In this article, we will talk about the American actor Jim Cavizel. We will discuss his biography, career and personal life, and devote time to his political activities.
James (Jim) Cavizel was born September 26, 1968 in the town of Mount Vernon (Washington, USA). Mother, Margaret, is a housewife and actress, father, James Cavizel Sr. is a therapist. In the family, Jim was not brought up alone, he has a younger brother Timati and three sisters - Emmy, Anna and Erin.
The future actor studied at Vernon's school, but after two years he moved to Seattle, where he lived in a friend's family. In addition to classes at a Catholic school, Jim attended a basketball section. A year later, Cavizel transferred to the John F. Kennedy School, which was also Catholic, where he showed a special interest in basketball and played for the school team. In 1987, he graduated from this institution.
In the next academic year, Jim Cavizel went to Biliv Community College, where he continued to get involved in his favorite sport - basketball, but two years later the guy was injured, and he had to forget about his sports career.
After graduation, Jim entered the University of Washington, in the new educational institution, he seriously began to get involved in acting.
Jim Cavizel first appeared on screen in 1991 in the movie "My Personal Idaho," in which he played a cameo role as an employee at the airport.
A real breakthrough in Jim's acting career occurred in 1998, after the film “The Thin Red Line” was released, where the actor played the role of Private Witt. Two years later, the film "Radio Wave" appears on the screen, in which Cavisel acts as John Sullivan.
Cavizel also starred in such Hollywood films as: "The Count of Monte Cristo" and "Eyes of an Angel", and in 2001 he played the main role in the film "Maddison".
The actor Jim Cavizel played his most famous role in Mel Gibson's film "Passion of Christ", which appeared at the box office in 2004. After the actor admitted that shooting was not easy for him, because of the amount of makeup applied, his body was covered with blisters and because of this he could not sleep for a very long time. Then a shoulder dislocation followed, and while shooting some scenes, Jim had to endure lashes. But immediately after the premiere of the film, the actor was offered to become the face for the Heavenly fashion line.
Among the long-term work, I would like to mention the series "In sight", in which the actor starred for five years, from 2011 to 2016. Throughout his career, Jim Cavizel has played about four dozen roles.
Personal life
While still a student, Cavizel joined the Sigma fraternity, which is a fanatic of the Ministerial Vikings. In March 2005, the actor acted as a preacher at a Catholic conference held in Boston. The actor’s wife, Carrie, is also Catholic and provides various support to single mothers and children with disabilities.
In one of his interviews, Jim said that his fourteen-year marriage with his wife is quite strong because they both know words such as: "I'm sorry" and "I'm wrong." In marriage, the couple raise three adopted children, whom they took from China.
Political activity, interesting facts
In early October 2006, Patricia Heaton, Mike Sweeney, Jim Cavizel and Kurt Warner opposed stem cell research on embryonic material. In his speech, Jim said: "You betrayed the son of God with a kiss," and ended with the following words: "Now you know ... Do not do this."
Many of those present at the performance took it all as an ordinary acting performance and noted that Jim really has a huge acting talent.
In 2006, the actor gave $ 2,100 from his personal budget in support of the re-election of Senator Rick Santorum, but it all ended in failure.
Jim Cavizel, whose biography tells us that this unique person could become both a professional basketball player and a politician, nevertheless became an actor, but made a considerable contribution to various projects. Today, Cavizel is 48 years old.