An indicative indicator is ... Goals, objectives and indicative indicators of activity

What does the word indicative mean? It is easy to guess its meaning if you pay attention to the root of the word. Indicator - signal, indicator. Therefore, indicative is a signal based, based on any specific data. In this vein, we will analyze the definition of an indicative indicator, its place among similar phenomena. Consider the examples, as well as the principles of indicative planning. These are indicative indicators in healthcare, trade and education.

What are indicators?

The basis for the development of forecasting, planning, program documents is precisely indicators that offer the opportunity to comprehensively describe economic, social phenomena and processes, to form, demonstrate and justify tasks for any period.

Indicative indicator. What it is? An indicator in general is any qualitative-quantitative representation, from a socio-economic process to a specific object. The qualitative side here will reflect the essence and belonging in time and place, and the quantitative one will give quantitative certainty.

If an indicator acts as the main measure in planning, then it is already called a criterion. There are several varieties. So, the main indicative indicators can serve as criteria for optimality, effectiveness, etc.

Indicative indicators in the field of trade

Important performance requirements

In the development of forecasting and planning documentation by specialists, of course, not a single indicator is used, but a whole complex that are complementary and interrelated. When creating such a system, it is necessary to present a number of requirements to indicative indicators (in healthcare, education, social, economic development, etc.):

  • The indicator should disclose the essence, content of the object.
  • It is comprehensive to reflect the features of an object from the standpoint of both its material and value state.
  • Meet the goals and objectives of economic and social development.
  • Focus on more efficient and full use of resources, improving the quality of work, etc.
  • Have both methodological unity and comparability with statistics and accounting indicators.
  • Have the ability to aggregate and disaggregate.
  • Be flexible and adaptive.
19 indicative indicators in healthcare

Classification of indicators

Depending on the direction and content of use, the whole range of indicators used in planning and forecasting can be divided into the following categories:

  • Reference and indicative.
  • Qualitative and quantitative.
  • Value and natural.
  • Relative and absolute.
  • Estimated and approved.
  • Individual and synthetic.

Each of the presented groups needs a separate presentation.

Indicative and reference

An indicative indicator is an indicator that acts as an indicator (in other words, the main parameter) characterizing various economic and social phenomena. This is the main interpretation.

An indicative indicator is basic information for the formation of indicative programs and plans. They are only advisory in nature.

An indicative indicator is an indicator that characterizes the dynamics, efficiency, state of finance, and the structure of the economy.

Reference (or information) - these are indicators of an analytical nature. For example, per 1000 people, per capita, etc.

Indicative indicators in education

Natural and value

In economics, physical indicators represent the material side of production, the quality and consumer properties of the service. Measured in physical terms - in pieces, tons, meters, etc.

Due to the typical variety of products, which has the same value, apply conditionally-natural indicators. They are established by bringing the manifold to a single, common meter through conversion factors. For example, the types of fuel are presented here by expressing the calorific value of each category.

Cost indicators are the general results of production in monetary terms. They are necessary to determine the profitability and loss-making of the enterprise, depreciation of fixed assets. They provide a bundle of all forecasts and programs, help establish the most important sectoral, territorial, intersectoral and foreign economic proportions.

Quantitative and qualitative

Quantitative indicators, therefore, will characterize the quantitative results of production, development of any industry. They are divided into network and volume.

Qualitative indicators characterize the qualitative side of any economic phenomenon, the production process. They allow you to evaluate the usefulness of products, product quality. They are divided into economic and technical and economic.

19 indicative indicators of signaling in healthcare

Absolute and relative

This group of indicators differs in the nature of their presentation. Absolutes express the quantitative characteristic of an object. This is the volume of services or production provided, the number of students, the number of healthcare institutions, etc. These indicators are characterized by both cost and in-kind representation of the object.

The relative category will represent the object only in relative terms. These are percentages of the total mass, specific gravity, etc.

Approved and Estimated

Approved indicators are always compiled by higher authorities, after which they are communicated to lower ones. They are targeted, are mandatory. This is the cost of socially significant products, the state order, indicators of the local or regional budget, etc.

Estimated indicators are more characteristic for representing an additional characteristic of an object. Their character is auxiliary. Most often calculated to confirm approved.

Key Indicators

Synthetic and custom

The separation takes place depending on the level of coverage of economic processes. Accordingly, synthetic, integral and private, individual indicators are distinguished.

