Registration details: composition, requirements, GOST and design examples

Details are necessary details in business documentation. Each act, resolution and so on has its own set of design features for details. They are located in accordance with GOST.

More details

According to the rules for registration of details, some of them are permanent. This includes the logo of the company, its name, basic information. The other part is variable. Registration of details of this type will differ from form to form. For example, the name of the form, date, and so on will change.

It is important to make the correct registration of details related to the date, signatures, seals, registration numbers. They provide the validity of the form.

About Documents

All forms are divided into 3 separate parts: the title, the main part and the design. The composition and design of details in each of them varies. In each form, they are separated by several line spacing. When preparing documents, it is recommended to use the font Times New Roman size 12.

Official documentation requires page numbering if more than 2 are submitted. It is carried out by printing Arabic numbers without words at the top of the sheet.

About Details

According to the rules for registration of details, the emblems of the Russian Federation do not print on documents of non-state structures. As for trademarks, they are placed on forms based on the situation of the enterprise. At the same time, registration of the details of the organization with the emblem can never be carried out without indicating its name. The emblem name does not replace. Be sure to keep in mind when filling out the details that the emblem must first go through the official registration process.

How to

Trademarks are never used by others. In cases when the emblem was presented on the forms when filling out the details, the emblem is not indicated. Trademarks are placed in the upper field of the form in the center relative to the name of the company.

"Organization Code" is set according to OKPO. PSRN and TIN are prescribed, given the documents from the tax.

Form code

The requirements for processing the details of documents contain a form code when the form is included in the classifier according to OKUD, class 0200000. It is printed, compiling a specific document, and listed along with information about the company in the forms. Otherwise, it is put down next to the name of the document type.


When making the details take into account that the "name of the company", which is the author of the document, must be indicated in the form that is contained in the constituent documentation.

They introduce both the abbreviated and full name of the parent organization, if any. The name of the enterprise is indicated under the details with the emblem. If we are talking about enterprises of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation with a second language, then this language is used in the registration of details of this type in two languages.

The short form of the name is indicated only when it is contained in the constituent document. It is indicated under the full name.

The names of branches, departments are registered only when they own the document. Requirements for registration of details of this type include these names under the name of the enterprise.

About each props

In the "Reference data on the organization" prescribe mailing addresses, contact information at the discretion of the enterprise. The official procedure for registration of details provides for the location of contact information in the upper left corner under the name of the company.


The “name of the document type” is placed in the center of the sheet in the title of the document. The official requirements for processing the details of documents provide italics in this case.

One of the main details in the document is “Date”. It determines the validity of the form. The date in the document is considered both the day of its signing, and the date of the act reflected in it. Requirements for registration details provide Arabic numbers in the sequence: day, month, year.

A combination of numbers with the words: August 19, 2018 is also used in financial documentation. According to GOST, the design of details when a day or month contains only one number is supplemented by the number "0", for example, 04/03/2003.

“Document Registration Number” includes its serial number. It is indicated on both internal and external documentation of the enterprise near the date.

Registration of details on documents of this type, when they are compiled by more than 2 enterprises, requires registration numbers of all organizations. They are separated by a slash, and they are written in the order of the authors in the form.

Assignment of serial numbers is carried out separately for incoming and outgoing forms.

Taking into account the type of form and workflow of the enterprise, along with the serial number, the registration of details of a different nature is also carried out. These include the case index for the nomenclature of cases, document codes for thematic classifiers, and so on.

On forms that were drawn up by more than one legal entity, registration numbers are indicated by a slash. If there is a registration number on the document, this serves as proof that it is included in the document flow of the legal entity, which means it is controlled by it.

Filling example

When making this type of requisite, you need to know that it is formed from the stencil “_________ No. _______”, and manually fill it with the date and registration number.

The “reference to the registration number and date of the document” contains the registration number and date of the document, which is necessarily answered. Basically, the design of the attribute is assumed under the date and number of the document.

Place of compilation

Props are used only in general forms of documents. Registration of props involves accounting for the administrative-territorial division of the country with the use of abbreviations. For example, St. Petersburg - S. - Petersburg.

Bank details

Do not fill out the requisite in the document if the name of the place is already included in the name of the enterprise. For example, Togliatti Flight School. It is important to indicate the administrative-territorial division, since the names of the settlements are repeated. If Moscow is indicated, then the abbreviations "g." not necessary. The same GOST standard when drawing up the requisites of documents is used in relation to cities whose name ends with “city” or “burg”.

