Inflammation of the ear (middle) can be triggered by complications of viral infections in the upper respiratory tract. If the virus that affects the nasal cavity moves along the auditory tract leading to the posterior wall of the nasopharynx, swelling in the mucous membranes occurs. In this case, the leveling pressure of the paths is disturbed. Inflammation of the ear (middle) - otitis media - occurs as a result of these processes.
The causes of the disease can be abnormalities in the development of the auricle, infection, not completely cured viral ailments, as well as mechanical damage. After conducting antibiotic therapy, ear inflammation can occur, according to experts, due to insufficient dosage of medications, which, in turn, leads to resistance of the pathogen.
There are acute and chronic lesions. In this case, regardless of the form of the course, inflammation of the ear (middle) occurs for similar reasons. As a rule, viruses provoke diseases - staphylococci, streptococci, anaerobic bacteria that affect the body extremely negatively at the time of a decrease in its protective resources.
Ear infection. Symptoms
Pathological processes arising in various parts of the organ are very diverse.
Given the stages, the inflammation can be catarrhal, serous, or purulent.
Of the three departments of the organ, the most affected are pathologies of the tympanic cavity and auditory tube. In rare cases, the inflammatory process affects the mastoid process. It should be borne in mind that the acute form always involves all parts of the body. However, in one of them, pathology is more pronounced than in others. However, the general term βacute otitis media (moderate)β is considered to be a definition of inflammation only in the tympanic cavity. The pathological process that develops mainly in the auditory tube is called "eustachitis", and in the mastoid process - mastoiditis.
Sharp simultaneous development of inflammation in two, and in some cases, three parts of the organ is also frequent. It follows from this that pathology cannot be considered separately. This is due to the fact that violations of the protective, drainage and ventilation functions in the auditory tube during the development of acute eustachiitis inevitably provoke structural and functional disorders in other parts of the middle ear.
In children, manifestations of pathology are noted in the form of sharp pain (especially at night) and fever. The child is anxious, turns his head, cries. With the development of purulent inflammation, discharge from the ear is noted . Of course, this form of pathology requires immediate medical attention, due to the risk of complications in the form of meningitis, abscess, encephalitis.
In adults, the symptoms are not so pronounced. The main, and in many cases, the only sign of the disease may be ear congestion. The purulent course of the disease is characterized by fever, the development of shooting pains.
How to treat an ear?
First of all, it should be said that any therapy should be accompanied by specialist supervision. Only a doctor is competent to fully assess the degree of development of an ailment and choose the best methods of exposure.
The most dangerous form of otitis media is purulent inflammation. This requires taking antibiotics. This form may be the result of an untreated acute pathology. In addition to antibiotics and antiviral medications, vasoconstrictive nasal drops are prescribed, which contribute to patency in the auditory tube. In addition, the intake of vitamins is also mandatory.
With mild manifestations of the disease, warming compresses and ear drops can be used (if the eardrum is not damaged).