Synthetic here will reflect complex phenomena. They are the result of the interaction of scientific, economic, technical factors, summarize the results of distribution or production. This is national income, gross domestic product, gross domestic product, etc.

Individual indicators will reflect specific social or economic phenomena.

Indicative planning

Indicative indicator is the basis of indicative planning. Accordingly, this is one of the methods of economic planning, which is built on a system of indicators.

Most of all, it is characteristic of a market economy. Such inductive plans are developed by the state; they are, as a rule, only advisory in nature. Only general results of the activity of the state, of certain sectors or subjects of the economy are recorded. Such planning primarily involves the use of a system of indicators, indicators that can fully represent the characteristics of the object.

Drawing up indicative plans is the use of those macroeconomic indicators that are of great importance for the progressive development of the economy.

  • Unemployment rate.
  • Inflation.
  • The amount of wages.
  • Budget deficit.
  • The total investment in the country.
  • Central Bank interest rates, etc.

Indicative planning is typical for the French economy during the period of conducting, as well as for Russia, Japan, and Germany at the previous stages of development of these states. In the modern world, he is rarely addressed. This is due to increasing the sustainability of key market mechanisms, strengthening the position of private business.

Branches of indicative planning are currently more relevant. In particular, these are targeted strategic programs, as well as forecasts of the strategic development of individual markets.

Health Indicators

Varieties of planning

Indicative planning is represented in two categories:

  • Macroeconomic level. It is supposed to draw up plans for economic development at the highest levels - federal and regional. It also includes the levels of inter-regional and inter-industry corporations.
  • Microeconomic level. The category includes the preparation of economic plans for individual organizations and enterprises.

There is also a breeding by timing:

  • Medium-term indicative plans. Drawn up for 1-5 years.
  • Long-term indicative plans. Drawn up for a period of 5 to 10, and sometimes up to 15 years.

In trade

Now let us turn to specific examples of indicative indicators in the field of trade. We take as a basis the supervisory activities of state control in the field of retail sale of alcohol-containing and alcoholic products. The following stand out here:

  • The level of lost funds to the budget of the settlement / region / republic due to the payment of excise taxes by entrepreneurs.
  • The effectiveness of control activities and supervision.
  • The amount of money received by the treasury of the settlement / region / republic from the payment of excise taxes.
  • Amount of illegal alcohol products seized in legal retail.
  • The number of entities that have committed violations.
  • The number of scheduled inspections.
  • The number of unscheduled events, etc.

In education

Now examples of indicative indicators in education, we take school education as a basis:

  • The proportion of students mastering programs with in-depth study of individual subjects.
  • Proportion of students who choose subjects with in-depth study to pass the state final exam.
  • The proportion of students who received excellent marks in subjects chosen by the exam.
  • Proportion of students who become participants in the All-Russian Olympiads, final school olympiads in individual subjects.

In healthcare

Let us analyze on this example 19 indicative indicators in healthcare:

  1. The proportion of people with pneumonia treated in a hospital.
  2. The share of ambulance crew trips to traffic accident places with an arrival time of up to 20 minutes.
  3. The proportion of people with pancreatic and liver diseases undergoing treatment in a hospital.
  4. Immunization of the population against hepatitis B.
  5. Percentage of HIV patients reached by the chemical prophylaxis of tuberculosis.
  6. The proportion of patients who received effective chemotherapy in the treatment of oncology.
  7. The share of heavy equipment used in two-shift and round-the-clock medical care.
  8. The proportion of patients who died of working age.
  9. The proportion of cancer detected at an early stage.
  10. The share of victims of road accidents delivered to medical centers of the 1st and 2nd level.
  11. Percentage of population vaccinated against pneumococcal infection.
  12. Percentage of flu vaccinated population.
  13. The proportion of patients with acute coronary syndrome who died on the first day.
  14. The proportion of patients with ischemic stroke who underwent systemic thrombolysis.
  15. The proportion of patients hospitalized with acute cerebrovascular accident in the first 4.5 hours from the development of pathology.
  16. The proportion of people on follow-up at one therapeutic site.
  17. The proportion of ambulance calls regarding hypertensive crises.
  18. Percentage of patients with acute coronary syndrome who have undergone percutaneous interventions.
  19. The proportion of patients with acute coronary syndrome who underwent thrombolysis.

These are 19 indicative indicators in healthcare.

Now you know the place of indicative indicators among all indicators of the socio-economic sphere.

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