Inconsistent definitions: examples. Agreed and Inconsistent Definition

If the main members of the proposal are the basis, then the secondary ones are accuracy, beauty and imagery. Particular attention should be paid to definitions.

Definition as a member of a proposal

A definition refers to a word with an objective meaning and characterizes the attribute, quality, property of the object that calls the word being defined, answers the questions: “what?”, “Which?”, “Which?”, “Which?” and their case forms. There is a consistent and inconsistent definition in Russian.

For example, "I loved to watch a big beautiful white bird."

inconsistent definitions examples

The defined word is “bird”. The question is posed from him: "which?"

The bird (what?) Is large, beautiful, white.

Definitions characterize the subject in this sentence by such signs: by size, by appearance, by color.

The definitions of "big, beautiful" are consistent, and " white" is inconsistent. What is the difference between agreed definitions and inconsistent ones?

The definitions of " big, beautiful " are agreed upon, they change when the defined word changes, that is, they are consistent with it in kind, number, case:

  • bird (what?) big, beautiful;
  • a bird (what?) big, beautiful;
  • a bird (what?) big, beautiful.

The definition of "white" is inconsistent. It will not change if you change the main word:

  • bird (what?) white;
  • birds (what?) white;
  • a bird (what?) of white color;
  • bird (what?) white;
  • about the bird (what?) white.

Thus, we can conclude that this is an inconsistent definition. So, we found out how the agreed definitions differ from the inconsistent ones. The first ones change when the main word changes, while the second ones do not change.

Inconsistent definitions with the value of the material from which the item is made

Inconsistent sentence members are never expressed by adjectives, participles, consistent pronouns. They are most often expressed by nouns with prepositions and without prepositions and have different meanings of the attribute of the subject. One of these meanings is “the material from which the item is made”.

Inconsistent definitions, examples with the meaning "material of which the item is made"

A girl in a cashmere sweater entered the room

preposition + noun to the genus. case

The cups on the table were blue porcelain

preposition + phrase: adjective and noun in gender. case

Inconsistent definitions with item assignment value

Very often it is necessary to indicate why an object exists, then inconsistent definitions are used that have the meaning of “the purpose of the object”.

Inconsistent definitions, examples with the meaning "purpose of the subject"

Here you can get trash bags

preposition + noun to the genus. case

Boy sitting, strict bars for birdcages

preposition + phrase: adjective and noun in the genitive case

Inconsistent definitions with the value of an accompanying subject attribute

If it is said that there is something or something is missing from the subject of speech, then usually inconsistent definitions with the meaning of “concomitant subject attribute” are used.

Inconsistent definitions, examples with the meaning of “concomitant subject feature”

A man without a hat approached the monument

preposition + noun to the genus. case

He, in a gray coat, did not stand out in the crowd

preposition + phrase: adjective and noun in the prepositional case

Inconsistent definitions with item affiliation

Widely used in the language are inconsistent definitions expressing the belonging of an object or, more precisely, the relation of an object to another object.

Inconsistent definitions, examples with the value of "belonging to the subject"

In the silence of the room a child cried

noun to the genus. case

Behind the scenes, an atmosphere of expectation and nervousness reigned.

homogeneous members - noun. in the genus case without pretexts with the union "and"

Differentiation of inconsistent definitions and additions

Since inconsistent definitions are expressed by nouns, the problem of distinguishing definitions and additions arises. Additions are also expressed by nouns in indirect cases and do not formally differ from inconsistent definitions. Distinguishing these minor terms is only possible in terms of syntax. Therefore, it is necessary to consider ways to distinguish between inconsistent definitions and additions.

  1. Additions relate to verbs, participles, participles, and definitions to nouns, pronouns indicating the subject.
  2. For additions, we pose questions of indirect cases, and for definitions, questions of "what?", "Whose?"



running (what?) in place

monument (which?) of stone

she (what?) in a dress

sitting (on what?) in place

made (of what?) of stone

was (what?) in a dress

Inconsistent Definitions - Pronouns

Possessive pronouns may play the role of inconsistent definitions . In such cases, the questions are raised: “whose?”, “Whose?”, “Whose?”, “Whose?” and their case forms. We give examples of inconsistent definitions expressed by possessive pronouns.

A light came on in her window (in whose window?).

His girlfriend did not come (whose girlfriend?).

examples of inconsistent definitions

In their garden were the most delicious apples (in whose garden?).

