What is a "blow": the meaning, analysis and essence of the word, the selection of synonyms

Words are an integral part of life not only for those who handle them professionally, but also for people who are far from literature, journalism, or copywriting. People want, if not to speak beautifully and correctly, then at least to be understood very accurately. Such information is especially relevant for pupils, students and those who are engaged in self-education and (or) refreshes the school or university curriculum.

For example, someone is interested in what a “blow” is: all the meanings of this word, its analysis and essence, as well as synonyms, antonyms, hyperonyms, hyponyms and phraseological units. The article will help to understand the topic, select the maximum possible number of similar and opposite in value options and study the illustrations for the application of the majority.

Word properties

Morphological and syntactic properties of the word “blow”: noun, inanimate, masculine, second declension (type of declension 1a according to the classification of A. A. Zaliznyak).

Analysis of the word “blow” on the composition is presented below. How is it disassembled? So:

  • hit;
  • root: -stroke.
Beat, parsing words by composition

Meaning of the word

"Blow" is:

  1. A sharp, strong movement of one object towards another, which ends with their close contact. The blow was so sudden and accurate that the man did not last on his feet for several seconds.
  2. Sound (figurative). After this incident, she winces each time, barely hearing the impact of a slammed door.
  3. Another meaning of the word “blow” is an unexpected misfortune, a severe shock (figurative). The departure of a friend was a strong blow for Victoria.
  4. Sudden rapid offensive (portable, military). The blow of the enemy took the soldier by surprise.
  5. Shelling, bombing (portable, military). They bombed terrorist positions.
  6. Another essence of the “blow” is a severe sudden illness (portable, medical). Despite the fact that this was the first time, he immediately realized that this was nothing more than a heart beat.
Impact, meaning of the word

Synonyms for the word

Coinciding and related words:

  • Push, earhook, crack, slap in the face.
  • Cuff, kick, slap, slap in the face.
  • Click, slap, insult by action, beating.
  • Trouble, motivation, impact, collision.
  • Impulse, hemorrhage, jolt, shock.
  • Serve, raid, jag, drama.
  • Shake, apoplexy, misfortune, distress.
  • Shock, sound, drive, attack.
  • Blow of fate, misfortune, execution of Egypt, sorrows.
  • Knock, pendal, assault, tragedy.
  • Rumble, hesitation, grief, trouble.
  • Penalties, cotton, shelling, bombing.
  • Stroke, adversity, misfortune.
  • Cutting, hook, bounce, attack.

These are synonyms for the word “strike."

Synonyms for the word punch

Use of popular synonyms

Often people are interested in how synonyms for the word “strike” can be applied in practice. A few examples:

  1. Cyril woke up from the shock of the train. The dream was nervous. They seemed to go off the rails.
  2. If the course of events is the opposite, I will give you such cuffs that you will never forget!
  3. Even he himself could not deny that this click was, although unpleasant, but well-deserved.
  4. No matter how she tried to hide the problems behind a smile, all her colleagues knew that she was in trouble.
  5. It was an impulse.
  6. “Great serve, brother,” Stepan patted his comrade on the shoulder and lit a cigarette.
  7. Changing a geographical unit (especially boring for many years), even for a day, always gives a good shake.
  8. Traumatic shock.
  9. What is a hit? After thirty blows of fate you perceive almost without drams, and after forty you are completely indifferent. But this is only my experience.
  10. All that was left was to listen to the knock of the wall clock until dawn.
  11. With a roar rushed past the goods. It was always interesting what a particular train is carrying. But even more interesting are the passenger ones.
  12. He loved to shoot a penalty, he did it best.
  13. This was the third stroke of Maria Romanovna, and even her daughter did not believe in a successful outcome.
  14. The man used a hook.
  15. After his phrases, I wanted to give him a pretty slap in the face!
  16. Her slap in the face was some analogue of a kiss, so for a long time he rejoiced at her like a fool.
  17. Not a single meeting without massacre!
  18. This conflict will be written in history textbooks.
  19. They both departed from this shock no less than all fall.
  20. This drama was only in harmony with the early loss of his father.
  21. Another disaster on our already miserable head!
  22. Since I don’t have a choice to know or not to know what a blow is, I prefer to live in anticipation of another attack of fate.
  23. This dream clearly portends some sorrows.
  24. Just a dozen tragedies in the morning. You think!
  25. If someone invited her to describe herself in a four-letter word, it would be “trouble."
  26. As a child, she survived more than one bombing and miraculously survived.
  27. Happiness is hidden behind every misfortune; sometimes it’s enough to move a little “not” a bit.
  28. Don’t bother Artem Grigoryevich, last night there was an attack again.
  29. The unfortunate cat got another kick. The owner laughed and wiped his fat hands on his pants. I still could not imagine how I would take care of Vaska, but already knew that I would steal him tonight.
  30. From the ball, slaps were heard along the river.
  31. The doctor talked for a long time about a hemorrhage in the brain. But this term is all that he managed to remember.
  32. And only the belief that any misfortune should one day be balanced by something completely opposite helped to continue the struggle.
  33. “Only you attack worse than Colorado beetles,” said the uncle with a gentle smile. The girl breathed a sigh of relief - everyone will forgive her again.
  34. The boat hesitated underfoot, it scared and bewitched at the same time.
  35. Somehow, all kinds of hardships fell upon them, as if someone had cursed.
What is a hit

