For a long time, Russia has been a country of endless forests, vast fields and beautiful places. The natural wealth of our country is truly enormous. And of course, you must be able to use them correctly. For this purpose, there is a special intersectoral complex. The most important task of the Russian agro-industrial complex (AIC) is the conservation and updating of natural resources. To do this, they must be used in industry with the least damage to the environment. At the same time, it is necessary to satisfy the various needs of the entire population of the Russian Federation. So what is agribusiness and what is its structure?
The agro-industrial complex is an important intersectoral complex of the Russian Federation. It combines the production, processing and transportation (i.e., bringing to the consumer) of agricultural products. Such products include products of plant and animal origin, as well as various auxiliary elements for the production of these products (for example, fertilizers, combined feeds, agricultural equipment).
The agricultural sector in Russia is one of the main ones, as it provides its residents with food. The main task of the agro-industrial complex is the production of food products, as well as products of light industry. What is included in its composition?
The composition of the agro-industrial complex
The agro-industrial complex consists of three closely interconnected parts, or links. We will consider each of them in detail.
The first link is the foundation of the agro-industrial complex
Without it, the development of this complex is virtually impossible. The first link provides the economy with everything that is necessary for agricultural production. The main link of the agro-industrial complex equips it primarily with machinery and equipment. Agricultural machinery is extremely diverse. These are tractors, and seeders, and combines for various purposes, and equipment for land reclamation and restoration, etc.
The first link also provides the complex with fertilizers and pesticides (for example, biopesticides, insecticides, desiccants). Without these substances, the organization of crop production is impossible. Therefore, this link in the agricultural sector is the basis for the existence and development of agriculture.
Without the main link, livestock breeding (or cattle breeding) is also impossible, since various combined feeds are needed to feed livestock.
However, it is in this link that the most important problems of the agro-industrial complex of Russia are found. These include:
- soil compaction, which occurs mainly due to the significant mass of agricultural machines that ram them;
- insufficient number of types of manufactured equipment;
- high prices of equipment with its low quality;
- insufficient level of mechanization of agriculture;
- a significant number of unprofitable farms and individual farms.
So, the first link of the agro-industrial complex is engaged in the production of machinery, fertilizers and pesticides, animal feed.
The second link is agriculture
The most important part of the complex, its foundation. However, the agricultural land in Russia is only 13% of the country's territory (~ 223 million hectares). Agriculture is very different from other areas of production.
Firstly, environmental conditions have a decisive influence on agriculture. So, it depends on climatic conditions, topography, water regime of territories, etc. It is worth noting that the environmental conditions in the vast territory of the Russian Federation are extremely diverse. In this regard, the features of agriculture in Russia depend on the specific locality.
Secondly, agriculture uses the land and numerous living organisms that depend on it. It follows from this that this link of the agro-industrial complex exists and develops, taking into account the biological foundations of the development of living beings. The main subject of labor of the second link of the complex is plants and animals.
Thirdly, agricultural activity is distinguished by such a feature as seasonality of production. That is, agricultural products (with the exception of some) are different depending on the season. This feature, as well as environmental conditions in Russia, is heterogeneous. Therefore, production is concentrated in areas whose natural conditions are most acceptable to them.
The most important feature of the second link of the agro-industrial complex of the Russian Federation is its division into two main sectors: agriculture and animal husbandry. We will analyze each of them.
Agriculture (crop production)
The agriculture of the Russian Federation has a rather complicated composition. This is due to differences in the natural conditions of the Russian territories, as well as to the diversity of plants. However, from two branches of the agro-industrial complex, crop production is more developed. So, the territories occupied by arable lands are larger than those occupied by pastures. In addition, arable land is better protected from adverse environmental conditions. Therefore, only 58% of their territories need additional protection. Nevertheless, 20% of Russian lands are subject to waterlogging and waterlogging, 18% to salinization, 23% to water and wind erosion, and up to 77% to drought. In each region of our country, there are departments of the agricultural sector, the main task of which is to monitor the condition of agricultural land and take timely measures to protect them.
Despite the vast territory of the Russian Federation, arable lands occupy only 7% of them (~ 120 million hectares).
The basis of agriculture is field cultivation, engaged in grain farming. Cultivated field crops are divided into spring (sown in spring) and winter (sown in autumn). The share of the Russian Federation in world grain production is only 3%. What crops are grown in field cultivation?
The most common culture in Russia. Wheat makes up more than 50% of the grain harvest. It is quite demanding on climatic conditions. She needs warm temperatures and non-acidic soils. Therefore, departments of the agro-industrial complex in the regions of Russia control the sowing of wheat in favorable conditions for it. Wheat is divided into spring and winter. Winter productivity is higher, however, in Russia due to its harsh climate, spring is preferred. Its crops are carried out in the steppe zone of the Urals, Volga region and Siberia. Winter wheat is grown in areas not affected by severe frosts (Central Black Earth Region of Russia, the North of the Caucasus).
