Even the word "pimple" itself causes unpleasant sensations and associations, what can we say when it appears on the face! Both blackheads and black spots cause a lot of trouble to all people, regardless of their gender and age.
That is why every person who at least once in his life has encountered this unpleasant phenomenon would like to know
how to get rid of acne and black spots at least temporarily.
It is worth noting that today there are a huge number of different ways to get rid of these unpleasant skin rashes, but it is acne masks that are most popular. At the same time, home-made masks are most popular. They not only help to cope with acne, but also narrow the pores, tone the skin and moisturize it. But do not forget that scrubs are not the last role in the fight against acne, it is their use that allows you to thoroughly clean the pores on the skin and prepare it for using a mask. In addition, regular cleansing of the skin with a scrub prevents the appearance of new acne and the appearance of black spots.
Modern life allows the treatment of acne and acne, not only at home, but also in various cosmetic institutions.
If you do not have the opportunity to use the services of specialists, it does not matter. Even at home using conventional means, you can prepare effective acne masks, which with regular use will not only allow you to get rid of existing rashes, but also will not allow new ones to appear.
In order for the fight against acne and black spots to be most effective, it is necessary to carry out the whole complex of the following procedures in the indicated sequence:
1. Cleansing the skin with a scrub. It is better to use a soft scrub with small exfoliating particles. Apply scrub no more than once a week.
2. Steam baths. They help expand the pores on the skin, and it is thanks to them that masks will more effectively affect the skin. The procedure can be performed no more than once a week. Before this, facial hair needs to be removed. It is best to make baths not with ordinary water, but from the extract of St. John's wort or chamomile. When the infusion is ready, you need to pour it into the bowl, bow your head above it and cover yourself with a towel on top. The time for taking a steam bath is ten minutes. After this, you need to rinse your face with warm water, and then apply the mass.
3. Direct application. Acne masks are very different. You can use ready-made store ones, or you can cook them at home yourself. The most effective are the masses, which include tea oil, lime juice and egg white.
Masks with carrots and kefir are also very useful.
4. After the mask is washed off, the face must be wiped with an antibacterial tonic. Also, it will not be superfluous to apply a special cream to the skin.
Currently, acne masks have the most diverse composition. But in order to achieve a quick effect, any of them must be used at least three times a week. And in the future, such masks should be used at least once a week to prevent the occurrence of acne.