Anti-wrinkle cream at home. Rating of face creams. Natural face cream

wrinkle cream at home

Women at all times sought to prolong, if not youth, then at least beauty. You are as old as you look, and not as much as your passport. For this reason, from a young age it is worth taking care of the safety of the appearance and internal condition of your skin.

In fact, it is simple and not very expensive, at least much cheaper than plastic surgery or injections with "magic" liquids. If you start thinking about a healthy appearance from the age of twenty-five, then you can not do without such an element for personal care, as a wrinkle cream. At home, you make or purchase it - there is not much difference. In any case, you can significantly slow down the aging of the skin, and at forty-fifty years of age do not think about surgical intervention. In this article, we will share a recipe for such a drug as the best wrinkle cream that you can make yourself, and also make a rating of the most popular and effective anti-aging products.

Scalpel, injections or cream?

Is it possible to maintain skin tightness without the intervention of a surgeon and beauty injections? This issue is becoming increasingly relevant with age. Perhaps the solution will be anti-wrinkle cream. Reviews of this relatively inexpensive “tool” against aging are mostly positive. More recently, girls and women did not believe in the power of such drugs and chose expensive procedures. Nevertheless, modern social surveys and medical studies show that the use of the right cosmetics can accomplish a miracle comparable to using a scalpel.

the best wrinkle cream

What affects the appearance of the skin?

What is the matter? In fact, there is no magic in the action of creams. Why does skin age? This process is associated with dehydration, loss of nutrients, as well as internal factors such as smoking, malnutrition, alcohol and stress.

Have you noticed how good people look at the age who spent their lives outdoors in the countryside? This is not magic, but the result of healthy and natural food, work in the fresh air, lack of reason for stress and unnecessary worries.

Three “whales” of beautiful and youthful skin

Although you live in a metropolis, you can help your skin look decent. If you start looking after your face and neck from a fairly young age, giving the skin nourishment and necessary moisture, then you will slow its aging! So, the first component of a beautiful and young skin is the best wrinkle cream. This is a good tool that you use regularly from 25-30 years!

The second rule is no bad habits. You may not believe it, but it is smoking and alcohol that age the skin more effectively than time. You must admit that only when looking at a lady who drinks often and heavily does we think with contempt that she is an alcoholic, even if she is not even forty. That is, alcoholic beverages quickly leave an imprint on the face, disfiguring it not only with wrinkles, but also with tubercles, creating the appearance of an old boot. Nicotine, on the other hand, gives the skin a yellow color, which in the morning appears earthy-gray. Another “gift” of the smoker is deep circles under the eyes. Even chubby people, who have always been famous for mouth-watering cheeks, lose their healthy fullness due to smoking, which, as it were, shrinks. It is up to you to smoke or drink, but believe me, that all efforts to prolong youth will be destroyed if you have bad habits.

The third “whale” of young skin is a calm and happy life. It is clear that you do not order yourself not to be nervous and not worry about nothing, but you will have to do this if you want to look young. Again - creams will not help you if you are used to living in stress, “lighting” it with a glass of wine.

All three of these factors work together. Observing the rather simple rules listed above, you can look great at any age, feeling great at the same time.

natural face cream

Cooking wrinkle cream at home

As we have said, this is not difficult at all. Is it possible to prepare a natural face cream on your own, without spending a lot of money? Why not! Ingredients can be purchased at the pharmacy. Following our instructions, you can create a wrinkle cream at home.

You will need: dimethylaminoethanol (10 ml), your usual moisturizing face cream (90 mg), essential oil of orange or mandarin (5 drops), sesame oil (3 drops), a little gel or other aloe vera.

Dimethylaminoethanol is in liquid form, powder and capsules. When making a wrinkle cream at home, it is best to choose dimethylaminoethanol in liquid form. It is this tool that has a pronounced tightening effect. Sesame oil and gel or cream with aloe vera will help to quickly transfer the healing properties of your cream deep into the skin, to the cells themselves, and soak it.

At what age can I use homemade cream?