Widespread culture in Russia, takes the second place in the collection (~ 20%). Unlike wheat, barley is undemanding to temperatures and soils. It can tolerate both low and high temperatures; grows well in acidic soils. Barley, along with winter wheat, is grown in the Central Black Earth region of the country, in the north of the Caucasus, as well as in the Volga region. It is interesting that pearl barley is made of it, which is similar in color to river pearls. Pearl barley is prepared from the treated barley.
Also a very popular grain crop. The collection of rye is a smaller part compared to previous crops. Like barley, tolerates various temperatures, can grow on acidic soils. Rye as a crop necessary for the constant nutrition of people is grown in the middle zone of the country. Its crops are significant in the European part of Russia. Black and gray bread, as well as other flour products, are baked from rye flour.
Among the crops, the following can also be distinguished:
- millet;
- corn;
- rice
- buckwheat.
Another important branch of crop production is the cultivation of industrial crops. They are used as the main or auxiliary raw materials in various industries (mainly in light and food). Significant labor costs are used for the cultivation of industrial crops; therefore, their crops and the necessary agricultural enterprises are located in compact centers. What cultures can be distinguished in this category?
First of all, these are cultures used in light industry. A significant place here is occupied by the textile industry, in which the following plants are used:
- cotton;
- flax flax;
- jute;
- hemp (to get hemp).
Also, industrial crops are used in the food industry. Among them can be distinguished melons, oil plants, as well as sugar beets. Oilseeds include:
- sunflower;
- soybeans;
- mustard;
- rape;
- peanut;
- cocoa;
- oil palm.
To accumulate butter or sugar in the fruit, a dry and hot climate is necessary (especially in the warm season). In addition, such crops are demanding on soils and cannot tolerate their acidity. Therefore, the crops of oilseeds and sugar beets are concentrated on the territory of the Central Black Earth Region of Russia and the North Caucasus.
Crop production also includes the cultivation of various vegetables. For instance:
- potatoes (~ 90% of crops);
- beet;
- carrot;
- cabbage;
- radish;
- bow;
- pumpkin;
- eggplant and others.
Large branches of crop production are horticulture and viticulture. They are concentrated in the southern regions of our country.
Pastures make up approximately 6% of the entire territory of Russia. At the same time, about 95% of them need additional protection from adverse environmental conditions, in carrying out land reclamation measures. In the agro-industrial complex of Russia, several branches of livestock farming are distinguished. Consider some of them.
Cattle Breeding (Cattle Breeding)
This industry ranks first in livestock numbers. It also provides the largest volume of products. Cows are primarily cattle. Cattle breeding is divided into two types: dairy (succulent feed is used) and meat (coarse feed and concentrate are used). Cattle breeding in Russia is widespread. Dairy cattle breeding is concentrated in the European part of the country (mainly the north and northwest), and meat - in the steppe zone of the Urals, Volga region, Siberia and the European South.
Pig breeding
A widespread livestock industry. It is worth noting that pigs are almost omnivorous, so they do not need a special food base. Also, pigs do not need pasture. In this regard, pig farms are located mainly in the suburbs of large cities, where animals feed on waste from food production. It is also not uncommon to locate pig breeding bases near fields where crops or vegetables are grown.
Sheep breeding
Universal livestock industry. From sheep they get meat, high-quality wool, as well as sheep skin - sheepskin. In addition, they are considered very unpretentious animals: they tolerate grazing on the slopes of the mountains, constant maintenance in pastures, they can consume plants unsuitable for other animals. Therefore, for the keeping of sheep choose territories that are unacceptable for any other economy. Sheep farming is divided into fine fleece (fine wool) and sheepskin-fur coat. In the Russian Federation, sheepskin-fur coat sheep breeding is more common. This is due to the harsh and unstable climate of the Russian territories. Depending on the type of sheep and their ability to inhabit a certain climate, sheep breeding is located both in the north and in the center, and in the south of Russia.
Poultry farming
The livestock industry is widespread in Russia. A large number of agricultural workers are engaged in breeding various species of birds. Chickens, geese, ducks, quails, turkeys, pheasants are bred mainly in the areas of growing crops and in the suburbs of large cities. This is due to the fact that birds need a good forage base, which consists mainly of various grains. From poultry receive meat, eggs and feathers.
