After FGDS, sore throat: what to do, possible causes and solutions to the problem

Fibrogastroscopy is an effective diagnostic technique for the detection of diseases of the stomach, including the initial parts of the duodenum. However, the use of endoscopes can lead to some discomfort of a pronounced nature. A number of patients noted that after FGDS, a sore throat. What to do in this case? This question is interesting for many people.

Fibrogastroscopy - an effective method for the diagnosis of diseases of the stomach

You can, of course, use other diagnostic tools, but they do not have the necessary accuracy of the study of the inner lining of the stomach. What can not be said about FGDS. Nevertheless, many patients fear this procedure. Let's try to find out whether their doubts are justified.

Gastroscopy Overview

The high efficiency of fibrogastroduodenoscopy, or FGDS, is achieved thanks to the method of conducting such a diagnosis. Special medical equipment is used - a gastroscope (fibrogastroscope). This is a flexible tube, at the end of which there is a camera with a light source. During probe management, the doctor gets the opportunity to examine the stomach area, which in turn allows you to detect changes that cannot be detected by the radiological method.

Can throat hurt after FGDS? The dimensions of modern gastroscopes are becoming smaller, which is due to completely understandable reasons - in order to avoid severe discomfort. Large varieties are a thing of the past, and smaller endoscopes are replacing them. The distal end (the remote part of the device) of the latest models is equipped with a camera, which during the study transmits the image to the monitor.

Sore throat after FGDS

The quality of the resulting image is of high resolution, which allows you to accurately diagnose the disease. In addition, the difference between modern devices also lies in the fact that with their help you can not only examine the mucous membrane in detail, but also take a scraping for subsequent research.

What can be the reason for the appearance of pain?

Many patients face the most common complication: throat hurts after EGD. What to do in this case? And such a question simply cannot but interest. As a rule, these discomforts do not cause severe discomfort to patients. And for several hours after the completion of the procedure, the pain syndrome passes by itself.

But nevertheless, what causes such an undesirable phenomenon? They can be different factors:

  • Individual features of the patient's anatomy.
  • Low level of qualification of a specialist who performs endoscopic diagnostics.
  • Ignoring doctor's recommendations.
  • Other diagnostic manipulations conducted in parallel with FGDS.
  • The presence of a disease that is exacerbated by exposure to an endoscope.
  • An allergic reaction to the anesthetic used during the procedure.

As a result, pain can be delayed even for several days. The immediate causes are trauma to the mucosa, as well as the development of a local inflammatory process.

Mechanical reason

Why does throat sore after PGF? Among all the causes of tangible discomfort that were listed above, the most common is endoscopic tube mucosal damage.

FGDS procedure

This can happen in certain situations:

  • Outdated equipment is used - as a rule, a tube in this case is a large diameter.
  • Rough manipulation of a doctor.
  • Improper patient behavior during the procedure, which is usually expressed in excessive motor activity.
  • Patient intolerance to anesthetics.
  • Carrying out the procedure with obvious contraindications.

And since the mucous membrane is quite delicate, microtraumas occur as a result of these unacceptable manipulations: hematomas, erosions, and ulcers. Of course, there is no serious threat here, and for some time they completely heal on their own.

But if, upon completion of fibrogastroduodenoscopy, the pain syndrome itself does not go away for more than one day, or even more than 2 months, a sore throat after FGDS, it is necessary to visit a specialist in order to identify the cause and determine the treatment regimen. It is impossible to exclude the onset of ENT disease, which, apparently, has already become protracted.

Inflammatory factor

Another no less common reason for the appearance of pain after the FGDS procedure is inflammation (pharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheitis). And if patients have a predisposition to the development of diseases of the upper respiratory tract, they are threatened with angina.

Special medical equipment - gastroscope

The development of complications of an infectious nature after endoscopic diagnosis can be judged by a number of characteristic signs:

  • Sore throat is accompanied by tickling, itching.
  • When swallowing, tangible discomfort occurs.
  • Redness of the pharynx, purulent films with angina.
  • Swelling of the mucous membrane of the pharynx.
  • Body temperature rises.
  • Weakness, lethargy, headaches (symptoms of general intoxication).

In this case, the discomfort does not just last a few days - it, on the contrary, is growing. In addition, not only does the sore throat after FGDS, swallowing is painful. If a suspicion about the development of inflammation of the ENT organs crept in, you should immediately visit a physician or otolaryngologist to draw up a treatment regimen.

