in children under two years is 0.7-0.9%.
  • The indicator in adults does not depend on the gender of the subject and is equal to 0.5-1.0%.

The doctor evaluates the results of all indicators of the leukocyte formula, since the number of basophilic granulocytes does not have an individual diagnostic value. In some physiological conditions, basophils are reduced or absent. This indicates the presence of basopenia.


It is characterized by a complete absence or decrease in basophils in the blood (less than 0.5% or 0.01 × 10 9 g / l). Basopenia is not an independent disease, but acts only as a symptom. The main reasons why basophils are lowered in an adult are:

  • Long-running infectious diseases in the acute stage.
  • Exhaustion.
  • Prolonged stress, nervous tension.
  • Intense physical activity.
  • Increased levels of thyroid hormones.
  • A long period of use of corticosteroid drugs.
  • Inflammation of the lungs in the acute stage.
  • Itsenko-Cushing's disease.
  • After a course of chemotherapy.
  • Allergic reactions.
    Allergic reaction

In children, basophils are reduced most often with improper functioning of the endocrine system or a violation of the bone marrow.

Normally, basopenia occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle in women when ovulation occurs. Basophils are also lowered in the recovery period after rubella, scarlet fever. With frequent x-ray examinations, basopenia is considered a normal reaction of the body.


Basophils during pregnancy

During the first trimester of pregnancy, the formation of an additional circle of blood circulation. The volume of the liquid fraction of blood increases, and the number of shaped elements does not change. The concentration of basophilic granulocytes decreases accordingly. For this reason, basophils are reduced or absent from the blood sample. Such an analysis is considered false, and a decrease in the absolute or relative number of basophilic granulocytes during pregnancy is considered normal.


It is characterized by elevated basophils. Common causes include:

  • Long duration of viral and infectious diseases in the acute stage.
  • Malignant neoplasms of the lungs or bronchi.
  • After a course of chemotherapy and taking certain medications.
  • Diabetes.
  • Inflammatory processes in the liver.
  • Gastrointestinal tract diseases (peptic ulcer, inflammation).
  • Intoxication.
  • Diseases of the circulatory system.

Often in such pathological conditions, the level of neutrophils is lowered, and basophils are elevated.

The doctor's consultation

The doctor's consultation

In the case of a decrease in basophils in the blood, it is necessary to consult a specialist. The doctor will prescribe additional examinations in order to identify the true cause of the deviation of the analysis results from the norm.

If the cause remains unknown and no pathological conditions have been identified, then several recommendations must be followed that will help normalize the level of basophils. These include:

  • Reduce or avoid stressful situations.
  • Reducing the intensity of physical activity, if recently they have been increased.
  • Proper nutrition. It is necessary to add to the daily diet foods rich in vitamins and iron.

It should be remembered that in women during ovulation and during the first trimester of pregnancy, the level of basophilic granulocytes is lowered and is considered normal.

After infectious diseases, the level of basophils returns to normal on their own.

If the patient is taking corticosteroid drugs, then they will need to be replaced with analogues that do not have such side effects.

Corticosteroid replacement

Doctors often prescribe vitamin B12. It improves brain function and is involved in the formation of new blood cells.

If the level of basophils in the results of the leukocyte formula is increased or decreased, you should not postpone the visit to the doctor, and even more so do self-medication. With timely consultation and examination, the cause will be established and the correct treatment will be prescribed. This will avoid the development of diseases and maintain health.

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