Complaint to Rostelecom: a sample. Where to complain about Rostelecom

The need to file a complaint against Rostelecom is faced by many users of this company. They regularly fall victim to poor quality services. In most cases, after handling a claim to the operator, the problem is resolved quickly enough. In this article we will tell you where to apply with a similar statement, how to write it.

About company

Internet complaint

Complaints to Rostelecom are received with enviable regularity. This is explained not only by the low quality of the telecom operator, but also by the fact that it is the largest domestic telecommunications company. Therefore, she has more problems than other companies represented in this market.

Currently, Rostelecom is the largest national provider of digital services. He expresses his readiness to provide services of interactive television, broadband Internet access, long-distance and local telephone, as well as cellular communications.

The company occupies a leading position in the domestic market of high-speed Internet access, data processing and storage, pay-TV, cybersecurity.

In the mass market, the company owns a line of services for the whole family, which includes digital solutions for the Smart Home, as well as basic communication services. In addition, Rostelecom is creating ecosystems of digital solutions for entrepreneurs working in the field of small and medium-sized businesses, as well as for large federal corporations.

The company regularly implements all kinds of activities in the field of information technology. For example, it was involved in the development and creation of e-government infrastructure. In particular, she created a portal of public services. It provided telecommunication support for the electoral process, organizing a video surveillance system for the elections, and ensured the stable functioning of the state automated system "Elections".

Rostelecom has the largest backbone communications network in the country, with a total length of about 500 thousand kilometers. The company is considered a key participant in the priority national program "Digital Economy", which implements IT projects, including technological ones, at the federal level.


How to write a complaint to Rostelecom

It is worth noting that the company has been criticized repeatedly. Complaints to Rostelecom come not only from ordinary users.

For example, in 2013 in St. Petersburg, a major conflict broke out between the St. Petersburg division of the company and several local operators using cable ducts owned by Rostelecom.

In the spring, part of the wires of ER-Telcom was cut. Several thousand subscribers of the telecom operator remained without communication. A month later, the number of victims was already 5 subscribers, including such a large company as VimpelCom, operating under the Beeline brand. The total number of users deprived of communication exceeded 75 thousand people. Then the number of complaints about Rostelecom exceeded all reasonable limits. Moreover, they came not only from users, but also from other telecom operators.

The company itself then said that they were taking an inventory, disconnecting illegally laid cables in their own cable ducts. Rostelecom claimed that they act legally, are ready to answer to supervisory authorities, presenting documents confirming the legality of their actions.

Antitrust Law

Complaints about Rostelecom to Rospotrebnadzor

Even more claims against Rostelecom were filed due to constant violations in the field of antitrust laws.

The conflict in this area has its roots in 2011, when the Sverdlovsk Federal Antimonopoly Service recognized the company in violation of the relevant legislation. Then Rostelecom was fined 631 thousand rubles.

The reason for the initiation of administrative proceedings was the numerous appeals of citizens who replaced the telecom operator MTT OJSC with Rostelecom without asking for their consent. A statement was also received from the telecom operator itself - the Urals branch of MTT.

As a result of the investigation conducted by the antimonopoly service, it was established that Uralsvyazinform, a telecom operator controlled by Rostelecom, switched its services to several tens of thousands of MTT subscribers without warning.

In the same year, a similar problem arose in Khanty-Mansiysk. The branch of the Ural company was convicted of setting monopoly high prices for Internet access for individuals. The case was opened after a large number of complaints from subscribers who noted the low quality of the services provided at prohibitively high tariffs. Even the governor of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug Natalya Komarova criticized the company.

A fine of more than one million rubles in 2012 had to be paid to the Rostov branch of the company. This time, Rostelecom was convicted of abusing its dominant position. It turned out that the operator set different tariffs for services for residents of rural areas and large cities. Marketing policy was carried out only in large cities of the Rostov region. At the same time, subscribers of most municipalities in the region could not take part in the promotions, take advantage of special offers.

Moreover, the company introduced a new tariff plan, according to which the cost of services for different settlements of the Rostov region varied significantly. The company was found guilty of violating competition law.

Where to complain?

Where to leave a complaint about Rostelecom

A large number of Internet complaints from Rostelecom come from users across the country. When there are constant failures in the communication, they have to turn to higher authorities in the hope of help. In addition to the Internet, television and communication are intermittently working.

However, not everyone knows where to complain about Rostelecom. First, the subscriber should file a written complaint. You can apply with the appropriate application to the company itself. This is one of the options to file a complaint with Rostelecom.

You can personally come to one of the branches of the company or use the remote access form. There is a hotline of Rostelecom, on which they will promptly try to give you an answer in case of complaints, and will accept the complaint. It is also advised to use the feedback forms with the company or send the claim by mail.

