An eccentric person is different from others.

There are a lot of different root words in Russian. A brief analysis will allow you to understand what this or that one of them means. In this article, we consider the meaning of the word "eccentric", and from what word it came from.

Wonderful miracle, marvelous

The word "eccentric" comes from the word "miracle". A miracle is a rare, inexplicable phenomenon. A synonym for the word “miracle” is “wonder”, meaning “surprising phenomenon.”

When you hear someone say “eccentric” to someone, you immediately imagine this person a little silly, absent-minded, peculiar, possibly wearing glasses, and at the same time kind, sweet and harmless. Such people are sometimes spoken of as "a man of God."

Other synonyms for the word “eccentric”: funny, crazy, original, joker, jester, fancier, simpleton.

crank - man

The meaning of the word "eccentric" can be interpreted in two ways. On the one hand, it is the same word with the word "wonderful", which is associated with the meaning good, excellent, wonderful. But there are also the words "monster", "monster", the meaning of which is "terrible." Therefore, it is impossible to specifically answer what kind of person this is - an eccentric. Good or bad? Although most people are inclined to believe that the eccentric is a good person with his cockroaches in his head.

The word "original" (synonymous with "eccentric") has the following meaning: real, original. Therefore, it turns out that the eccentric is a real person. Then it turns out that he is just the original, and all other people (not eccentrics) - differ from the eccentric in their fake nature.

"Eccentric" in the explanatory dictionary

According to the explanatory dictionary Ozhegova S.I. and Shvedova N.Yu., an eccentric is a strange person whose behavior and actions surprise other people. For example, hermits who live detached, solitary and avoid all human societies can be considered cranks. Usually they live in a forest house, feed on the gifts of nature. Also, healers can be called healers, who treat people with different non-traditional methods.

the eccentric is

In a word, cranks are people who do unusual things, causing surprise and bewilderment of the bulk of the population.

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