How to do exercises for the inner thighs

Due to the fact that when walking the internal muscles of the thigh are practically not involved , this part of the female body becomes sagging with age and is overgrown with fatty deposits. Without focused training, this problem cannot be solved. Therefore, exercises for the inner thighs six times a week are extremely necessary so that the legs are tightened and well-groomed. The effect of the increased load will be noticeable after three to four weeks. Then, to maintain the form of exercise for the inner thighs, it is necessary to carry out at least twice a week.

exercises for the inner thighs

Exercises for the inner thighs

Training necessarily begins with warming up the muscles, otherwise they can easily be pulled or injured. As a warm-up, light running, jumping rope, small swings, squats are used.

hamstring machine

  1. While on the mat (on the back), legs should be raised at right angles to the floor. It is performed from breeding and mixing at a slow pace to the stop. In one approach, you need to do 20 repetitions.
  2. Lying on the right side, perform swings with a flat and tense left foot at an angle of 45 degrees for two minutes. Then the side changes and the same movements are performed by the right.
  3. The initial position is lying on its side. It is necessary to perform the swings with the leg bent at the knee.
  4. Standing on all fours, you need to take one leg to the side and lift it up. It is necessary to do 15 repetitions (left and right).
  5. Standing on the floor, you should hold a small ball with your hips and walk with it for six minutes.
  6. Standing with a flat back, you need to spread your legs to the sides with your toes out. Running 20 squats. At the same time, you need to make sure that during the squats the hips are parallel to the floor. To complicate this exercise, squats are performed on toes.
  7. With your legs wide apart, you need to sit deep on one of them. Without lifting the case, transfer the body weight to another. In this case, the elongated leg should rest on the inside of the foot. At least 15 repetitions must be done.
  8. Standing near the support, alternately perform swings with his legs to the sides. To complicate the exercise, it is necessary to use weighting agents. Each leg performs 25-30 max.
  9. Standing straight, you need to do alternate side lunges to the sides (or forward) and lower yourself into a squat. To complicate the exercises, dumbbells are used.

Exercises for the inner thighs can be performed when climbing stairs. To do this, it is necessary to fully straighten the knee. The load is complicated by steps through a step.

exercises for the inner thighs

In the equipped gymnasium, exercises for the inner thighs are performed with the help of simulators. Simpler devices are band expanders, ankle pads, and the use of barbell pancakes during squats. The most effective mechanical simulator for the inner thigh is the abductor, which is designed for the abducting muscles. It is equipped with special weights, which create additional resistance when mixing and raising legs.

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