Herbs for the face: recipes for beneficial tinctures, effectiveness, features of use, reviews

Phytocosmetics has recently become more and more popular and in demand, because the use of folk remedies from natural ingredients not only has a beneficial effect on the skin, but also allows you to maintain a beautiful appearance for decades.

Herbs for the face are selected depending on the nature of the problem, the type of skin and its condition. Of these, you can make ice, tinctures, decoctions, add as a component to masks, and even create creams and lotions on hoods. Each woman can use the healing power of herbs for the face, the main thing is to find herbal plants and use them correctly.

natural ingredients for the skin

Types of phytocosmetics

The magic of nature is priceless, because here lies not only wisdom and strength, but also the root of longevity and beauty. In ancient times, women used herbs to look after their bodies and preserve their beauty.

Herbs for facial skin can be used in different ways, mixed with other components or used in pure form. The result depends on the concentration of nutrients, the ratio with other components.

You also need to understand that the action of natural components can manifest itself more slowly than chemical. Therefore, you need to use the funds regularly, alternating between different types to achieve the best effect. Beauticians distinguish these types of phytocosmetics:

  • Masks (effectively cope with facial wrinkles, can give a whitening effect and tighten the skin, well even out the tone of the face).
  • Steam baths (used to visually narrow the pores and relieve redness on the face).
  • Cosmetic ice (made from herbs for the skin of the face, tightens pores, removes facial wrinkles and has a lifting effect). Use in the summer allows you to tone the skin.
  • Water-alcohol extracts (exhibit a therapeutic effect, can be prepared from herbs for acne on the face, remove black spots, dry oily and combination skin). They tone and soothe the skin. Both water and an alcoholic solution can be taken as the basis for the preparation of the extract.
  • Creams (adding herbs for the face makes them nutritious and vitamin, you need to choose for each skin type). You can not use day and night cream for different types.
  • Compresses (help remove traces of fatigue and fight bags under the eyes, like ice with herbs for the face, can narrow pores and even out skin tone).
  • Teas (ingestion has a beneficial effect on the body and helps eliminate skin problems).

Phytocosmetics has a large arsenal of effective methods to deal with skin problems. It is affordable for everyone with an effective spectrum of action.

Cosmetic ice

This is a universal option for using any decoction and combination of herbs, thanks to which we can talk about improving the condition of the face. Compared with professional cosmetology, the procedure for using ice resembles rubbing the skin with liquid nitrogen.

In terms of usefulness, a natural, home-made product is not inferior to an expensive cosmetic procedure. And its regular use will give a good result.

Cold tones the skin and makes it elastic, and decoctions of herbs for the face in the composition will help solve any skin problem. Chamomile and celandine relieve irritation and redness on the skin, help get rid of inflammatory processes.

The use of mint, lemon balm and a lovage whitens the face well and makes it velvety. If you add a few drops of tea tree oil to the broth, you can get a good antiseptic, which is useful in the summer.

A decoction of linden and thyme soothes dry skin and cleanses the combination. For drying effect, you can use oak bark or caraway seeds. When choosing a proportion, you need to pay attention to the amount of liquid. It is standard to choose 100 ml, but the dose can be increased depending on the number of cells on the form.

Ice can be stored for a long time, but it is advisable to brew fresh infusions every week so that the beneficial properties do not decrease. It is advisable to use it in the morning and evening before bedtime, so that the skin is well saturated with herbs.

Herbs for cooking

To make ice, one must take into account not only the desired effect, but also the type of skin. The number of possible herbs in the composition depends on this.

For sensitive dry skin, it is better to add hop flowers and yarrow to the decoction, which gently acts on the skin and has a calming effect. Dill, sage and parsley will also come in handy for treating dry skin. Rose petals and linden blossom will well relieve redness and inflammation.

Skin cream

For oily skin, face herbs such as chamomile, buds and birch leaves, St. John's wort, wormwood, peony, calendula with flowers, field horsetail, celandine, and cinquefoil are used.