Inconsistent definitions - adjectives in a simple comparative degree

If an adjective is present in the sentence to a simple comparative degree, then it is an inconsistent definition. It denotes a feature of an object, which is expressed to a greater or lesser extent than in some other object. We give examples of inconsistent definitions expressed by the adjective in a simple comparative degree.

Grandfather built himself a better house than ours.

what is the difference between agreed definitions and inconsistent

Society is divided into people smarter than me and those who are not interesting to me.

Everyone wants to grab a piece more than others.

Inconsistent definitions - adverbs

Often, adverbs act as inconsistent definitions, in such cases they have the value of a sign in quality, direction, place, mode of action. We look at sentences with inconsistent definitions, examples with adverbs.

We listen to the opinion of your neighbor (what?) On the left .

The closet was small with a door (what?) Out .

The room was bright with a window (what?) Opposite.

Inconsistent definitions - infinitives

The infinitive can be an inconsistent definition for nouns that have abstract concepts: desire, joy, necessity, and the like. We look at sentences with inconsistent definitions, examples with infinitives.

Everyone would understand my desire (what?) To capture these magical paintings.

sentences with inconsistent definitions examples

In the heart of indestructibly lives the need (what?) To love someone.

The division will perform the task (which one?) To occupy a height on the right bank of the Dnieper.

Everyone should feel joy (what?) Feel like a man.

She had a habit (which one?) To talk with someone invisible.

Separation of inconsistent definitions in the Russian language

Highlighting inconsistent definitions on a letter with commas depends on the position taken and on their prevalence. Inconsistent definitions that are directly behind the defined word - the common name are not prone to isolation.

At the back of the garden was a long shed (what?) Of planks .

The old woman served sour cream in a bowl (which one?) With a broken edge .

A girl (what?) In a blue dress stood at the entrance to the park, waiting for someone.

isolated inconsistent definitions examples

In the park (which one?) With cleanly swept alleys it was empty and boring.

The desire (what?) To survive at all costs possessed him all the time.

Inconsistent definitions that appear after the main word - a common noun are isolated only if it is necessary to give it special meaning. Consider isolated inconsistent definitions (examples).

In that very jacket , of gray wool, she left the room, as if there had not been a whole year of separation.

This vase , with a broken neck, I remember from childhood.

If inconsistent definitions stand before the defined word, then they are most often isolated. Such definitions acquire an additional circumstantial connotation of meaning.

In a long elegant dress , the sister seemed taller and older.

ways to distinguish between inconsistent definitions and additions

In a long skirt and with bare hands , the girl stands on the stage and sings something in a thin voice.

Inconsistent definitions are always made clear if they relate to a personal pronoun and to a proper name. Consider isolated inconsistent definitions (examples).

She, with braids to the waist , went out into the middle of the room and looked for me with her eyes.

Marya Ivanovna , in a white starchy blouse , loudly called a servant and ordered the girl who came to clean up the scattered things.

It (the sun), with a red-orange rim , hung very low from the horizon.

Practical task in the format of OGE

Among the examination tasks, there is one for which you need knowledge about inconsistent definitions. To complete this task, you need to find a proposal that has an inconsistent definition. The following is a text with numbered sentences, among which you need to find the right one.

Example 1: Find a sentence with an inconsistent common definition.

1) The room was quiet, and for a long time neither the boy nor the man broke the silence.

2) After some time, the father suddenly said:

3) Listen, Timur! 4) Do you want me to buy you a dog? 5) Sheepdog with a black stripe on the back.

agreed and inconsistent definitions in Russian

Example 2: Find a sentence with an inconsistent stand-alone definition.

1) Mother stood very close to Hope.

2) She entered from the street.

3) In a cloak and in a white coat, she seemed to Nadia different than she was two months ago.

4) And Nadezhda, not yet recovering herself, looked at her mother for three seconds without recognizing.

5) She saw several new wrinkles diverging from the wings of the nose to the corners of her lips.

6) Only the mother’s look remained the same, the same as Hope wore in her heart.

Example 3: Find a sentence with an inconsistent non-singular definition.

1) She shone with joy.

2) Today she was called the mother.

3) Did not all the neighbors hear this girl with dark hair screaming:

4) "Mom!"

5) The girl understood what her aunt was happy about.

6) Only she herself did not understand whether she called her.

Answers: 1 (5), 2 (3), 3 (3).

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