Alla Pugacheva. How to lose weight by 51 kg Primadonna: diet, photos before and after

Which women do not dream of having a slim figure without sagging folds of fat and stretched skin? Hope for a new image is given by the most famous pop diva, the shocking Alla Pugacheva, which has recently appeared on the TV screen. How thin the star, millions of women want to know.

alla pugacheva how she lost weight

Passion around Pugacheva

Perhaps only the lazy does not discuss her life with her young husband, the birth of children, who has gained a third youth and harmony. There is talk that Alla Borisovna managed to lose almost five dozen weight over the past year. Not only that, because prettier to the same. Yes, there is something to envy. But is everything as they say and show? As Alla Pugacheva lost 51 kg, all female journalists are trying to find out.

Scammers immediately activated, ready to profit from the desire of women to become like Alla. Why not throw a “white bone" into the crowd? The main thing is to do it on time, energetically, with a general stir. There were miracle nutritionists who were supposedly ready to share the secrets of the Pugachev diet for all women. But here they remind you: if you want to be beautiful and slim - pay. But it is such a pleasure of a lot of money.

Ready to share thoughts on the magical effects of "25 frames." We decided to recall Kashpirovsky, with his mythological broadcast from television screens about universal recovery? Our people are gullible, it is only worth blowing in all ears about the means of losing weight. Well, it’s not a sin to remind you that nothing happens for free, just a few hundred thousand. Yes, beauty requires sacrifice, especially financial. Only stars like Alla Pugacheva own such finances. As the Diva really lost weight, let's try to figure it out now.

how alla pugacheva lost 51 kg

Attraction of unprecedented weight loss

Returning to the image of Alla Borisovna, you can see that her wardrobe has changed significantly. Once created by the talented couturier V. Zaitsev, the hoodies for Alla, hiding her forms, went into oblivion. They were replaced by short, tight outfits, a completely different lineup. It remains only to admire the radiant face of the Diva and her new forms. Very noticeably thinner Alla Pugacheva. Photos before and after flaunt in all print media.

In response to idle correspondents, Alla throws short phrases with her usual sharpness and humor, which just got rid of the refrigerator. This was the reason for the appearance of gossip, myths about the singer’s diets, which she used. Moreover, the number of people who want to believe in a fairy tale never decreases. So why not make money on it?

Myths about cucumbers and coal

It turns out that Pugacheva sat on a cucumber diet for several months, and washed down the cucumbers with brine. Day after day, cucumbers worked a miracle, kilograms left like in a fairy tale.

A whole course was offered at the suggestion of one of the diets - the absorption of activated carbon in special doses. Obviously, the authors of the diet encouraged such a step by the cheapness of the remedy itself. Pugacheva Alla Borisovna obviously lost weight not from these two products.

Hidden pictures are another myth

The most spectacular video course "25 frames." The promise that any woman who has watched the acquired course will immediately cease to grow fat, begin to lose weight and very soon turn into a reed. Again, Alla Pugacheva is exhibited as a role model. How the star has lost weight excites many, while others just make money on it.

thinner alla pugacheva before and after photos

In commercials, people promise crazy records, if you follow the methods. It remains only to buy discs with a video course and watch every day until the result. Rapidly changing pictures cause dizziness, especially in people prone to seizures or with a weak vestibular apparatus. A person enters into a certain trance, which the subconscious tells him. Naturally, not having a specialist or psychologist nearby, you can seriously harm your psyche.

Attention! "25 frame" will not help you lose weight, but only harm your health!

But for some reason no one thinks that a sharp weight loss, especially by 50 kg, leads to poor health, especially for those who are not spoiled by it. As you know, the Diva suffered from serious heart diseases, moreover, an operation was performed in a cardiology center.

At the appointment with a nutritionist!

The authors of the myth began to talk about the Rublev clinic, where the singer and her husband did not regret to dump a few million to lie under experimental laser lipoxation. But as you know, the laser does not reduce weight and does not lead to weight loss. Liposuction can only affect excess fat and stretched skin. In one lipoxation session, no more than 4-6 kg of local fat deposits are removed. How Alla Pugacheva lost 51 kg - many ladies and even men ask.

how did alla pugachev's diet lose weight

There is, of course, a way to build after bandaging the stomach. But the bandage can be operated on and established only with general anesthesia, which is given according to the testimony of the attending physician. Alla Pugacheva’s health will not allow such manipulations.

What weight loss technique was chosen for Pugacheva?

Discussion myths disappear. But no one denies the visual weight loss of the singer. So what kind of methods were used?

A professional nutritionist selected a diet based on the characteristics of the body of the Diva. Thanks to her, weight loss went smoothly, without disrupting the vital functions of the body and without harming it. The diet allowed to lose 15-20 kg, and this did not happen in a few months, but much more. With this technique, every woman can lose weight, as Alla Pugacheva lost weight . The diet is compiled individually after passing the basic tests.

Radio wave liposuction helped to get rid of excess body fat in certain parts of the body - on the hips, in the waist. The usual procedure, accessible to all comers, costing not millions, but only 100-150 thousand rubles, which includes several removal sessions.

Cosmetological adjustments. The face, of course, was also processed by professional cosmetologists. Now there are many methods used in hardware cosmetology that do wonders on faces without resorting to plastic surgery. This may be a technique for rejuvenating Softlifting in injections; thread lift along the lines of the oval of the face. All these and other procedures are less traumatic and not hazardous to health. Alla Pugacheva comprehensively corrected her forms. As a star lost weight, every lady with extra money can lose weight.

Pugacheva Alla Borisovna lost weight

The stylist added the finishing touch to the new image of the diva. A completely different style of clothing, high heels, skinny jeans, appeared belts that emphasize the waist. So the image of the new Pugacheva was formed, much more advantageous, and therefore it seems that Alla lost 51 kg.

Want to lose weight? Love yourself for a start, go in for sports, proper nutrition, an active lifestyle, and your body will thank you.

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