Want to lose weight? There are several effective ways.

Excess weight is an unpleasant phenomenon. The reflection in the mirror only upsets, any physical activity causes shortness of breath and fatigue, sometimes it is the excess of adipose tissue that causes very serious diseases. Keeping track of your weight is also useful for people of normal physique. After reading all this, you already want to lose weight? This desire is commendable, we will try to understand how to achieve our goal.

The main thing is the right motivation

Want to lose weight
Before losing weight, you need to understand why you need it. Each of us personally knows at least a couple of cheerful fat men who have never thought about weight loss. Such people are successful in their profession, have no problems in their personal lives. They are joyful and positive, and most importantly, they look healthy. But if you are not one of them, and the thought "I really want to lose weight" often torments you, it's time to start acting. A good motivation can be the desire to improve their appearance. Just imagine: getting rid of extra pounds, you can wear any clothes and will delight others. If on the personal front you are haunted by failure, think about the fact that, having lost weight, you will become more popular with the opposite sex. Or maybe you want to do some kind of sport or dance, and only the extra weight bothers you? People who already have health problems, losing weight promises a noticeable improvement in health. Is it possible to come up with the best motivation? Once you understand why you want to lose weight, write this goal in a separate notebook. Remind yourself regularly for what you are fighting a war with extra pounds.

Where does overweight come from?

I want to lose weight correctly
In the early days, try to observe yourself from the side. Where did this problem come from? Perhaps you start eating when you feel depressed or worried? Or is high-calorie food a reward for you doing something done during the day? Record all observations. Try to understand what, in addition to satisfying your hunger, food gives you, and replace it with a different reward. Suppose you have successfully completed an important project at work and are going to celebrate this with a hearty dinner in a restaurant. Limit yourself to lean meat and salad, and go to the cinema or theater for the money you save. Not a bad alternative, is it? If there are no such obvious problems with eating behavior, evaluate how well you distribute food throughout the day. Do you often eat up just before bedtime, how often do you skip breakfast? Perhaps you just eat exclusively fatty dishes and pastries, forgetting about fruits and vegetables? Find mistakes in your diet and write them down as well.

Making up a weight loss strategy

I want to lose weight quickly and effectively
You can formulate your desire as: “I want to lose weight quickly and efficiently” and you have no time to make a plan and analyze? But a lasting result, irregularly throwing from one diet to another, is impossible to obtain. Weight loss should be approached wisely. It is time to decide exactly how you will lose weight. You can choose some kind of ready-made diet or dwell on the principles of good nutrition. We all know these rules from childhood: less sugar and salt, meat products - low-fat, preservatives and semi-finished products of factory production - at a minimum. But if everything is so simple, why are there so many people who are overweight? There are some special tricks. The most high-calorie foods should be consumed in the morning. It is not worth completely abandoning dinner, but it is advisable to make it light and choose easily digestible products. In addition to the nutritional rules, other measures that you are ready to take to reduce weight should be recorded on the same list.

Physical exercise

I really want to lose weight
Losing weight without sports is unlikely to succeed. It is theoretically possible to achieve weight loss by following a diet. But with such weight loss, the body will remain loose, the skin may sag. Do you expect this result when you say to yourself: “I want to lose weight correctly”? In addition, physical activity will significantly accelerate the process. The best option is to perform simple exercises and organize training 2-3 times a week. You can work out at home or in the fitness center. In the second case, it is not necessary to choose aerobic exercise or training on simulators. Dancing, swimming or Pilates will do. The main thing is that training will bring you pleasure and not get tired. Try to move more and out of class. Make a habit of walking up the stairs, get out of public transport for a couple of stops to the place of work, and continue on your walk. And on weekends, you can refuse to drive your personal car in favor of a bike ride.


I want to lose weight proper nutrition
Caring for the beauty and elasticity of the skin, do not forget about special cosmetics. After taking a shower, regularly apply a nourishing lotion or cream to the body. Such leaving will not take much time, but the result from it will be immediately noticeable. Peeling can be done once or twice a week. This procedure stimulates skin renewal, removing all dead particles. If you want to lose weight, you have probably already identified problem areas. For most women, this is the hips and abdomen. So why not do a wrap? The procedure is very simple: you need to apply a special composition to cleansed skin, wrap it on top with a film and a warm towel or a wide scarf. About an hour walk with such a compress, it is advisable to lie down calmly all this time. Then peel off the film and rinse off the active agent. For weight loss, wraps are most often done with clay, algae, honey and mustard powder.

Fasting days

A popular topic in many beauty forums: "I want to lose weight, proper nutrition does not help." In fact, if you do not constantly overeat and eat only low-fat products of natural origin, the weight will gradually decrease. A good way to speed up this process is to arrange fasting days for yourself . Begin by changing the diet for one day. Over time, you can increase this time by consulting with your doctor, up to three days. You can not eat at all during such weight loss and just drink water or consume any one low-calorie product. Sour apples, kefir, low-fat cottage cheese or yogurt are ideal for fasting days.

Tips for losing weight

I want to lose weight without diets
It is recommended to start your day with a glass of clean water. In this case, it should not be too cold, give preference to a liquid at a pleasant room temperature. If you choose mineral water, it should not be carbonated. If you are concerned about the amount of food you eat, you can drink a glass of liquid before each meal. But immediately after eating, it is undesirable to drink. It is better to wait at least half an hour and only then drink tea or coffee. Do not forget to drink enough clean water. The liquid in the form of soups and a variety of drinks does not count. If you want to lose weight, try to avoid digestive problems. To prevent them will help the use in sufficient quantities of plant foods containing coarse fiber, and dairy products.

If you still can’t lose weight ...

Could it be that a person follows all the recommendations received from a nutritionist and regularly goes in for sports, but the weight does not decrease? Surely many will think that there is a violation of the regime and some indulgences of losing weight in relation to themselves. But this is not always the case. A similar situation may indeed occur. The reason for this is most often serious metabolic disturbances or hormonal disruptions. In fact, it is worthwhile to undergo an examination and consult with a nutrition specialist before starting any weight loss course. Even if there is no problem of obesity, and with normal weight, the patient says: "I want to lose weight by 2-4 kg without diets." But if you still decide to lose weight yourself, but it doesn’t work out, it's time to see a doctor. In the absence of a result or a negative effect, you can not try to further reduce weight on your own.

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