Reindeer husbandry
This livestock industry is not very common in Russia. Deer are mainly bred in the Far North of Siberia and the Far East. Such a location of reindeer husbandry bases is connected with the fact that these animals feel best in conditions of sufficiently low temperatures. In addition, their forage base is primarily composed of mosses and lichens, the distribution of which is the northern territory of the country. Reindeer are bred to obtain meat, skin, valuable horns, as well as to use them for movement in the northern territories.
Horse breeding
Horse breeding in Russia, along with reindeer herding, is not very common. They receive valuable meat, which is part of hard sausages, and mare's milk, used in the preparation of koumiss. Horses are also used as a means of transport (not very often) and in sports. Equestrian sport in Russia is quite common, there are various prestigious competitions in it. Even children in many Russian cities can attend sections and classes in equestrian sports and learn this difficult skill. The main areas in which horse breeding is located is the south of the European part of Russia and the Urals.
Fur farming
Farming is called the breeding of fur animals, such as foxes, minks, sables, ermines, beavers and some others. These animals are bred to obtain valuable hides. The location of fur farming is gravitating towards the southern regions of the Russian Federation. However, obtaining animal skins in Russia is carried out in extremely cruel ways. In this regard, various organizations, as well as civilians, organize protest movements against such treatment of animals. To date, there are no noticeable results from such demonstrations.
In the agro-industrial complexes of the regions of the Russian Federation, other branches of animal husbandry are also developed. These include:
- beekeeping;
- goat breeding;
- rabbit breeding;
- fish farming (fishing);
- sludge farming and mule farming.
Let's move on to the third link in the agricultural sector.
The third link - finished products of the agro-industrial complex
The main essence of the third link of the agro-industrial complex is the procurement, processing and sale of finished products. This link includes light and food industries, trade, and catering.
Food industry
The main task of the food industry is the production of food products and bringing them to the public. Many products undergo industrial processing before direct consumption. When implementing it, it is necessary to ensure the safety of products and their suitability for consumption. Catering is part of the food industry, carried out in the agricultural sectors of the Russian Federation.
Within the food industry, three groups of industries are distinguished:
1. Branches of the first group
When placing industries of the first group, they are guided by the areas of production of raw materials. The centers of the agro-industrial complex in this case are guided by the availability of raw materials in certain territories. In addition, when placing them, it is important to take into account the size of the raw material base, which should correspond to the capacity of the installed equipment. The industries of the first group include sugar, tea, canning, fish, dairy and cereal industries.
2. Branches of the second group
The branches of the second group are oriented primarily to the consumer. In this case, food has already passed primary processing. The enterprises of the second group of industries are located directly in cities or towns. These include tea packing, pasta, baking and pastry crafts.
3. Branches of the third group
A small group combining industries that focus on both raw materials and consumers. Such crafts include dairy, meat and flour milling.
Light industry
The development of agriculture in the field of light industry is quite promising. However, there are certain geographical problems that are associated with the following features:
- significant impact of light industry products on people's lives;
- dependence on it of other industries;
- small size of enterprises;
- lack of need for a significant amount of energy and water (that is, when placing enterprises they do not focus on the location of large energy, water and other resources);
- a high percentage of female labor in light industry (up to 80%).
The main branch of light industry is textile.
Textile industry
The textile industry uses agricultural raw materials obtained by growing industrial crops and breeding pets: cotton, linen, wool, leather, silk. : , , . , , . . , . 90-95% , , , . 100% , 50% 25% . .
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The production of finished fabric from fiber is oriented both to raw materials and to the consumer.
And the finishing stages of production gravitate towards centers of high artistic culture. These are primarily Moscow and St. Petersburg.
The most important consumer of textile products is also the garment industry. They are located in almost every Russian city.
The agricultural complex is managed by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation. Its important task is to meet the needs of the Russian people and increase the level of production in the Russian agricultural sector.
Agricultural Problems
The organization of the agro-industrial complex in Russia is such that a considerable number of problems accumulate in it. As mentioned earlier, there are problems with the land, with equipment, with the availability of raw materials. Due to erosion, 1.5 billion tons of fertile soil are lost annually. As a result of this, ravines are formed, of which there are already more than 400 thousand in the country.
Also, machinery and agricultural work in Russia are of high price with relatively low quality. Domestic production cannot fully meet the needs of the population, therefore, it depends on other states.
Some industries have significant amounts of waste. Often this has a significant impact on the environment.
Domestic industry has long developed in a closed economy. Therefore, its equipment is insufficient. The quality of products is also not always the highest.
These are the problems of the most important interbranch complex in Russia. Their solution will lead to an increase in the level of economic development of the country and an improvement in the standard of living of Russians.
So, we got acquainted with the geography of the agro-industrial complex, with its features and problems. This complex plays an important role in the life of every person, therefore it is necessary to do everything possible for its development and improvement.