Cryomassage of the face: stages and reviews

One of the latest procedures in the cosmetology industry is facial cryomassage. This is a special type of therapy during which liquid nitrogen is used. The procedure is very popular, moreover, it is suitable for everyone - men and women, young and old clients. Cryomassage of the face does not last very long and is absolutely painless, even pleasant. It is relevant in those cases when it is necessary to normalize the work of the sebaceous glands, tone the skin and cope with age-related changes.

Principle and principles of the procedure

Cryomassage of the face - a procedure that is carried out using liquid nitrogen. This is a kind of liquid that does not have any smell or color, but only the puffs of steam that surround it. The boiling point of this chemical element is -1960 degrees Celsius, but at the same time under conditions of terrestrial atmospheric pressure it is completely safe.

Due to the fact that liquid nitrogen has an incredibly low temperature, when it comes into contact with the skin, it activates previously "sleeping" processes in it. Firstly, blood vessels and capillaries begin to work faster. Secondly, fat metabolism in subcutaneous tissues is accelerated. As a result, wen disappear, the pores are cleaned and become much smaller. Thirdly, such a sharp temperature drop raises the general tone of the dermis. That is why the face after cryomassage becomes more radiant, young and healthy.

What is cryomassage?

Types of cryomassage

This procedure is recommended not only to maintain a healthy person. It is also very effective for specific skin problems such as acne, acne, dermatitis and even aging. Due to the fact that each client had its own individual needs, conditionally the cryomassage of the person was divided into two categories or into two types:

  1. Deep. This procedure is aimed at combating flaws such as papillomas, comedones, dermatitis and so on. In this case, a cotton swab, with which a massage is performed, is applied to the affected area of ​​the skin for 20-30 seconds. Very deep wrinkles are smoothed in a similar way.
  2. Standard. The cosmetologist simply conducts along the massage lines, thus normalizing the work of the skin and subcutaneous tissues.

Also, depending on the needs of the client, facial cryomassage can last from 10 to 30 minutes. Note that this procedure needs regularity (as a rule, it is 15 sessions). A course of cryomassage of the skin of the face is prescribed by a dermatologist, and it is not recommended to register for such a procedure without his approval.

Preliminary preparation

As such, this procedure does not require preparation. There are no restrictions on sunbathing or on the use of certain cosmetics. The only thing that a cosmetologist does before starting the procedure is a cold test. Liquid nitrogen is applied to the forearm, and if the reaction is within normal limits, then the procedure begins. Before the procedure itself, it is necessary to remove makeup from the face, degrease the skin and apply a moisturizing lotion to it. Then it is recommended to massage the face lightly, as if preparing it for the next procedure, warming it up. Additionally, we note that cryomassage of the face with liquid nitrogen is not recommended if the head hurts (for various reasons). A headache will make the procedure extremely unpleasant, and maybe even a little painful. In such cases, the session is either rescheduled or medications are used.

standard face cryomassage

Execution technique

Liquid nitrogen is an element that is stored in special thermoses. In order to apply it to the skin, the cosmetologist uses a wooden stick, on which a cotton swab is wound. This tampon is dipped in a thermos, and after that they are carried out in cursory movements along the main massage lines. It is important to know that the swab does not generally touch the skin. The massaging effect is due to exposure to evaporating nitrogen. As mentioned above, in the presence of special injuries or skin diseases, cryomassage is performed according to another scheme. In most cases, it involves direct contact of a cotton swab with the skin. How exactly should acne, acne and other "unpleasant moments" be treated with liquid nitrogen?

Therapy Features

Standard or general facial cryomassage with liquid nitrogen improves tone and skin color. If the face had a pale, yellowish or grayish tint, a healthy glow will appear on it after the procedure. Also, such a massage eliminates sagging and fatigue of the skin, eliminates bags and bruises under the eyes.

According to reviews, cryomassage of the face with nitrogen can be a peeling at the same time. To do this, you only need to hold a cotton swab on each skin area for 15-20 seconds. This will give an excellent exfoliating effect, all dead skin cells will evaporate, the surface of the skin will become more even and smooth.

Blackheads can also be removed with cryomassage. For this, it is worth lingering on the affected areas for no more than 15 seconds. The pores will be cleaned and narrowed.

Severe suppuration and reddened acne are also treated locally with liquid nitrogen. A cotton swab lingers on the affected areas until a slight pallor can be traced. After this, the beautician proceeds to the next abscess. Each pimple is worked out 2-3 times.

In addition, we note that in some salons, hollow porous metal rollers are used to perform facial cryomassage (see photo).

cryomassage of the face with hollow porous rollers

Indications and contraindications

Cryomassage of the face with liquid nitrogen is prescribed in the following cases:

  • The presence of warts, papillomas, acne.
  • Treatment of dry or oily seborrhea, allergies.
  • Getting rid of wrinkles, sagging and lethargy of the skin.
  • According to reviews, cryomassage of the face is necessary to "fix" the results of the introduction of Botox injections, as well as after plastic surgery and other cosmetic procedures.
  • Improved blood circulation to increase overall skin tone.
  • Also, cryomassage can be part of a face care course. It is done in tandem with ultrasonic or mechanical cleaning, with peeling and other procedures.

