Many women believe that, being the owners of naturally healthy and beautiful hair, they may not make efforts to look after them additionally. They believe that maximum care is regular shampooing with a quality shampoo, and - sometimes - using a balm or conditioner. However, natural jewelry cannot remain invariably beautiful throughout a womanβs life - sooner or later one has to resort to certain cosmetic procedures and the use of special preparations, such as, for example, hair moisturizers.
Naturally, starting the process of treatment, restoration or just supporting the hairstyle, you can not stop there. This is especially true in relation to hydration, since the problem of dry hair, if it has arisen, then, unfortunately, will not be finally defeated. Dry and damaged as a result of the strand must be treated, and the best remedy for this is, according to professional cosmetologists, a specially designed (or manufactured at home) moisturizing mask for hair. It is created on the basis of oils (it can be olive, castor or burdock oils), which not only help the scalp retain moisture, but also nourish it with the necessary vitamins and minerals. All these substances treat both the skin and the structure of each hair, filling it with strength.
Oils have a beneficial effect on the hair and help them fight against the negative effects of the environment. All these elements are necessary for curls of dried, brittle and lifeless. But a moisturizing mask for oily hair is also very useful, as it corrects the functioning of the sebaceous glands, and for healthy hair, protecting them and preventing the manifestation of all of the above problems. In addition, in addition to oils, useful masks should contain substances such as proteins, keratin, panthenol and lecithin, strengthening strands, making them even visually stronger.
If a suitable mask has already been selected, you can start the cosmetic procedure - however, do not forget that this medicine should not be used too often. Many women think that the effect of this accumulates, but, in fact, excessively plentiful and often applied masks simply accustom the hair to themselves, so it will be practically impossible to wean it later. For good hydration and nutrition of damaged curls, only 2-3 procedures per week are sufficient, and they should continue for no more than 7-10 minutes, after which the composition of the mask must be washed off with plenty of warm water. The fact is that a poorly removed moisturizing mask for hair is capable of harming to some extent, making the hairstyle difficult.
If all of the above does not help to achieve a return of natural beauty, you should ask for help with methods that our grandmothers have never failed, that is, with traditional natural preparations. You can wash your hair with shampoo eggs, rinse sore curls with herbal tinctures and decoctions, you can make a useful hair wrap with various substances of natural origin, for example, with dairy products. To help in the fight against dryness and brittleness of the natural adornment of any woman, ordinary kefir or yogurt, which need to be carefully lubricated with strands, put a plastic cap on top and then wrap a warm towel around your head. If the case is not too fuzzy, then after just one or two applications, the hairstyle will again become healthy and radiant.
With the help of traditional medicine, a moisturizing mask for hair is obtained that will never be created in an industrial environment. All that you need to create it is natural vegetable oil - burdock or olive, a little lemon juice and twenty minutes of patience, while this tool will do magic and restore damaged curls.