Since this type of skin is characterized by large visible pores and an uneven complexion, to enhance the effect of herbs, you can use essential oils, which should be added to the broth a few drops. Effective will be tea tree oil, lemon balm, orange, broccoli.

For the combined and normal type, valerian, violet, dill, sage, St. John's wort and plantain are used. Useful herbs for the face not only gently cleanse and relieve redness, but also tone the skin well and exhibit a tightening effect.

Masks of youth

There is not a single woman who would not make masks. This method not only comprehensively affects the skin and allows you to eliminate several problems at once, but also prolongs youth by making your cheeks taut and your skin even and smooth. Adding different herbs enhances the beneficial effects of masks.

To make a nutritious or moisturizing mixture, apply such components that they will contain trace elements and phytoestrogens. They are part of calendula, licorice, clover, Icelandic moss. Moisturizing masks are made on the basis of plantain, burdock, and yarrow.

herbal remedy

To obtain the necessary concentration, you can make a tincture of herbs or add them chopped, then the mask will have a light scrubbing effect. An anti-inflammatory mask based on chamomile and celandine allows the wounds to heal faster and stimulates the skin regeneration process. Calendula and plantain in the mixture also manifest themselves as calming elements.

In order for the mixture to be useful and begin to act, you need to make several masks, take a course. After systematic use, you can see the result and improvement in skin condition. You can not store face masks from herbs for more than a few hours, since without the addition of preservatives, useful properties are lost.

Baths and extracts

The method acts on the skin and removes minor redness, bumps and tones. Steam baths have a cleansing effect, but if there are wounds or scratches on the skin, it is better to refuse this method so as not to cause an allergic reaction and not worsen the condition of the face.

In the baths diuretic herbs are often used for swelling of the face, they well remove bags under the eyes and signs of fatigue. Keep your face above the bath from 5 to 10 minutes, but no more so that the pores can tighten normally. Beauticians advise using ice after applying steam, this will help the pores to return to their original state faster, and a lifting effect will also appear.

steam baths for face

Alcoholic extracts of herbs have a more local effect and help not only in the fight against pimples, rashes, black spots, but also in the treatment of more serious skin ailments.

In the process of use, it is necessary to ensure that the skin does not dry out, and after applying the extract, apply cream or moisturizing serum to the face. Different herbs can be used to prepare the extract. For oily skin:

  • arnica;
  • Japanese sophora;
  • elderberry color.

For the combined and normal type, plantain, chamomile, lime blossom are used. Beauticians believe that the extracts can use the same herbs as in steam baths. You can do skin rubbing with homemade lotions every day no more than two times.

Face creams

Skin care should be comprehensive and implemented through the use of different effectiveness and consistency products. Creams perform the functions of:

  • protection;
  • nutrition;
  • moisturizing.

It is impossible to imagine a full face skin care without the use of special mixtures. Although organic cosmetics promise a natural composition, among the components you can find many preservatives and substances that preserve the freshness of the cream. This does not always have a positive effect on the skin.

It is best to use natural products made by yourself. For dry and oily skin, the antioxidant herbs in the composition will be useful. If the components are not enough, the effect is weak, you can add a few drops of grape seed oil to the mixture and mix well.

To regenerate cells in a night cream, herbs such as knotweed, medunica, pikulnik and horsetail will be good. For a day cream, a composition of chamomile, lingonberry, ginseng, ivy, heather will be useful.

Skin Compresses

Although this type of phytocosmetics is not used often, its effect on the skin is not inferior to the effect of masks and applying creams. Compresses moisturize well, relieve swelling and redness, give the face a uniform tone and relax muscles. There are several types:

  • hot;
  • cold
  • contrasting.

