Why the right knee itches: all interpretations

Signs have been of interest to people since ancient times. Each person would like to know what lies ahead to prepare for troubles. Or breathe a sigh of relief if they are about to run out. Of course, it does not always make sense to think about why the right knee is itching: itching can also be caused by natural causes. However, if it does not last very long, but repeats all the time, it is quite possible that fate is hinting at you some changes.

Why the right knee itches: omen

There are several interpretations of it. The good news is that all interpretations are positive. The most common "translation" says that this sign portends a long and very pleasant journey. Maybe - in the warmer lands, where you have long wanted to visit, but still somehow did not add up. Perhaps there is even a cruise ahead of which you were afraid to dream. If you have been deprived of vacation for more than one year, you can be sure that this year you will still have it. They say that omen comes true for a couple of months.

what does the right knee itch

There is another opinion on what the right knee itches. If you believe him, such a sign portends someone's visit, but not ordinary, but very important, one can say, fateful. However, itching in the right knee can also mean acquaintance, which will greatly change your life, and for the better.

And finally, the third version, explaining why the right knee itches: ahead of the news, concerning either you personally or your family. Of course, very favorable and probably related to finances. At least the chef decides to raise his salary. And then an unexpected inheritance will be revealed.

Some clarifications

All the encouraging interpretations to which the right knee itches are valid only if the itch only annoys her. When both legs have to be scratched, the prognosis is not so favorable. The left knee usually itches to some complications. In this case, most likely, the road is waiting for you, but it will not be as light and cloudless as we would like. Maybe the car will break down, maybe the suitcase will be lost at the airport - you will have to run and get nervous. At the same time, the right knee is still “stronger” than the left, and in general the trip will be very successful.

If the journey does not threaten you from any side, the second interpretation comes into force: you have to survive jealousy. And you will become its object. So in the near future it is worth behaving more carefully and in no case give reasons for jealousy - just to avoid quarrels and scandals.

why the right knee is itching

No superstition

Even if you tend to believe signs, persistent itching in the knee should alert you. You may have caught a skin disease somewhere. Or your arthritis begins to develop. So a medical examination is clearly not superfluous.

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