Early abortion

Unfortunately, not all women, seeing 2 stripes, are very happy about this event. Indeed, many of them have their own reasons why they want to get rid of the child. Someone has medical indications, someone has financial problems. Therefore, many of them have only one option - abortion. If it so happens that this is the only solution, then you need to consider that the safest and less traumatic is considered an abortion in the early stages of pregnancy. But first, let's figure out what an abortion is.

An abortion is an artificial termination of pregnancy through medication or surgery. Under Russian law, any woman has the right to decide whether to leave her pregnant or not, but only if her term does not exceed 12 weeks. Many people ask: β€œIs it possible to get rid of pregnancy without consequences for the body?”. Most doctors will unanimously say, β€œNo!” After all, as soon as the fertilization of the egg, the woman’s body immediately begins to get used to the new conditions for him. And every day more and more adapts to these changes. And when an abortion occurs, the body experiences a shock state. In addition, the longer the gestation period, the worse the consequences. Therefore, termination of pregnancy must be carried out as soon as possible. Now let's look at what types of abortions in the early stages exist .

Medical abortion

This type of abortion is used by women who want to get rid of pregnancy, which lasts no more than 6 weeks. Its advantage is that it is carried out with the help of drugs without the use of surgical intervention. The essence of this method is as follows:

  1. At a reception at the gynecologist or in a hospital, a woman takes a drug that blocks the hormone that supports pregnancy, progesterone. For some time, she is under the strict supervision of a doctor, in case the medication causes any negative reaction.
  2. Within a few hours, a woman should begin bleeding, which can last about two weeks. This process is abortion itself. Basically, everything goes without side effects, but sometimes a woman can feel a headache and nausea.
  3. After 10-12 days, a woman must definitely visit a gynecologist and do an ultrasound scan in order to make sure that there is no piece of a fetal egg left in the uterine cavity.

An abortion at an early stage in a medical way has many advantages:

  • there is no risk of mechanical damage to the uterine mucosa;
  • short duration of the entire operation;
  • no risk of infection;
  • the lowest risk of infertility.

Also, abortion at an early stage of pregnancy has a number of contraindications:

  • allergy to the components of the drug;
  • scar on the uterus;
  • poor blood coagulability;
  • endometriosis;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases.

But there are times when an abortion does not occur and part of the ovum remains. Then you have to produce curettage, and this already significantly increases the risk of developing endometritis.

Vacuum suction

Vacuum aspiration (mini-abortion) is an abortion in the early stages of pregnancy (up to 5 weeks), which is currently the most common. It is performed using surgical intervention in the following way: the doctor introduces a vacuum aspirator into the vagina, which looks like a large syringe with a nozzle, with the help of which negative pressure is created in the uterine cavity, which leads to the separation of the fetal egg from the uterus. This type of abortion is performed for 5-10 minutes and mainly under general anesthesia.

The main disadvantage of mini-abortion is that mechanical damage to the uterus occurs. After all, before introducing a vacuum aspirator, a doctor with the help of special rod expanders stretches the cervix. He does this until the disclosure is large enough to introduce the necessary tools for abortion. This whole process is performed very quickly, which leads to slight damage to the uterine tissue.

Dear women! You have the right to choose how to get rid of pregnancy. But in the future, remember that in the modern world, many contraceptives have been invented that will help you avoid an unwanted pregnancy. After all, it is much easier to protect yourself from it than to get rid of it.

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