The “addressee” is indicated on the letters, the props means the mailing address of the recipient. The addressee can be both legal entities and individuals. According to GOST, registration of props is as follows: initials are indicated in front of the surname. The name of the enterprise is indicated in the nominative case. For example, the Ministry of Culture. While the position of the person to whom the document is sent is presented in the dative case. For example, E. Bazhenov.

One document never contains more than 4 recipients. If there are more, then form a mailing list of the document.

If the letter is sent to the enterprise, then first of all they write its name, and after that - the mailing address. If it is addressed to an individual, then first write the name with the initials of the recipient, and after that - the mailing address. The latter is not included if the form is addressed to the highest authorities, a higher organization, a permanent correspondent. Props are located on the right.

“The stamp of approval of a document” consists of the name of the position of the person who approves the form, its signature, initials with the surname, date. Put the props in the upper right corner. When there are several vultures, they are placed in parallel at the same level. The same applies to their signatures.

The word “Approve” is written without quotation marks. In this case, the name of the approving document is given in the instrumental case.


A resolution is an inscription on a document that an official puts up. She expresses his decision. In this case, the surname and initials of the contractor, as well as the contents of the order, the deadlines for execution shall be indicated.

The resolution is written with your own hand in the heading of the form in any place that is free of text. Sometimes it is drawn up on a separate sheet, indicating the registration number, as well as the date of the document to which the resolution relates.

In cases where there are several performers, the first thing they write is responsible, they do not put additional notes.

The props “Heading to the text” contains a summary of the meaning of the text set forth in the form. The title must be consistent with the name of the document. In particular, they are sure to answer the questions “about what?” and what?".

Place it under the date and registration number on the left border. If the format of the document is A5, then it is permissible not to specify it at all. The title is printed without quotation marks, do not underline.

Mark on setting a document for control

This requisite means that the form is put under control in the process of its execution in order to ensure the deadlines that were specified in the resolution, or a typical deadline.

First part

There are several types of deadlines for the execution of a document.

The first is the type term used for the model document. This may be an appeal from citizens.

Numbering details

And the second is the individual deadline for the execution of the document. It shall be established by an act received or an indication of resolution.

Each document that requires execution is necessarily under control.

In the requirements of GOST, it means that marks on the control of execution are set on the forms of greatest importance. This is indicated by the letter "K", a stamp or the inscription "Control". Sometimes the designation is highlighted in contrasting color.

“Text” is the most important attribute. It is formed in a questionnaire, tabular form, in the form of linked text, or this structure is combined. There are headings in columns and table rows that are expressed by a noun. In this case, the use of the nominative case is mandatory.

In cases where the table is placed on more than one page, the columns in the table are numbered, and only the numbers of the columns are entered on subsequent pages.

Related texts in documents usually include 2 parts - introductory and main. The first contains the grounds and objectives of the formation of the document. And in the second - decisions, requests, suggestions and recommendations.

The text sometimes consists only of the main part. This applies to orders, letters and statements. But when there is more than one solution in the texts, it is divided into parts, paragraphs, while numbering.

Letters may be presented in the first person singular and plural, in the third person singular and so on.

The texts in the questionnaire form include data on the subject with a number of characteristics. This type of presentation is most often found in documents of personnel and marketing type.

Tabular text usually includes information about several subjects. Moreover, it sets out several features. Typically, such texts are printed in reports, plans.

The text of the document always contains links to each table that it contains. A cohesive text is composed both arbitrarily and on a blank. In the second case, most of the content has already been printed, and only gaps need to be filled. So the work is done much faster, the likelihood that you will need to retype the document remains small. It is most effective to use such a system by forming a form in electronic form.

The requisite “mark on the availability of provisions” is indicated after the main part above the signature. It is important to format it in a short format. So, if there is an application that was not indicated in the main part, then its name, the number of pages and copies are written. If there are several applications, they must be numbered.

In cases where another document with attachments is attached to the form, the mark on the availability of the application is indicated as follows: Appendix: letter from the Russian Federal Archive of 2003 and its annex, totaling 3 liters.

But if there is only one copy of the application, then their number is not written. The annexes necessarily contain the name of the document form, headings, date, signatures.

The requisite “signature” includes: the name of the position of the person who signed the document, the signature with the transcript.

When a document is signed by more than one official, signatures are placed under each other in an order that corresponds to the hierarchy.

In cases when the commission formed the document, it is not the posts themselves that are listed, but their responsibilities as part of the commission.

Each copy of the form that remains in the document flow of the company is always checked for the presence of a genuine signature, approval visas. Exception - copies of outgoing letters containing instead of signatures marks on certification of a copy.