Antonyms, hyperonyms, hyponyms

The antonym of the word “strike” is “counterattack”. Hyperonym - "impact". Everything is extremely simple.

Among hyponyms:

  • Hook.
  • Zubotychina.
  • Swing.
  • Slap.
  • Crack.
  • Uppercut.
  • Slap in the face.
  • Click.

Examples of use of antonyms / hyperonyms / hyponyms

As a rule, it is not enough to know what a “hit" is. No less important are illustrations of various forms of the word. You can use these options as follows:

  1. The enemy delivered a standing counterattack.
  2. This effect will be echoed by a gloomy echo for a long time to come.
  3. Denisov missed a powerful left hook. It was a fatal mistake that determined the outcome of the battle.
  4. For his ridicule, Konstantin repeatedly received denticles, but could not stop.
  5. The opponent from Italy again excelled in his signature swing.
  6. Father silently gave him a slap in response. And then he could not resist and laughed at a bad joke.
  7. The man got a crack, but did not regret his words. Such a character.
  8. The boxer hit the opponent with an uppercut.
  9. She knew how to masterfully slap in the face with just one look. Such women are found once in a million.
  10. For example, he had a strange habit of knocking small objects from a table with a click: a sheet of paper or a pencil. He said it calms him.
What is a hit (counterattack)


Among the common phraseological units and stable expressions:

  • Heat stroke / stab / apoplexy / stab in the back.
  • Direction of main strike / bomb strike / in strike / be in strike.
  • First strike weapons / free kick / hit / sunstroke.

They are quite common.

Separate mention is the meaning of the word “a sharp thunderclap” or “like a thunderclap”. It means something sudden, unexpected. Her words were like a sharp thunderclap.

Meaning of “a sharp thunderclap”

The use of phraseological units

With them you can make such sentences:

  1. The heat stroke received in the morning was not so terrible in itself. But hopelessly spoiled Elena's mood.
  2. This is not love, my dear, when two think only about how and when to strike one another.
  3. As far as I know, the cause of death was an apoplexy stroke.
  4. What is the direction of the main blow? To live until tomorrow.
  5. They witnessed a powerful bombing strike by enemy aircraft.
  6. Apparently, forever dissatisfied and known as the most rigorous teacher at the university, today was in shock.
  7. What is information? This is a real weapon of the first strike.
  8. The judge awarded a free kick.
  9. Dad taught me how to hold a blow. And this is not only about boxing.
  10. The article tells what the sunstroke is dangerous, what are the main symptoms, and how to provide first aid to the victim.

The meaning, parsing of the word “strike”, synonyms and phraseological units will no longer frighten speaking and writing people. Let's talk right!

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