Green clay for the face: properties and application, reviews

At home, women often make masks from natural ingredients to care for delicate facial skin. One of the most popular foundation for masks is clay, especially green. It can be used to improve facial skin, as it has a therapeutic effect. The rules of its use and types of masks are described in the article.

What it is?

Green clay has a second name - "illite" or "French". It is mined at a depth of 10-15 meters in deposits located in the French province of Brittany.

green clay

The color of the powder confirms the presence in the composition of a large amount of silver and iron oxide. In addition, it contains such useful substances as zinc, phosphorus, magnesium, silicon. According to reviews, many women use healing masks based on this clay. The properties and uses of green clay are described below.

The properties

The beneficial properties of green clay are associated with its valuable composition. This product contains:

  1. Silver with antibacterial effect.
  2. Zinc - restores the activity of the sebaceous glands.
  3. Magnesium - affects the metabolism.
  4. Silicon - slows down skin aging.
  5. Cobalt - helps rejuvenate skin cells.
  6. Copper - relieves inflammation, removes irritation.

Green clay is considered a natural antibiotic. It is also considered a powerful sorbent, it is advised to be taken orally for detoxification, but this should be done only after consulting a doctor. Given the reviews, this product is usually used for face, body and hair.

The use of green clay is externally safe, since it has almost no contraindications. Only before applying the masks, you should consult a doctor in the presence of rosacea - a vascular disease of the skin. In other cases, contraindications arise due to the presence of additional components. According to reviews, clay masks are effective, since the skin after them eliminates many problems.

Cosmetic effect

As part of face masks, green clay can:

  1. Treat inflammation.
  2. Relieve irritation.
  3. To clean the pores.
  4. Eliminate black dots.
  5. Reduce pores.
  6. Neutralize pathogens.
  7. Reduce the number of wrinkles.
  8. Tighten your face.
  9. Make the skin elastic.
  10. Accelerate cell regeneration.
green clay for the face

Application rules

To make green clay products as effective as possible, you need to follow simple rules when creating them:

  1. Dilute the powder with water at room temperature. Hot water should not be used because the properties of the product are weakened due to the elevated temperature. Water must be added as much as necessary to obtain a suitable mass. Make a very thick mask is not worth it. In this case, it dries quickly and the clay will not be able to convey useful components to the skin.
  2. For preparing masks, plain or mineral water is suitable. In order for the composition to gain additional properties, a decoction of medicinal herbs can be used instead of water.
  3. To prepare the product, you must use glass or ceramic dishes. In contact with clay, metal elements affect its chemical composition, therefore, they can change properties.

To cover a thin layer of the face and neck, you need 1 tbsp. l powder. According to reviews, masks from this component are prepared and applied easily and simply. Regular procedures can transform the skin of the face.

Application Rules

Apply a mask based on the following rules:

  1. The skin must be prepared. Makeup is removed from the face, and the skin is pre-treated with a scrub and steamed in a steam bath.
  2. The mask is applied to the face, neck, dΓ©colletΓ© without affecting the area around the eyes and mouth.
  3. Apply better with a large cosmetic brush.
  4. When exposed, it is advisable to lie down so that the heavy mass does not stretch the skin.

When setting the exposure time of the product, it is necessary to take into account the features of the skin. For dry epidermis, the duration of the procedure should be 5 minutes, and for oily epidermis, it can be extended to 15. Considering the reviews, this is quite enough to get a positive effect.

green clay reviews

If the air humidity in the room is greatly reduced, the green clay mask dries quickly and freezes on the face. To prevent this, during the procedure, you must regularly spray the skin with water. Rinse off the product with clean water, dissolving the frozen pieces. Do not rip them off so as not to damage the integrity of the skin.

Treatment for acne, blackheads, blackheads

Eliminate these problems will allow the tool from simple components:

  1. Honey and lemon juice (1 tbsp. L.) Should be mixed with clay powder (2 tbsp. L.). A little tea tree oil should be added to the resulting mass.
  2. Powder (1 tbsp) is diluted with the right amount of water. Then 8 drops of rosemary oil are added.
  3. It is necessary to mix the main component with body powder (2: 1), and also add water.

Using these masks allows you to cleanse your face in a short period of time. Remedies may be part of regular care. Such procedures are safe and very effective.