As you can see for yourself, the composition of the cream is absolutely harmless, does not contain unnecessary chemical components and harmful fragrances. You can use it from twenty-five years old - before it just does not make sense.

The natural face cream that you get according to the recipe above can be used in two ways - as a cream and as a mask. If you have many small and deep wrinkles, you need to apply the product in a bold layer on the face twice a week, leaving it for 15-20 minutes. On other days, use a wrinkle cream at home, applying it in a thin layer on the skin.

We also recommend that you do not disregard your hands and neck. The skin there is very delicate and eventually becomes flabby. It is no secret that most of all age is not given out by the face, but by the arms and neck. Lubricate your skin with cream several times a week, best at night. In fact, for the neck and hands, you can even use inexpensive nutritional creams - in any case, you will get a good effect.

Overview of face creams for wrinkles

We compiled a rating of face creams, taking into account their relevance, prices and reviews of women. Read, analyze and choose.

face creams rating

Natura Siberica - an inexpensive natural remedy

According to reviews, Natura Siberica is a very effective tool, while its cost (from 150 to 220 rubles at various retail outlets) is available for every woman who wants to preserve the beauty and freshness of her skin. The cream has a completely natural composition (based on extracts of Siberian cedar and snow cladonia), without additives in the form of synthetic or hormonal components. This is what determines the democratic price.

The consistency preparation is very thick, has a non-sticky structure, does not leave a feeling of greasy or film on the face. What effect will you get when applying the face remedy from Natura Siberica? According to reviews, small facial wrinkles within a month after daily use will become less noticeable and will be smoothed out after five to six months of using the product. The skin will be filled with inner radiance thanks to deep hydration. The manufacturer confirms that the effect of the lifting cream will be comparable to salon procedures, but only if it is used for a long time, and most importantly, for regular use.

famous wrinkle cream

Avon, Thermal Lifting Cream with Thermal Effect

Another popular remedy that we have included in our rating of face creams is Avon's facelift “Thermolifting” from the Anew series. The price of the product, according to the catalog, is 699 rubles (however, the company often makes special promotions that allow you to purchase the product half the price of the regular price). What is the cream special about?

It should be noted the excellent ability to absorb - after application, the cream is immediately absorbed and gives a very noticeable sensation of heat spread. It contains extracts of plankton, almond seeds, corn, wheat proteins. The composition is natural, and therefore the product is hypoallergenic.

anti wrinkle cream reviews

“Garnier Ultra” - a cream for wrinkles on the forehead and on the face

Garnier Ultra-Lifting cream is more suitable for mature skin (over forty years old), however, due to the fact that the brand has established itself as a youth, there are many reviews from 30-year-old girls. Of course, at this age there are still not a lot of facial wrinkles on the skin, and yet the reviews are mostly positive. For a small amount (340-400 rubles), you get a fairly oily wrinkle night cream based on natural ingredients that quickly absorbs and moisturizes the skin. And yet, the manufacturer recommends using the drug not earlier than forty years.

Salon Instant Face Lift

The famous anti-wrinkle cream is the Instant Facelift. It is more expensive, but it should be noted that at the same time it is very noticeable in action. Its price is from 1800 to 2300 rubles, depending on the point of sale. This cream is suitable for wrinkles with a lifting effect only for mature skin and, as young ladies who have already tested it on themselves, the effect of applying for a month is comparable to salon procedures.

forehead wrinkle cream

Costly new Liqiuskin

Reviews about Liqiuskin cream are not only positive, but also negative. Literally after the release of this product of the trademark From Vanessa, negative comments appeared - the girls who tested this product said that, apart from a hole in the budget, they didn’t get anything else from buying the drug (the recommended price is just over 3,000 rubles).

The release of Liqiuskin was really backed up by tremendous advertising support and description - an instant face lifting effect that completely replaces the use of a scalpel. Nevertheless, it is possible that the negative is the work of competitors, since Liqiuskin has a lot of supporters. Here's what those ladies who liked the cream noticed: dry skin becomes soft and silky just a week after application, small wrinkles near the eyes and lips are smoothed out after 3 weeks, the oval of the face improves as a result of monthly use of the product.

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