Detralex treatment course - an effective treatment for varicose veins of any localization

According to statistics, among the most common complaints that patients turn to a vascular surgeon is venous disease. The drug market is constantly replenished with modern drugs, both domestic and foreign, production. Among them, many are intended for the treatment of diseases of the venous system, including such a widespread disease as hemorrhoids. The effect of these drugs is mainly in the ability to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, reduce swelling and inflammation, and reduce bleeding, which is very important during treatment during exacerbations of hemorrhoids. One of these drugs is Detralex.

Detralex treatment course will help in eliminating pain, a feeling of heaviness and night cramps in the legs in chronic lymphovenous insufficiency. Also, drug treatment is indicated in cases of acute bouts of hemorrhoids. Detralex promotes intensive outflow of lymph, restores the elasticity of the walls of the veins and normal microcirculation, as a result of which the venous stasis is eliminated, edema is reduced, metabolic processes in the vascular walls and surrounding tissues are normalized.

Most of the patients who have been treated with Detralex note the effectiveness of the drug in the treatment of both the initial stage of varicose veins of any localization (hemorrhoids, varicose veins in the digestive tract, on the legs), and in advanced cases of the disease. In the treatment of thrombophlebitis and venous thrombosis, the drug is prescribed simultaneously with antiplatelet agents and thrombolytic drugs, and with bleeding, it improves blood clotting. Detralex, exerting an effect on the walls of blood vessels, does not affect the properties of blood in any way, which led to its wide scope.

The absolute harmlessness of the drug for pregnant women is not proven, however, Detralex during pregnancy It is used quite often. Detralex is a herbal and effective drug, but it is not always possible to calculate how it will work during pregnancy. There are cases when the risk of developing an infection or bleeding in the anus is so great (with hemorrhoids) that the course of treatment with Detralex is prescribed to patients, however, no complications from the fetus or mother have been identified so far. However, when prescribing the drug, a female therapist or obstetrician-gynecologist must first weigh all the pros and cons of this appointment.

To obtain a lasting effect, in cases of varicose veins of the lower extremities, a course of treatment with Detralex should be combined with wearing elastic stockings, monitor body weight, avoid prolonged standing, and compensate for the lack of movement with physical exercises.

Detralex is produced in the form of oblong tablets. During treatment of the acute phase of any venous disease (of any kind), the drug is recommended to be taken according to the scheme: 2-3 pcs. 2 times a day. The duration of treatment is determined by the reaction of the body to the therapy. After the abatement of acute phenomena, the drug is recommended to be taken 2 times a day with one tablet (morning and evening) for at least 1 month.

About how to take Detralex, in each case, the doctor decides. It is especially important to observe the dose of the drug during pregnancy. Naturally, you can not take the drug with individual intolerance of its constituent components. It is not recommended to take it during lactation, as medicine does not yet have data on the allocation of the drug with milk.

Side effects from the use of Detralex were almost not observed. Rarely encountered problems in its application include general malaise, nausea, vomiting, headache, and diarrhea.

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