According to reviews, green clay goes well with oatmeal. Such a mixture has a cleansing effect. The composition will eliminate black spots, make the skin fresh and clean. Clay and ground flakes should be mixed in an amount of 2: 1, and mineral water is added until the desired consistency is obtained.

The product with lemon juice (3 tbsp.) And vodka (10 ml) allows you to get rid of black spots and restore the activity of the sebaceous glands. This mixture is used to dilute clay powder (2 tbsp. L.).


It perfectly smoothes the skin and reduces the number of wrinkles using a special mask. To prepare it, you need 2 containers. In one, mix the yolk with sour cream (1 tbsp. L.), Starch (2 tbsp. L.) And clay (1 tbsp. L.). In the second, you need to add olive oil (1 tbsp. L.) And liquid vitamin A (3 drops). In the end, it is necessary to combine the compositions of both containers and mix.

green clay mask

A mask with a fresh banana will be useful for the epidermis. Its pulp in the amount of 1 tbsp. l must be mixed with powder and liquid honey (1 tbsp each.). You also need to add fresh sour cream (2 tbsp. L.). The mask will reduce the number of wrinkles and get rid of sagging skin, tighten the oval of the face.

From pigmentation

A mixture of age spots and freckles will allow a mixture of clay with lemon juice and kefir. To prepare the composition, you need a powder (1 tsp) and the same amount of lemon juice. Kefir is required to take as much as necessary to obtain a comfortable consistency for applying the mass.

According to reviews, green clay for the face can be used as an independent component. In this case, it must be diluted with water to the required consistency. The remaining ingredients are needed to slightly enhance the action of the green powder.

Those who have not yet performed such procedures should try the effect of this therapeutic product. It is possible that this substance will become one of the favorite in facial skin care.

Anti-aging agent

It is used for combination and oily skin types. The main feature is the smoothing of small wrinkles, protection against their reappearance. To prepare, you will need dry clay powder (1 tsp), starch (2 tbsp.), Olive or almond oil (1 tbsp.), Sour cream (1 tbsp.), Yolk and vitamin A (3 drops).

green clay properties

The finished mixture should be applied to the face without touching the skin near the eyes. The neck, decollete area is also processed. Hold for 15 minutes. For maximum effect, sessions should be repeated several times a month.


It is intended for dry epidermis. The main purpose is nutrition and skin hydration. Clay powder (5 g), milk (50 ml), cabbage leaf will be required. The last component is dipped in hot milk. It is necessary to leave the sheet until it becomes soaked, then it must be crushed.

Next - mix clay and cabbage. You should get a homogeneous mixture. It is applied to the face. Duration is 15 minutes, then rinse with water. The skin will become hydrated and well-groomed.

Softening mask

It is needed for combination and normal skin type. The mask softens the epidermis, makes it supple and velvety. You will need to mix green and white clay powders (1 tsp each).

The mass must be diluted with mineral water. Peach oil (1 tsp) is added to the mixture. Apply the product for 10 minutes, and then rinse thoroughly with water.

From redness

You will need to mix the powder (0.5 tsp) with water. Rosemary oil (a few drops) is added to the composition. Massage movements should be applied to the red areas of the face. After 15 minutes, you can rinse.

green clay application

Vitamin Remedy

It is intended for oily skin type. You will need jojoba oil (1 tsp), which must be mixed with powder (2 tsp) until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Then bergamot ether (3 drops) is added. The composition is applied for 10 minutes, and then removed with cool water. The skin must be dried and treated with a nourishing cream. Masks can be performed 2 times a week.

Given the reviews, all of these masks bring results. Which recipe is best to use, you need to focus on your skin type. In this case, the therapeutic agent will help to cope with a specific problem in a short time.

How to prevent side effects?

Green clay does not cause allergies, so there are no contraindications to it. In addition, no side effects will appear with it. And if a negative reaction did occur, then some other component caused it.

To avoid side effects, the following rules should be observed:

  1. It is necessary to pay attention to the composition of the mask. It should not have components that lead to allergies. Beauticians recommend using the product in its purest form.
  2. Skin preparation required. Masks are applied to clean, steamed skin.
  3. It is necessary to apply the product correctly. They do not treat the area near the eyes.
green clay face reviews

Green clay is able to eliminate many facial skin problems. The healing properties of this product are noticeable immediately after the first session. And if you regularly use useful masks, then the skin will become supple and elastic.

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