How to protect the senses? Memo for schoolchildren and adults

The human sensory system is part of the nervous system. It is the sense organs or, as they are commonly called, sensors that are able to perceive the information that surrounds us. They use nerve impulses to transmit information to the brain, where it is analyzed. Why is all this necessary?

The sense organs are vital for living things, we simply could not survive without them. How to get food if there are no eyes? How to distinguish the smell of vinegar from the smell of water, if there are no organs of smell? And how do we understand that we are unhealthy (hit, cut, or burned) if there is no tactile perception? A man without sensory systems cannot exist unequivocally. That is why we will discuss a rather important problem - how to protect the senses.

how to protect the senses

Memos of this kind should be present in schools, universities and even in kindergartens. It is very important for a child to convey from a very young age that the sensory systems of his body must be protected.

The first thing to know is that a person has only five sensory organs: vision, smell, hearing, taste, and touch. Speaking very simply, we are able to see, smell and taste, hear and feel tactilely. Each sense organ has its own specific features, so we will consider each separately.

Vision and its protection

When does a person first recognize such a term as sense organs? Grade 4 of elementary school provides such information, but parents should worry about this problem much earlier than the children will have a short biology lesson on this topic.

From the very first days of life, it is the eyes that enable the child to study the world that is unknown to him. With the help of vision, we not only see objects, colors and shapes, but also determine the spatial position of the object. Thanks to this sensory organ, a person is able to write, read, get acquainted with the masterpieces of literature and art, and this is important for the development and formation of personality.

memo how to protect the senses

We are surrounded by a large number of different stimuli, but the visuals are of particular importance, because 90 percent of the information we receive is precisely through vision. It is for this reason that we will figure out how to protect the senses, and more specifically - vision. Some rules must be followed:

  • Good lighting while reading.
  • The ban on smoking.
  • Nutrition, good for vision.
  • If you wear glasses or lenses, be sure to look after them.
  • Change lenses and glasses on time.
  • If the doctor prescribed glasses, then they must be worn.
  • Visit a doctor.
  • Handle your computer, TV, phone, and so on correctly.
  • Do simple gymnastics during the day.

These simple steps will help you maintain your vision, or even improve if you do not run this problem. Remember that vision can also deteriorate due to mechanical injury, so protect them with special glasses or a mask during dangerous work. Do not look at bright light sources (laser or welding).

sensory system


Everyone knows that the organ of taste is language. This is a mobile muscle, one of the strongest in the human body. The surface of our tongue is not smooth, but rough, this can be explained by the presence of a large number of small papillae, which help us determine the taste of food. All papillae can be divided into the following groups:

  • Threadlike.
  • Conical.
  • Mushroom-shaped.
  • Grooved.
  • Leaf-shaped.

Based on the form, they perform any specific functions. Now a short list of rules on how to protect the senses (taste buds):

  • You can’t eat very hot food or drink boiling water.
  • Be sure to wash your hands before eating.
  • Do not take unknown preparations, plants, or other objects in your mouth.
  • Remember the golden rule: "when I eat, I am deaf and dumb." Do not talk while eating; this will help you not to choke.

sensory organs grade 4

Sense of smell

The sensory organ here is the nose. Thanks to him, we can not only feel wonderful aromas, but he warns us of many dangers, such as fire or gas leak. It is very important to know how to protect the senses, including olfactory receptors.

  • Do not inhale an unknown liquid directly from the container, direct air to the nose with the help of hand movements.
  • Dust is very harmful to the sense of smell, do daily wet cleaning and ventilation.
  • Smoking or inhaling tobacco smoke can also make your sense of smell worse.


The hearing organs are our ears, with which we perceive various sounds. The latter are vibrations propagated by a sound wave. Not all sounds are audible to a person, there are certain limits, and sounds that go beyond their boundaries are infrasound or ultrasound. Hearing is necessary to protect, and how to do it, we will consider right now. Memo how to protect the senses (hearing):

  • You can not scream in your ear and listen to loud music.
  • Do not clean your ears with sharp objects, otherwise the membrane may be damaged.
  • Wash or clean your ears daily.


We still have the last sensory organ - the skin, it is she who participates in the process of touch. It has the main function - protecting the body from external influences. Skin helps us distinguish between heat, cold, pain, and so on. We pass to the main question. So, a memo on how to protect the senses:

  • Take a bath or shower daily.
  • Wear clean and quality clothing.
  • Avoid burns, cuts, frostbite and so on.
  • Do not touch unfamiliar plants and street animals.

By following these simple rules you can keep your senses healthy for a long time.

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