Crocodile Exercise: Get Rid of Back Pain

The set of exercises “Crocodile” for the spine is made up of nine options for twisting the body with different versions of the legs and is designed to prevent and treat problems of the musculoskeletal system (in particular, the spine), massage internal organs and relieve pain from the muscles of the back and pelvis. Developed by chiropractors from Australia as a result of observations of the movements of the spine of a crocodile, which is never subjected to corrosion and deformation.

This technique is available to people of any age and physical fitness, does not require large space or special equipment: a thin blanket or blanket laid on the floor is enough.

In which cases is exercise

A set of exercises "Crocodile" for the spine is indicated for the following symptoms and pathologies:

  • with cervical and lumbar radiculitis;
  • pathology of the sacral department;
  • spinal osteochondrosis;
  • intervertebral hernia and protrusion.

crocodile exercise

It is also used for spasm of the muscles of the lumbar and pelvis, piriformis syndrome, the presence of congestion in the pelvic organs and digestive and stool disorders. Let's look at how this exercise is performed.

Execution Features

The specificity of the Crocodile exercise lies in the spiral rotation of the body, when the head turns in one direction, and the pelvis with legs in the other, respectively, the spine twists.

The basic rule is to listen to your feelings, avoid sharp pain and extremely sharp movements. In this case, one should not immediately make large amplitude movements, you need to let the body get used to it, warm up. In total, 8 twists are performed (four on each side), while fixing the twisted position should last about 3-4 seconds.

Each type of Crocodile exercise should be performed slowly and carefully, watching for muscle relaxation and tendon extension. Breathing should be voluminous, prolonged and through the nose. In the starting position, an exhalation should be done, and at the moment of movement - an inhalation.

crocodile exercise for the spine

In addition, it is recommended to perform gymnastics on an empty stomach. It is very important at the end of the whole lesson to make a relaxation pose - just lie on your back with straight arms and legs and eyes closed, keeping all the muscles of the body in a completely relaxed state.

Block No. 1

In this series, the exercise "Crocodile" is performed in a minimum amount:

  1. Lying on your back — legs are straight, shoulder-width apart, arms laid to the sides so that they form one line — make turns with the whole body in one direction, and with your head in the other.
  2. The initial position is the same, but put the heel of one foot on the fingers of the other, while turning the body, make sure that the position of the feet is preserved.

Block No. 2

When performing the Crocodile exercise of the second level, as far as possible, at the fixation extreme point, pause during inhalation for 4-8 seconds:

  1. At the knees, bent legs form an angle of 90 °. The ankle of one leg while lying on top of the knee of the other and turns the body and pelvis in opposite directions. It is necessary to ensure that the shoulders and arms remain firmly pressed to the floor.
  2. The legs are bent at the knees and spaced wider than the shoulders. Without taking your feet off the floor, but only turning them around, we make a turn of the trunk and pelvis in one direction, and the head in the other. If it turns out, then the leg, which is closer to the floor, lies completely on it.

a set of exercises crocodile

Block number 3

The third level of difficulty of the Crocodile exercise for the back, in which long, from one minute, fixations at the turning point are allowed, subject to internal comfort, looks like this:

  • The legs are bent at the knees, at an angle of 90 ° or slightly more, the hips are tightly compressed, while the feet are in the air, and the line of the knees is parallel to the line of the hip joints. Make U-turns with the whole body so that the hips maintain their bending angle and lie flat on the floor (if possible). It is not allowed to make sudden movements or uncontrolled falling feet on the floor.
  • The same principle of leg position and movement, but at the end point, straighten the leg, which is located higher, and try to touch the nearby hand with it, you can also pull the toe of the foot slightly towards you.
  • With your right foot, wrap around a slightly bent left foot so that the arch of the right foot catches on the lower leg (in yoga, this position of the legs is called garudasana). Make a turn of the pelvis to the left, as far as the amplitude or sensations allow. If they are saturated, it is recommended to lie down in this position for about 30 seconds, breathing deeply and evenly.
    a set of exercises crocodile for the spine

Additional exercises to improve blood circulation along the line of the spine

These poses are also taken from the practice of hatha yoga and tested in numerous classes and practitioners: the effect of relieving muscle cramps occurs almost immediately! Stiffness and swelling disappears, breathing becomes more free, therefore these provisions are recommended for people with impaired respiratory and cardiovascular systems. The main condition is adequacy in execution:

  • Lying on your stomach, stretch your right straight hand to the left, palm up and put so that the brush lies exactly along the line of the shoulder joint, the second hand is lowered down along the body and also turned palm up. Lie on your right hand with your body so that it is located along the clavicle line or slightly lower, but not lower than the sternum line. Breathe deeply through the space between the shoulder blades, trying to maximize this area when inhaling. In the position to stay from 30 seconds to a minute, if the numbness of the fingers appears - it's okay, as it passes practice. When leaving the position of the hand, move in a circular motion through the center and relax along the body down for 10-20 seconds. Repeat to the other side.

crocodile exercise for back

  • Lying on his stomach, take his right hand to the right and firmly press the entire length of the hand to the floor. It is straight and the palm is in line with the shoulder joint. Carefully turning your body away from the arm (don’t move it!), Turn on your side and bend your knees, try to push the chest out, bringing the shoulder blades and shoulder joints behind. Fixing from 30 seconds, then relax and repeat to the other side.

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