Proper study preparation

To some extent, it is unlikely that patients will be able to influence the skills of a specialist or the quality of the equipment used. However, it is in their power to avoid severe pain and other complications on their part. Compliance with all the doctor's prescriptions will compensate for those unpleasant sensations when the throat hurts after FGDS. And they simply can not be avoided during the procedure.

Preparation for FGDS

The rules themselves are not so difficult to follow:

  • For a day or two, you should refrain from taking "heavy" dishes. Fatty meat, smoked meats, all spicy foods, as well as carbonated (alcoholic) drinks, including strong coffee - are strictly prohibited!
  • During this period of time, you should use mild heat treatment - steaming, cooking, baking. The dishes themselves should be chopped and taken in small portions.
  • The last meal should be no later than 10 hours before the procedure.
  • Upon completion of the diagnosis, a temporary corrective diet should be maintained for several more days.

And if the doctor already needs to prescribe the procedure of FGDS to the patient, then he should explain to the patient the features of its conduct and familiarize with the rules for preparing for it. If you have any questions regarding this diagnostic method, they should be asked to a specialist right there.

How much sore throat after FGDS?

There are many factors to consider:

  • individual characteristics of patients;
  • recovery speed;
  • pain threshold;
  • accompanying illnesses;
  • specialist qualification level;
  • type of equipment used;
  • risk of complications during the procedure.

It is for this reason that it is imperative to adhere to all the recommendations of an endoscopist. Thanks to timely gargling, including irrigation with antiseptics, you can effectively and quickly remove pain.

Why does throat sore after FGDS

The main thing is to avoid the attachment of a bacterial infection and prevent the development of complications.

Throat treatment after FGDS

If a throat hurts after FGDS, what should be done specifically in this case? As previously noted, discomfort passes independently, and therefore some special treatment is not required. At the same time, if there are signs of an inflammatory process, then you can’t do without medications. Often these are local disinfectants:

  • Chlorhexidine Solution
  • Miramistin.
  • Furacilin solution.

The use of local antiseptic agents helps to disinfect damage to the mucous membrane as a result of the procedure, as well as stop its progression. In the event of a spasm, when the patient feels a lump in his throat, the syndrome can be stopped with the help of these drugs:

  • Drotaverinum.
  • "No-shpa."
  • "Platifillin."

People with symptoms of emotional lability are shown sedatives to avoid inappropriate behavior during the procedure:

  • Valerian.
  • Persen.
  • Afobazole.

If you have sore throat, it is better to contact your doctor to examine the mucous membrane and choose a treatment regimen. If the pain syndrome is not so pronounced, then tablets of local anesthetic action can be taken on the recommendation of a specialist.

Food after the procedure

But if a throat hurts after FGDS, what else to do besides using drugs? Discomfort in the throat at the end of the procedure can be triggered by improper diet. Usually, experts give recommendations that food should not be taken during the first 3-4 hours at the end of the procedure. But in the future, after all, is it necessary?

Nutrition after the procedure

In this case, it is still important to preserve the mucosa and protect it from the irritating effect. For this reason, some foods should be excluded from the diet for a while:

  • Spicy and hot dishes - they contribute to damage to the laryngeal mucosa, and can also cause the progression of inflammation.
  • A large number of spices and seasonings - otherwise there may be the same consequences as described above.
  • Smoked, salted or fatty foods - they are also a provoking factor in the appearance of sore throat after the procedure of FGDS. In addition, the course of the onset of the inflammatory process worsens.

Most patients are interested in the question: if throat hurts after FGDS, what should be treated? The organization of a proper diet in this case acts as an effective complement to antiseptic therapy. This will avoid many undesirable complications, as well as significantly reduce the risk of developing the inflammatory process.

In general, the prevention of sore throat largely depends on how correctly the patient himself prepared for the FGDS procedure and took into account the nutritional rules after it.

Gastroscopy and the common cold

Is it possible to carry out the FGDS procedure when the throat hurts? A case of a cold that has already begun is not a direct contraindication, only some precautions should be observed. Immediately before the manipulation, it is necessary to treat the mucous membrane of the throat and pharynx with a local anesthetic - this will reduce pain. Also instill a vasoconstrictor drug in the nose to reduce runny nose and improve nasal breathing.

Gargling after FGDS

After the procedure, patients are also recommended local antiseptic agents (spray, rinse), including antibiotic therapy in order to prevent the attachment of a bacterial infection.

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