Experts note that in this situation, of the options where to complain about Rostelecom, the most effective will be to personally visit the office of the company. On the spot, you should file a complaint in duplicate. You leave one of them in your hands, this copy must be certified by the employee who accepted the appeal from you.

If within two months after this answer to the application is not received, then you must contact the higher authorities that are responsible for the regulation of the company.


Where to turn to complain about Rostelecom

The main structure where it will be most effective to leave a complaint to Rostelecom is Roskomnadzor. The employees of this particular committee, whose regional representative offices are open throughout the country, are precisely engaged in taking complaints and appeals about the quality of services provided by the company, as well as about the actions of the operator.

If a call to the Rostelecom hotline does not bring any results, you should definitely contact this structure. An application to Roskomnadzor must be personally brought to the organization’s representative office or sent by registered mail.

Users who have encountered problems in the provision of services claim that this is one of the most effective options, where you should first of all appeal to Rostelecom.

Federal Antimonopoly Service and Rospotrebnadzor

Another organization that can influence the telecom operator is the Federal Antimonopoly Service. This public authority should be contacted if you have problems not with the quality of communication, but with pricing, violation of competition law. For example, FAS can help solve problems associated with the unlawful overstatement of certain services provided by a company.

You can also file a complaint with Rostelecom with Rospotrebnadzor. You should contact the office of this department. This is done in a live queue without an appointment.

The claim in this case must be considered within 30 days. By this time, you should receive an answer in which the specialists of Rospotrebnadzor will explain whether they can do something in this situation. If the problem is in their competence, then approximate terms for resolving the issue will be given.

It is worth noting that for the Rospotrebnadzor there are no deadlines in which they must solve the problem. There are no restrictions. This is done on purpose, because often in large settlements there is a limited number of specialists who have to respond to dozens of requests every day. So your problem will be solved in the order received.

Sample Complaint

sample complaint

It is important to know how to write a complaint to Rostelecom. A sample of this document will help you solve the problem as soon as possible. After all, if everything is drafted legally correctly and correctly, then the reaction to such a statement will be more rapid.

To file a formal claim, it is recommended that you contact the company office in your area. Employees are required to provide you, upon request, with the data that will be required to write a competent statement. This is the exact name of the division of the company, the name of the services that do not satisfy you, other additional information.

It is worth noting that there are no strict requirements on how to make a complaint to Rostelecom. The application is written in free form, as the client's requirements and the circumstances that led to this situation may be different.

Changing the terms of the contract unilaterally

Clients of the company often have to deal with a situation where they need to change the terms of the contract in the event of claims to the service provider. If the company drags out the consideration of this issue, you should always remember where to call with a complaint about Rostelecom's service. Most likely, they will help you in Roskomnadzor and Rospotrebnadzor.

As a rule, the need to terminate a contract unilaterally appears when a company changes the purchase price of equipment. For example, consoles or routers. Then you should contact the Federal Antimonopoly Service for help.

Internet problems

Where to complain about Rostelecom

In the event of a complaint about the quality of the communication provided by the company, in particular the Internet, you should definitely indicate in the application what exactly does not suit you.

Typically, problems appear:

  • due to constant failures;
  • blocking the ability to disable additional paid services (viewing control, karaoke and more);
  • discrepancies in the real data transfer rate to that which was stated in the contract.

The subscriber has the right to complain about the services provided by Rostelecom if the quality of the services provided to him is poor. In this case, as a rule, the operator prefers not to complicate the situation, trying to resolve the issue bilaterally without involving regulatory authorities. Otherwise, it is fraught with quite large penalties for the company.

However, in some situations, the service provider delays the settlement process or completely ignores incoming calls from subscribers. Then the client has no choice but to write a complaint to Roskomnadzor or the Federal Antimonopoly Service.

Disconnect phone

Another common reason for contacting Rostelecom is to turn off your home telephone. In addition to the Internet and satellite television, the company still provides home telephone service. However, at present, due to the development of mobile communications, the need for this service for most users is no longer needed. Then they have a need to refuse the phone, so as not to pay monthly a service that they do not need.

In the application for disconnecting the home telephone, the user must indicate for what period refuses to use the telephone: temporarily or indefinitely.

This appeal must be sent to the technical support service of the regional office of the company. The appeal must be satisfied within two weeks, if we are talking about an unlimited refusal to use the phone number.

But if you disconnect your home phone should be temporary, then the service should be provided within a few hours after the appeal is processed.

The appeal is drawn up on a special form, which will be issued personally to you at the office of the company.

Here are the main reasons why customers most often turn to the Rostelecom office with complaints or to resolve certain issues related to operational services. In conclusion, we emphasize that if there is no reaction to your application, do not leave this unattended. It is necessary to contact the regulatory authorities.

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