What is pollen? Pollen properties

What is pollen? This is one of the most nutritious natural foods with a slightly sweet, floral taste and almost all the nutrients that are needed for the human body to function properly. Granules and powder can be added to protein shakes, cereals, yogurts, salad dressings and more. It corrects digestive problems, increases the rate of burning fat and calories, alleviates the symptoms of asthma and allergies, and eliminates cravings for alcohol and drugs. It removes toxins and toxins from the body, fights fatigue, depression and sleep disturbances, improves libido, promotes cell generation and reduces recovery time after training and injuries.

what is pollen

Wide range of pollen use

Flower pollen is widely used in medicine to treat a wide range of diseases and health problems. Studies have confirmed that this life-extending natural product is a powerful antibiotic, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory.

Due to its wide range of nutrients, plant pollen is an excellent natural energetic and a fighter against fatigue. In addition to the healing vitamins, minerals, and protein, it contains enzymes that can aid in digestion, allowing the body to get all the nutrients from the food it is eating. Pollen benefits also include helping treat allergies by lowering histamine levels. It is a very effective remedy against a wide range of respiratory diseases.

This is a good tool for the treatment of various kinds of addictions, first of all it concerns increased appetite. Pollen is a wonderful remedy, especially when it comes to weight loss. European doctors say that people with alcohol problems show a significant reduction in alcohol cravings when they use pollen.

pine pollen

Application features

What is pollen? Since this is food, it acts faster and more efficiently when taken with food. This allows you to carefully cleanse the intestinal flora. A spoonful of fresh food at breakfast is preferably taken with the fruit to enhance activity. Pollen is useful in cases of stress and nervous disorders due to the high content of natural vitamins. It energizes and is believed to slow down the aging process.

pine pollen

The composition of pollen grains

What is pollen? This is a natural product that is well tolerated and combined with other types of treatment. It is a powerful nutritional supplement for children, growing teens and adults of all ages. This is the only natural food that contains almost all the elements that make up the human body. Fresh pollen contains at least twenty amino acids, which are the building blocks for the proteins needed to build every cell in the body. There are also more than a hundred active enzymes that are found in fresh pollen. They help the body prevent and fight diseases.

pollen properties

The healing properties of bee pollen

Due to its properties, when applied to the skin, pollen has a healing effect in wounds and acne. It is also valued as an excellent weight controller, as it is a low-calorie product and contains natural phenylalanine. This amino acid helps suppress appetite. The lecithin in the composition helps to dissolve and remove fat from the body. Its ability to rejuvenate the body stimulates the work of organs, increases vitality.

Pollen Properties:

- promotes the growth of new healthy cells and increase tissue repair;
- accelerates the process of elimination of toxins;
- lowers cholesterol;
- makes pressure stable;
- increases resistance to various infections;
- stabilizes the nervous system;
- Increases fertility in women;
- inhibits the growth of tumors;
- eliminates excess calcium deposition;
- promotes the release of excess uric acid;
- helps to improve concentration and memory;
- increases sexual activity;
- helps to increase strength, stamina and overall energy level;
- fights cancer, diabetes, arthritis and depression.

plant pollen

One of the most perfect natural products.

What is pollen? The ancient Greeks and Romans called this amazingly useful natural food supplement โ€œlife-giving dustโ€ and โ€œragweedโ€, which they consumed to gain eternal youth. Modern science confirms that this mysterious nectar promotes natural rejuvenation, is an excellent cosmetic product, gives energy, prolongs life, fights allergies and relieves digestive upsets. In addition, the composition includes easily digestible protein and lecithin, which nourish the brain and nervous system, as well as provide energy to the entire body.

tree pollen

Pollen structure

The pollen of trees and plants is used to transfer genetic material from the anthers of one flower to the stigmas of another during cross-pollination. In the case of self-pollination, this process occurs on the same plant. Each grain contains plant, non-reproductive, cells and generative (reproductive) cells. In flowering plants, vegetative cells produce special pollen tubes, and the generative cell divides to form two sperm.

With the exception of some submerged aquatic plants, mature pollen grains have double walls. Vegetative and generative cells are surrounded by a thin delicate cellulose septum and a strong outer layer of sporopollenin. They protect vital genetic material from drying out and sunlight. Pollen grains have a wide variety of shapes (most often spherical), sizes, surfaces, and markings characteristic of a particular species.

pollen benefits

Pollen formation

Pollen is formed in microsporangia and is found in anthers of stamens of angiosperms. The pine, fir or spruce pollen examined under the microscope will differ from the smallest pollen grains of forget-me-not, which are about 6 microns in diameter. In angiosperms, the anther consists of a mass of cells during flowering, which are divided into four groups of spore cells.

Fertile spores are surrounded by special sterile layers that grow into the wall of the pollen sac. In the process of microsporogenesis, four haploid microspores are formed from each diploid (maternal) cell after division (meiosis). After the walls of the pollen sacs are split by a special enzyme, the released pollen grains increase in size and acquire their characteristic shape.

flower pollen

Not only bees love pollen

The diet of many species of predatory and parasitic arthropods, as well as hymenopteran, includes pollen, despite the widespread belief that bees are its main consumers. Spiders are generally considered carnivores, but pollen is an important food source for some species, especially those who catch the coveted grains using their webs. Among the fans of this product there are also insects, for example weevils, leaf beetles, barbel. It is known that ladybug mainly feeds on insects, but many of its species also feed on pollen. This also applies to semi-winged insects, flies, butterflies, bats and even mushrooms.


The incredible properties of pine pollen

Pine pollen is essentially dust that fills abundantly the air surrounding a tree. It contains a substance called phenylalanine, which is associated with brain neurotransmitters. Another important ingredient is arginine, which increases the release of growth hormone and increases fertility in women. They say that pines are the great ancient sages, covering their entire ecosystem with gold pollen with their blankets, which feeds and nourishes the soil, plants, animals. Pine pollen is a substance that promotes growth and regeneration, increases vitality, serves as a motivation for life and even helps in achieving goals.

Sounds great, right? Is it really? It contains a large amount of carotene, vitamins A and B, B1, B2, B3, B6, folic acid, vitamin D and E, a mass of minerals, including iron, potassium and zinc. It has more than twenty amino acids, including eight essential ones. But perhaps the most interesting health benefit is that pine tree pollen is considered androgen. This means that it has the ability to increase testosterone levels and is its natural source. By the way, pine pollen is traditionally consumed in Korea as an ingredient for sweets and drinks.

Is this product safe?

Bee pollen is safe, at least when taken for a short time. Bee pollen, like regular bee honey, can cause serious allergic reactions, including shortness of breath, hives, swelling and anaphylaxis. It is advisable to limit its intake during pregnancy. Women should also avoid using bee pollen while breastfeeding. Bee pollen can cause increased bleeding if certain blood thinners are taken. In any case, before self-medication, you must consult your doctor.

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