When officials whose signatures were supposed to be absent, the document may be signed by their deputies or persons acting on their behalf. And here they must indicate the actual position, the name of the person who signed the document.

If the document is published by a collegial body, then it is signed by the chairman or secretary.

The prop "signature" is set under the text and the application. The requisite “Coordination stamp” is formed from the word “Agreed”, the position of the person with whom the coordination was carried out, including the name of the company, signatures with decryption, and the date of approval.

Sometimes a document is consistent through the release of another document. Then the type of document, the name of the company that issued it, the date and form index are written in the approval stamp. The props are placed in the lower left part of the sheet under the text, marks about applications, signatures.

A document approval visa is another attribute that expresses the consent or disagreement of an official in a company with the text.

Documents endorse, given the nature and content of the document. This is done by performers, officials, responsible representatives of legal, financial, economic services.

The visa includes the signature of the visitor with the transcripts, the date, and sometimes the position of the person. They write props on the back of the last page of a genuine administrative document, on a copy of the document to be sent.

When a lot of amendments are made to a document during sighting, the process is carried out anew. But if the revision did not touch the very essence of the paper, then re-sighting is not necessary.

The seal imprint establishes the authenticity of the signature. This is necessary in the documentation related to certification of rights, fixing facts, legal acts. Props are made in such a way that it occupies a large area of ​​the signature.

Printing can be either stamped or simple. In the first case, it is round in shape with a coat of arms in the center. The name of the company is written around the circle. And in the second form it is any. Then the coat of arms is absent, but there is always the name of the enterprise.

Print impressions are set so that both they and the signature remain legible. If the letter is written on a form, then it is not necessary to certify it with a seal.

Copy Certification Mark

This attribute is prescribed in order to make a copy legally valid. It is formed from the word “true,” the name of the witness’s position, his signature with a transcript, and the date. When sending the form to other companies or handing over the certification marks are confirmed with seals.

If the document was sent by fax, it is not valid. For this reason, the shipment is carried out by mail.

The “Performance Mark” contains a link to the date and number of the document that indicates the execution. This attribute is placed on the front or back side of the last page in the document in the lower left corner. If the document is multiplied, marks on the performer are put down on the front side.

As for the notes on the execution of the document, they are prescribed only on a document that has already been executed. They are filed into the case, so that they can then be stored in archives and used when appropriate information is needed. Registration of the requisite is carried out on the first sheet of the document below.

It is important to remember that the props include: the word "In the case", the number of the case in which the document will be stored, if there is no copy - a link to the number and date of response forms, the signature of the contractor, the date of putting down marks.

The requisite is set by the contractor independently or by the head of the relevant structural unit.

Marks on the receipt of documents in the company are prescribed on the incoming documentation with your own hand or through a special registration stamp. The requisite contains a serial number, a date with hours and minutes. Place it in the lower right corner on the front side of the first page of the form.

“Electronic Copy Identifier” - a mark that is put in the lower left corner on each sheet. It contains the name of the file on electronic media, the date and other information recorded by the company.

Angular arrangement

With an angular arrangement, details are placed at the top of the page. It is most convenient to use corner forms in letters, faxes, because the recipient is usually prescribed in the upper right corner. The angular form of writing is also used in correspondence with official enterprises, educational institutions, including higher ones. The angular centered arrangement involves placing all the details from the corner at an equal distance from the borders of the left margin and the center of the page.


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When a document was published by a collegial body, the narrative is executed in the third person singular. If the document was a joint administrative one, then the presentation of the text is carried out in the first person by a multiple person.

The protocol is outlined in the third person plural.

If the document establishes the rights and obligations of both firms and their individual structural units, has a description, an assessment of facts or conclusions, then the text is presented in a third person, singular or plural.

Props of the President

You also need to know that the names of foreign enterprises, which consist of one or several words, are indicated in Russian, and are enclosed in quotation marks. A capital letter in the names is necessary for the first words enclosed in quotation marks, as well as for proper names: “General Motors”, “Rolls-Royce”.

The names of foreign enterprises, banks that contain abbreviations, do not need to be enclosed in quotation marks: UN, UNESCO.


When preparing and filling out documentation, you need to know that documents can consist of different sets of details. Also, when compiling one type of document, it is not necessary to apply all of them. A number of details is considered mutually exclusive, for example, “Name of the type of document” and “Reference data on the enterprise”. The second is prescribed only in letters, and in the letter form do not indicate the name of the type of document.

The number of details that serve as a characteristic of a document depends on the purpose of the documentation, its purpose, requirements for the content and form of the document, and the method of documentation. In each type of document, mandatory details are distinguished, which are always used when they are drawn up.

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