Exercises for losing weight on the inside of the thighs: a description of the exercises with a photo, instructions for performing and working out the muscles

The inner thighs are a problem area for most women. It is there that fat accumulates with prolonged malnutrition. Get rid of cellulite will help exercises for weight loss of the inner thighs. If you perform them with the proper intensity and regularly, then the effect will not take long. We must not forget about proper nutrition: if you abuse simple carbohydrates, then even the most effective exercises for the inner thigh will be useless.

Basic principles of training for losing weight

Exercises involving barbells or dumbbells with which it is impossible to perform more than ten repetitions are aimed at building muscle mass. The fast-paced technique with large weights that allow you to perform about 25 repetitions is aimed at fat burning.

This is the main difference in strength training of any part of the body. Knowing this little secret, you can build yourself an ideal figure: โ€œaddโ€ where it is needed, and โ€œdecreaseโ€ in the place where it is needed.

exercises for the inner thigh for women

Tips for beginners in the fitness world

If a girl is just starting her way into the world of fitness, then she should start by learning the correct exercise technique. Such exercises will increase the amount of kilocalories burned during the day. If at the same time limit their intake with food, then it will be possible to quickly remove fat from the inside of the thigh.

Fat burning exercises should be performed at a fast pace, but it is unacceptable to violate the correct technique of movements. Otherwise, injury is guaranteed. You can easily damage the knee, ankle, tuck the foot. Then you have to consult a sports doctor and forget about training for a while (from two weeks to two months, depending on the injury).

How to eat properly if the goal is fat burning

Particular attention should be paid to your diet. Exercises for weight loss on the inside of the thighs can be performed regularly, but if you do not show selectivity in eating foods, you canโ€™t expect a noticeable result.

List of foods that will have to be completely excluded from your diet:

  • bakery products;
  • sugar and any dishes containing it;
  • baking both factory production and self-cooking;
  • chocolate and sweets;
  • fast food;
  • fried meat and vegetable dishes;
  • high-fat fermented milk products (more than 5%);
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • sweet carbonated drinks;
  • rice, semolina and pearl barley porridge;
  • potatoes are allowed only boiled once a week.
exercises for the inside and outside of the hips

Fat on the inside of the thigh - how to remove?

Exercises that are most effective for working out this part of the body:

  • all types of plie squats;
  • side lunges;
  • Classic squats with wide legs ;
  • plyometric exercises (jumping, crossing legs, diagonal lunges).

At home, you can perform exercises either with dumbbells, or even without weighting. If it is possible to purchase a gym membership, then you can learn the correct technique for performing the exercises under the supervision of a professional trainer, and then gradually increase the working weight by hanging pancakes on the bar.

Working with large weights will help build muscle on your legs - they will take on a sporty, sculpted look. You should not be afraid to "pump", it will be impossible to do until the girl begins to eat protein in large quantities and take anabolic steroids.

Plie squats: varieties and technique

This is the best exercise for the inside of the thigh for women. It is quite simple, but for people with poor stretching in the area of โ€‹โ€‹the hip joints it is quite difficult to perform.

  1. Classic plie squats: you need to spread your legs as wide as possible (about 1-1.3 meters, depending on physical capabilities), deploy socks in opposite directions. On the shoulders, if desired, you can take the bar from the bar. If there is no performance experience, then you should start without weighting. Lower the body as low as possible - until the legs are bent at the knees at a right angle. Measure for a second in this position, then return to the starting position. You should perform this exercise to lose weight on the inner thighs at least ten times in one go. The number of repetitions is at least three.
  2. Plie squats with one-toe lifting are performed in exactly the same way, only at the lowest point you should lift on the foot. This position allows you to accentuate the load directly on the muscles of the inner thigh of one leg. Then the sock should be lowered. Then do the same movement with the load on the other leg. After returning to the starting position. The number of repetitions is at least ten, and each time, dropping down, it is necessary to rise alternately to the left or right toe.
  3. Pulsating squats are performed similarly, only at a very fast pace. In this case, you can not sit as deep as possible, and not bring a few centimeters to the bottom point - this will help to accelerate the pace, although at the expense of reducing the amplitude of execution.
  4. Pliรฉ squats on toes: performed similarly to the classic ones, only you should climb on your toes and do not fall down throughout the approach. This technique also loads the gastrocnemius muscles. This exercise for losing weight on the inside of the thighs is suitable for girls whose legs are too thin in the calf area. Regular performance will help to give them a sporty, embossed look, especially if you perform it with weighting in the form of a bar from a barbell or dumbbell.

How to do side lunges for weight loss

Another effective exercise for the inner thigh is lateral lunges. Their difference from the classical ones is that the load does not go to the quadriceps and hip biceps. The main emphasis is on the inner surface of the problem area and the gluteus maximus muscle.

To perform the exercise, the following initial position is involved: the back is straight, the head is straight, the legs are approximately two times wider than in the previous complex. Without rounding the back, you need to bend one leg at the knee (it should form a right angle, while the knee does not extend beyond the toe), and shift the body weight to this side. Then repeat the same movement to the opposite.

