Gastric lavage: technique, algorithm. Methods for gastric lavage

Everyone can find himself in a number of situations when knowledge of how to perform gastric lavage, technique, algorithm of execution, and methods of carrying out this simple action can save a life. How not to get confused in a difficult situation? And in what cases can one do without washing?

gastric lavage technique algorithm

What is the stomach for a person

The human stomach is an organ consisting of muscle tissue that is hollow inside. It is one of the important parts of the digestive system. This organ is located between the esophagus and the duodenum. The volume of an empty organ in an adult is about half a liter. After eating, the volume increases to 1 liter, and when normal portions are exceeded - up to 3.5-4 liters.

Gastric lavage, the technique (algorithm) of which will be described in this article, may be necessary if the body perceived the food received as a danger. In this case, the food lump is retained in the gastric reservoir without moving into the intestines, where the absorption of dangerous substances into the bloodstream will increase. Nausea, vomiting, pain appears.

how to rinse the stomach at home

When the stomach is washed

There are a lot of indications for gastric lavage:

  1. Eating spoiled foods or poisonous mushrooms, leading to acute food poisoning.
  2. Intoxication of the body as a result of exceeding the permissible doses of alcohol.
  3. Poisoning with chemicals, toxic substances, household chemicals, medicines.
  4. Bowel problems.
  5. Atony of muscle tissue of the walls of the stomach.
  6. Binge eating.
  7. Treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and other organ systems.

gastric lavage in case of poisoning

The main flow of toxins is absorbed into the bloodstream in the first 2 hours after poisoning. This means that it is advisable to cleanse the stomach after the onset of the first symptoms of intoxication.

Three washing methods

Depending on the condition of the patient and the severity of the effect on the body, gastric lavage can be carried out by various methods. Methods for gastric lavage:

  1. "Restaurant method" that is, without the introduction of a probe.
  2. Flushing through a thick probe.
  3. Using a thin probe.

Evacuation of gastric contents using probes is carried out only by medical personnel.


There are a number of conditions that make gastric lavage impossible. The technique (algorithm) of carrying out in this case does not play a role, since the procedure is contraindicated in general. These conditions include:

  1. Internal bleeding.
  2. Receiving acid or alkaline burns of the larynx or gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Problems with cerebral circulation.
  4. Loss of consciousness.
  5. Violation of reflexes, convulsions.
  6. Organic narrowing in the esophagus.
  7. Heart rate instability, myocardial infarction, angina pectoris.

gastric lavage technique algorithm

In complex cases, any manipulations with the patient are carried out only after stabilization of his condition.

Self gastric lavage at home

Understanding how to rinse your stomach at home can significantly improve your condition with food or alcohol poisoning. The victim should drink plenty of water and cause a gag reflex. Preliminarily, a little preparation for manipulation is carried out. A solution for washing is made, a container (basin or bucket) for the contents of the stomach is placed nearby. Now you can carry out gastric lavage in case of poisoning.

In total, you will have to drink small quantities of 5 liters of liquid. 2 glasses are used in one go, after which the gag reflex should work. If it does not work, then it is stimulated by pressure on the root of the tongue. This can be done with a swab, a medical spatula, or simply by putting your fingers in your mouth. It is important not to try to drink all the liquid at a time. Youโ€™ll have to clean your stomach many times, otherwise you wonโ€™t be able to achieve the desired effect.

fingers in mouth

The same method is used in the hospital if the patient is for some reason unable to swallow the probe. An important detail is a large and multiple amount of fluid entering the stomach, just causing vomiting by putting your fingers in your mouth is not enough. In some cases, for example, when the victim drank strong acid or an alkaline solution, vomiting cannot be caused, as a repeated burn of the esophagus will occur. Flushing is permissible only through a probe.

Rinsing solutions

You can wash the stomach with ordinary boiled water, but it is better to make a special solution for these purposes. Proper preparation will increase the effectiveness of the procedure. The gastric lavage fluid should be slightly warm. The optimum temperature is 25-28 ยฐ C. A hotter solution will increase the rate of penetration of toxins through the dilated vessels. A cold solution can cause spasm.

For washing, you can use the following compositions:

  1. Weak saline. 2 tablespoons of salt are dissolved in 5 l of warm water. This composition enhances the contraction of the sphincter, preventing the penetration of toxins into the intestines.
  2. Pink solution of potassium permanganate. The solution should be light, slightly pinkish. Before use, it is filtered to avoid getting insoluble particles. The composition has antiseptic and antimicrobial properties.
  3. A solution of baking soda. In this case, 2 full tablespoons of soda are taken for 5 liters of boiled water.

gastric lavage fluid

Preparing these compounds for washing is not at all difficult, and if a person knows how to rinse the stomach at home, then it is advisable to do this before the ambulance arrives. The sooner assistance is provided, the faster the patient will recover. Therefore, if it is possible to carry out the procedure of cleansing the stomach yourself, you need to use this chance.

Gastric lavage in a medical facility. Fat probe

The introduction of a gastric tube for washing is carried out only by qualified personnel. A thick probe is a rubber tube with a length of about 120 cm and a diameter of 1 cm. The device is inserted through the oral cavity and esophagus into the stomach, then a funnel is attached to the free end and fluid is poured. The amount of rinse solution is calculated based on the weight of the patient. 5-7 ml of liquid is injected once per kilogram of mass.

During the fluid infusion, the medic keeps the funnel above the face, and when the solution reaches the mouth of the funnel, it is lowered into the rinse tank. The manipulation is repeated until clean water is obtained. The contents of the first portion of the wash are sent to the study.

Thin probe

The thin probe has 2 varieties: for insertion through the mouth and for insertion through the nose. This washing tool is more often used for poisoning children. For babies under 4 months of age, washing is done only with a thin probe through the nose. The solution is injected with a special syringe Janet.

gastric tube insertion

With the introduction of the probe through the nose, the patient can talk. The main thing is to verify that the probe has entered the stomach, not the larynx.

Features in children

The child is not able to understand that washing is necessary to alleviate the condition or save a life. So that the baby does not twitch and does not interfere with the nurse, he is swaddled tightly or held. An assistant is required for the procedure.

The volume of injected fluid for the child is much less. A single dose of liquid for a newborn is about 50 ml, for a six-month-old child - 100 ml, for a one-year-old baby - 200 ml.

Main mistakes

Both at home and in stationary conditions, gastric lavage, the technique (algorithm) of which is as simple as possible, can be carried out with the following errors:

  1. The victim is given a once-large volume of fluid, which leads to the opening of the entrance sphincter of the stomach and the penetration of toxins into the duodenum.
  2. The amount of injected and withdrawn solution is not controlled.
  3. Formulations for washing are prepared with violations. The solutions are more concentrated than permissible, potassium permanganate is not filtered, the temperature does not correspond to the norm.

gastric lavage methods

These errors can worsen the condition of the patient, therefore, the procedure must be treated responsibly.

In a dangerous situation, it is important not to panic, but to act confidently and quickly. If necessary, an adult should start washing the stomach at home, even before the arrival of doctors. It is advisable to take a small child to the hospital as soon as possible; children under one year old should not be washed at home.

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