For cold, juice of fresh herbs, decoctions and tinctures are used. They tone the skin and evenly nourish the cells, filling them with strength and energy. Hot compresses should have a temperature of no more than 50 degrees. Application time on the skin from 10 to 15 minutes. After cooling the napkins, you need to change it or soak in a warm broth. The best herbs for the face can be found in pharmacies or collect yourself.

bath components

Contrast is intended first to expand the pores and eliminate minor imperfections on the skin, and then to tighten the cells and tighten the face. Blanks with slots for the eyes, nose and lips can be bought at cosmetic stores, their cost is low. Or at home use an ordinary towel for this.

Herb tea

This effect on the skin and comprehensively on the entire body from the inside. Herbal teas can cure the body and improve the functioning of its systems.

picking herbs

Many women mistakenly think that external influence can radically change the condition of the face and remove all minor problems. In fact, the cosmetic effect passes quickly, leaving behind the same flaws and redness.

For skin treatment, experts advise regular drinking of teas from beneficial herbs and medicinal components. Diuretic herbs with swelling of the face gently remove fluid from the body, without causing discomfort.

Cumin, dill, mint, thyme, chamomile and yarrow have a beneficial effect on the skin. Tea made from currant and cherry leaves not only strengthens the immune system, but also cleanses the skin.

A drink based on nettles and dandelion leaves cleanses the blood and fights rashes on the face. You can use teas from several herbs or buy fees at a pharmacy, but before that, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

The secrets of herbalists

A lot depends on the time when the herbs are harvested. Firstly, the healing ability and level of nutrients in the composition. If the plant is in the growth zone, it is not necessary to collect it, because the developed stems and leaves do not speak of usefulness.

drying herbs

The optimal time for collecting flowers is considered to be the period from the fifth day from the beginning of flowering. For plants, this period increases from a week to 10 days. Do not pick grass when the sun bakes. It is better to choose cloudy, but no rain days, when it is comfortable to move and you can collect only the best plants, and not those that are already fading.

Different types of herbs must be collected in different departments of the bag. If you put everything in one bundle, then the effectiveness of plants from this can significantly decrease. Before drying, the plants should be thoroughly washed and cleaned of dirt and small bugs.

Dry the herbs in the sun, placing them in a thin layer on a dry clean towel. It is imperative to turn the plants over several times a day so that the sun evenly warms the leaves and stems on both sides.

To protect against flies, you must use a bandage or a thin translucent cloth. This will help protect herbs from bacteria and contamination. Two sunny days are enough to completely dry the herbs.

Application rules

For a clean face, herbs are used in the form of decoctions and ice. These methods help to quickly get rid of pimples and redness. In the form of creams and masks, the effect will not be so instant. To find out which grass is suitable for the face is best possible by determining your skin type.

It is impossible to combine components with different functionality in one product, so as not to cause an allergic reaction.

If you create a means of concentration is strong enough, then as a result, a manifestation of the effect of cancellation is possible. To prevent this from happening, experts advise taking no more than a tablespoon of the mixture of herbs in a glass of water. As a basis for creating a mask, you can take gruel from fresh vegetables or fruits. At the same time, boil the herbs, grind into gruel, or use juice from a fresh collection.

Do not add dry and fresh herbs to masks at the same time. The effect of the application may not occur. Herbal teas are brewed from dried herbs, but more than three components should not be combined in one drink, since different spheres of influence can adversely affect the body's systems and harm it.

You can alternate the use of natural components for the skin with purchased professional products. In this case, the effect will be noticeable and long-lasting, but frequent use is not necessary. It is a matter of simple alternation and replacement of one remedy with another so that the skin does not get used and receives truly comprehensive care.

Reviews of herbs for the face can be different, but it depends on the type of skin, type of use, problem and the desired result. The selection of herbs for treatment is an individual process that professionals must deal with.

Many women recommend using tinctures of linden blossom and chamomile for problem areas of the skin. Lotions from plantain and celandine are also advised to combat acne and inflammation. There are also neutral reviews about herbs for the face, but we are talking about collecting plants and combining several components at once. Beauticians advise before starting the application to do a small test on the skin to exclude the possibility of the appearance of negative reactions of the body.

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