There are contraindications to this procedure:

  • Individual intolerance to cold.
  • High body temperature.
  • The presence of migraine or herpes virus.
  • Cardiovascular failure and hypertension.
  • The presence of inflammatory processes on the skin.
  • You can not do such a massage after a cerebral stroke and myocardial infarction.
facial cryomassage in a beauty parlor

Advantages and disadvantages

All procedures in the field of cosmetology have their advantages and disadvantages. The following can be attributed to the first:

  • Cryomassage is suitable for those who are contraindicated in mesotherapy during active insolation.
  • The recovery period is very short, so the procedure can be carried out up to several times a week.
  • Cryomassage is perfectly combined with other cosmetic procedures.
  • Liquid nitrogen is not the cause of age spots. Moreover, there is no direct contact with the skin, so the risk that it is injured is reduced to zero.

Cons in this case are very slight. During the day after the massage, slight swelling and redness appears. These symptoms are accompanied by a slight tingling sensation and a feeling of cold.

What happens after massage

Facial skin restoration using cryomassage is considered the most gentle and effective. However, immediately after the procedure, a peeling process is often observed, and it is worth saying that this is absolutely normal. The old dead cells are simply dying, and new, younger ones are replacing them. They make the skin fresher, younger and more elastic. Strong peeling can be observed in those places where pustules or pimples were located. Until they are completely cured, a similar trend is the norm. It is important to apply a moisturizer thickly after each cryomassage procedure, even if the skin itself is not very dry. With the same tool, you need to lubricate the face in the morning and in the evening, so that the fat balance is not disturbed. It is important to remember that cryomassage and tanning are incompatible things, so this procedure is best done in autumn or winter. If you signed up for cryomassage in the summer, use a cream with a high level of SPF.

cryomassage of young facial skin

During pregnancy

Bearing a baby makes a woman’s body very vulnerable and simply unpredictable. Almost all cosmetic procedures are prohibited during this period, but cryomassage is not included in their number. As such, there is no ban on carrying out a procedure using liquid nitrogen during pregnancy, but you should consult your doctor before starting the course. Also, if unwanted side effects appear during a massage, it must be stopped immediately. Note that any effect on the face zone during the period of bearing the baby provokes an increase in uterine tone. In the early stages of pregnancy, this can trigger a miscarriage. That is why the safest type of cryomassage in this wonderful period is a home procedure using ice cubes.

Cryomassage at home

Manipulations with the use of liquid nitrogen can be carried out exclusively in a beauty parlor under the guidance of a professional. The slightest violation of safety regulations with this chemical element - and you can get very deplorable side effects. Cryotherapy at home is the use of frozen in the form of cubes infusions of herbs, fruits, vegetables and other natural components.

  • For dry skin, it is recommended to freeze crushed fruits such as bananas, strawberries, blackberries, plums, raspberries, apples and others.
  • For oily skin, it is best to freeze freshly squeezed citrus juices.

Cubes in which the so-called mashed vegetables were frozen - carrots, potatoes, cucumbers, radishes, can be very effective. Such mashed potatoes need to be mixed with olive or coconut oil and placed in the appropriate molds, which will go into the freezer. With the help of such cubes, you can not only make cryomassage, but also nourish the skin with useful components.

cryomassage for men

Execution Features

When performing cryomassage at home using ice cubes, it is worth remembering about simple rules. Firstly, all movements should be carried out exclusively along the massage lines. From the nose it is worth moving to the temples through the lower eyelids or through the forehead, from the center of the chin along the cheekbones to the ears. The duration of the massage should be no more than five minutes. Melted ice cubes should be replaced with new ones prepared in advance. Immediately after the massage, pat your face with a soft towel and grease generously with a moisturizer. Beauticians also recommend that this procedure be performed in the morning, best of all - right after sleep. You also activate metabolic processes that will help maintain skin tone throughout the day.


The procedure, with which you can rejuvenate aging skin and improve problematic skin, has received a very popular name today - facial cryomassage. Photos before and after completing the full course of 15 procedures prove its effectiveness. Acne disappears, scars, scars are smoothed out, and there is no trace of acne. Moreover, expression wrinkles disappear, the overall tone of the skin rises, it acquires a healthy glow and beautiful even color. In the presence of big problems (acne and the like), as well as at an age when the aging process is already prevailing over beauty, cryomassage should become a constant phenomenon. It must be performed in accordance with the schedule. That is, a course consisting of 15 procedures, then a break, which can last two to three months, and again the course is repeated. By stopping to complete this procedure completely, you may encounter previously resolved problems.

facial cryomassage at home

Cryomassage of the face with liquid nitrogen. Reviews

Regardless of the severity of the problems associated with the state of the dermis, cryomassage does its job. Based on the reviews left by women who resorted to this procedure, the following conclusions can be drawn. Cryomassage allows you to:

  • Smooth facial wrinkles on the face.
  • Align the skin texture and make its structure more even and smooth.
  • Get rid of warts, papillomas, acne and other formations.
  • Cure acne and other types of rash.
  • Increase muscle tone.
  • Improve the functioning of the sebaceous glands. As a result, dry skin becomes softer, more elastic, peeling and tightness disappear, and oily skin becomes less shiny and less problematic.
  • Increase blood circulation in the subcutaneous layers. As a result, the color of the dermis is normalized, a blush appears.
  • Lighten age spots.
  • Restore skin after treatments such as Botox and plastic.

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