Basic safety rule: the knee should not go beyond the toe. Violation of this rule is fraught with injury. Particular care should be taken if lateral lunges are performed with a barbell on the shoulders.

Classic squats for slim legs

A set of exercises for the inside of the thigh for women involves the inclusion in the list of classic squats. It must also be performed with caution.

Starting position: to spread the legs shoulder width apart. The back is flat, the head is high. In order to increase the load, on the shoulders you need to position the bar from the bar (either empty or with strung disks). If the girl does not have enough strength for this, you can hold the dumbbells in your hands and perform squats with them.

Squats should be carried out in such a way as if a chair is behind and the girl is going to sit on it. The main safety condition when performing the exercise is that the knees should in no case go beyond the socks. Otherwise, injuries to the legs will be provided.

After the buttocks fall parallel to the floor, you should linger for a second in this position. This is the point of maximum load. Then return to the starting position, at this moment take a deep breath. And again descend to parallel to the plane (respectively, exhale).

Classical squats are the best exercises for shaping slender legs, since the load is on the quadriceps, gluteus maximus, inner thigh, and indirectly on the abs, calves, and even the deltoid muscles (if the barbell is on the shoulders).

how to achieve weight loss inner thighs

Classic lunges for slim inner thigh and buttocks

How to do side lunges, we have already figured out. There is another similar exercise that indirectly works on the inner thigh. The main load falls on the quadriceps and gluteus maximus muscle.

How to perform classic lunges? Put one foot forward so that the knee does not extend beyond the toe. Hold dumbbells in your hands or put a barbell on your shoulders (this is necessary to increase the load on the leg muscles). Beginners can perform the exercise, using only the weight of their own body, without any additional load. Go down so that the knee of the second leg touches the floor.

In this case, the back should in no case be slouched, and the head should be tilted down. The body is perfectly straight. Return as you exhale to its original position. Perform the exercise at least ten times. Then change the supporting leg and perform another ten times. This is one approach, there should be three in all.

doing plie squats with dumbbells

List of plyometric exercises to strengthen the inner thigh

This is a special set of movements aimed at comprehensive physical development. Great exercises for tightening the inside of the thigh are included in plyometrics. Neither dumbbells nor barbell are needed for their implementation. Sneakers with shock-absorbing soles will be needed, in which you can perform the most complex somersaults without fear of damaging your foot.

List of plyometric exercises for the inside and outside of the hips:

  1. An asterisk is jumping with the dilution of the arms and legs to the sides. As a result, the position of the body resembles a star in shape.
  2. Jumping in the bar with breeding legs. Starting position - emphasis lying on hands, legs in a jump to bring together and part. During this movement, intense muscle contraction occurs.
  3. Leap in a wide sitting. Performing squats with a wide setting of legs at the fastest pace without any weight. Exercise is designed for quick muscle strain.
  4. Jumping squeegee. You need to descend parallel to the floor, then explosive jump out to the maximum possible distance up.
plyometric lunges for weight loss

Physical restrictions: those who are prohibited from such exercises

The exercises described above for working out the inner thigh are prohibited for women with chronic diseases. These include:

  • flat feet;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • hemorrhoidal disease;
  • arthritis and arthrosis;
  • chronic diseases of the spinal column.

You should approach the implementation of exercises as carefully as possible for those women who are preparing to become mothers. Plie squats contribute to a rush of blood to the pelvic organs, and this can trigger premature birth.

leg slimming exercises

Leg exercises for women with sore backs and knees

Of particular note are some limitations. If a girl suffers from scoliosis, osteochondrosis, lordosis, then you can perform exercises for the inside of the thigh at home only after consulting with an orthopedist or sports doctor.

Heavy training can aggravate the spine and provoke even greater curvature. With osteochondrosis, there is a risk of developing radicular syndrome, in this regard, vision, hearing, and coordination of movements will deteriorate.

If there was a knee injury in the history, it is better to take a picture before starting classes.

Drawing up a training program at home

An approximate set of exercises for losing weight on the inner thigh:

  • warm-up;
  • classic plie squats;
  • plie with a rise in socks;
  • classic squats with dumbbells or barbell;
  • side lunges - at least twenty times on each leg;
  • complete the training with plyometric exercises of your choice;
  • make a light stretch to prevent muscle tone for the next day.

All exercises in the form of squats are performed in three sets of 10 times. Before training, you can take a protein shake. After it, you can not eat for two to three hours. At the training itself, you can drink clean water without restrictions.

squats for slimming the inner thigh

Exercise in the gym

If you can get a gym membership, that's great. There it is possible to conduct training under the supervision of an experienced trainer who will adjust the correct exercise technique. Beginners will be able to avoid the classic mistakes, such as rounding the back while doing squats and putting knees out of the toe.

It is very convenient when it is possible to look at yourself in the mirror during classes and control the correctness of movements. If a girl is training at home, then you can take on board this advice. Looking at yourself in the mirror, it will be easier to independently work out the correct squatting technique and avoid possible injuries.

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