Many people visit beauty salons, where thanks to a variety of procedures you can improve your appearance. To date, not only girls, but also men do specialist manicures. However, the master is not always highly qualified. Many do not even think about whether it is possible to get HIV through a manicure. You can find the answer to this question in our article.
What is HIV?
Despite the fact that the fight against HIV and AIDS lasts for many years, not everyone knows the features of this disease and how it is transmitted. Thanks to this information, you can protect yourself and your loved ones.
HIV is the short name for human viral immunodeficiency. It completely affects the immune system, lives and multiplies only in the human body. When infected, most people do not experience any sensations and continue to live their normal lives. Only after a few weeks can symptoms appear that most often resemble flu symptoms, namely fever and weakness. An infected person has a rash on the skin and there is an increase in lymph nodes.
An infected person may feel healthy for many years. In his body at this time there is a hidden stage of the disease. In this case, the person does nothing and does not realize that he has an infection. And at this time, the body tries to neutralize it and produces antibodies. However, he can not cope with infections.
Surprisingly, not all people who already have a diagnosed infection are wondering if it is possible to get HIV through manicure and other cosmetic procedures. They, without fear for the health of others, visit the masters in order to tidy their eyebrows, nails, do lip tattooing, etc.
Over time, HIV completely inhibits the human immune system. It is worth noting that infection is not a sign that the body already has AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome). It appears only when the immune system is most weakened. This only happens if a person does not undergo treatment therapy. HIV is transmitted:
- through unprotected sexual intercourse;
- with blood transfusion;
- with direct blood entry into the body;
- from mother to baby during pregnancy, during childbirth or breastfeeding;
- when using non-sterile pricking and cutting tools.
Is it possible to get human viral immunodeficiency with manicure?
Everyone who visits beauty salons needs to know whether it is possible to get HIV through manicure. This is not accidental, because human viral immunodeficiency and AIDS are “the 21st century plague”. Unfortunately, getting rid of them is completely impossible. It is only possible to slow down their development.
Not everyone knows that HIV and hepatitis C, unfortunately, can be obtained with a manicure procedure. And the probability of infection directly depends on the master. In an open environment, human viral immunodeficiency exists for only a few minutes. The risk of HIV infection during manicure is low, but it still exists. That is why it is important that the master carefully disinfects the tools after each client.
Infection can occur if the client’s skin is damaged during the procedure and the blood of the previous visitor who has the disease is present on the instrument. With a manicure, you can also become infected with hepatitis B and C. In order for this to not happen, the master must carefully process the tools in accordance with all the rules. It is worth noting that hepatitis B lives in an open environment for a couple of months, and C for several hours. That is why when visiting beauty salons it is important to monitor the quality of processing tools.
General information on the processing of manicure tools. Hand disinfection
Not only every master, but also a visitor to salons should know how disinfection of manicure tools goes. Thanks to this, he will be able to control the quality of processing and decide whether it is safe to do the procedure with one or another specialist.
It is worth noting that most often the master simply sprinkles alcohol on the instrument with the visitor. This completes the disinfection process. Special devices and processing fluids are quite expensive, which is why the quality of disinfection is neglected in order to save. In addition, not all customers are familiar with the rules of careful processing, which means that you may not follow them. However, the master must understand that he is responsible for the health of people. Thorough disinfection of manicure tools should take place without fail.
It is known that 80% of infections are transmitted through uninfected hands. First of all, it is necessary to clean them. You will need to apply an antiseptic to dry hands, which will destroy the pathogenic microflora. It must be thoroughly ground and allowed to dry. Then the processing is repeated. It is important to remove rings, bracelets and other jewelry from your hands in advance. When performing a manicure, the master must wear disposable latex gloves. The hands of the client are subject to processing.
The first stage of processing - disinfection of tools
There is a chance of HIV infection during manicure. Therefore, after the wizard has completed the procedure, he must clean not only the tools that were used, but also those that were on the desktop.
To carry out disinfection, you need to prepare a special solution. Preparations for processing are measured with a measuring glass. The master must pour the concentrate into the disinfection container and then dilute it with water. Tools are placed in it disassembled or open. The composition of the concentrate must necessarily include anti-corrosion additives.
The second stage of processing - instrument sterilization
Not every master knows whether it is possible to get HIV with a hardware manicure. That is why often unskilled nail service specialists neglect the quality of processing used tools.
After all the tools for creating a manicure have been disinfected, they are sent for sterilization. To do this, the master must place them in a special craft package. Tools are placed in a dry oven or an autoclave. All items that must be sterilized must be dry. They are processed under the influence of high temperatures. After the end of the process, tools must not be removed until they have cooled.
In order to remove them, use special tweezers. All surfaces near which disinfection and sterilization is carried out must be pre-cleaned with a solution that includes a concentrate.
Of particular popularity are ball sterilizers. However, they are ineffective and not recommended for use.
Infections in the cabin
Arguing whether it is possible to get HIV through a manicure in the salon, some argue that infection is possible only at home. However, this opinion is erroneous. Unfortunately, in the salon, as well as at the specialist’s house, the rules for processing tools are not always respected. That is why it is important that the visitor knows all the stages of disinfection that are described in our article, and that they are carried out. In the cabin, of course, much more often than at home, all requirements are met. This is due to regular inspections conducted by the sanatorium.
When choosing a wizard, the client must figure out in advance how the tools are processed. It is also important that after the manicure a check is issued, which indicates the provision of services. In this case, the visitor will be able to prove the guilt of the master in case of violations in the body.
HIV test
A rapid HIV test can determine if viral immunodeficiency is present in the body. This analysis can be done using different methods. You can detect viral immunodeficiency in the blood, urine or saliva. However, express tests have been the most popular recently.
Previously, in order to conduct an analysis, the patient’s blood was sent to the laboratory. The result of the study in this case had to wait about a week. A rapid HIV test allows the patient to find out about the presence of infection after half an hour. In the event that it turns out to be positive, additional studies will be prescribed. Today, there are also tests that can be done at home.
Cabinet and workplace of the master
There are known cases of HIV infection during manicure. That is why it is necessary to carefully approach the choice of a master. Experts recommend, in order to protect themselves, to pay attention not only to the processing of tools, but also to the workplace and appearance of the nail service worker. It is important that the master is neat. When working, he must wear disposable gloves, a clean robe, and a bandage. In the manicure room, wet cleaning and treatment with a bactericidal emitter should be regularly carried out.
Before starting work, the master must clean all work surfaces from contamination. It is important that there is order on the table.
There is always a chance of infection
Any representative of the fair sex wants to be well-groomed and attractive, and therefore most of them regularly visit nail salons. They do manicures and pedicures with specialists every month. And often you may find that the procedures are carried out with the same tools as other visitors. At the same time, experienced specialists assure that there is nothing wrong with this, since the risk of infection in this way is small.
However, there are diseases that do not die outside the body over a long period of time. Based on this, doctors recommend that all salon patients are potentially infected, which means that disinfection rates cannot be neglected. Their observance should be controlled not only by the master, but also by the client.
To summarize
In our article, we found out whether it is possible to get HIV through manicure. Unfortunately, many craftsmen save on tooling. The manicure made by such a specialist can result in viral immunodeficiency, hepatitis B and C for the visitor, as well as other dangerous diseases.
We recommend paying attention not only to the processing of tools, but also to the appearance of the wizard himself and his workplace. It is important that after the manicure is done, you will be given a check. Be healthy!